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JAWS vs. CLAWS | National Geographic

you’re looking at one cheesed off tiger
in central India why does this beast
look so lightly vexed because crocodiles
have stolen stolen his personal sambar
the species of deer you see floating
here no one he killed it’s been
kidnapped pilfered plundered and that
kinks the Tigers garden hose big time
the Crocs don’t seem to care you ever
heard of the law of the jungle pal look
it out the tiger reluctantly retreats he
doesn’t give up
he just retreats Tigers don’t give up
their quarry easily this one sits
staring at what is rightfully his for
nine hours when other potential happy
meals come down toward the river to
drink he doesn’t even notice
finally he realizes the Crocs aren’t
going to give up so if he wants what’s
his he is gonna have to wade into battle
so far so good he’s grabbed his
purloined sambar without getting
attacked now comes the hard part the
retreat with his mouth full of 250
pounds of kill swimming backwards in the
water plant choke lake never
underestimate a hungry humiliated
outraged tiger he’s gonna get this done
Crocs be damned
the crux teeth are designed to grab and
hold prey not slice through the tough
hide of an animal like the sambar that’s
a vital part of this scenario the Crocs
had given up on eating the deer not that
they don’t register a protest but in the
end this is the Tigers tale to tell
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