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Hell on the Highway Preview | National Geographic

shit’s non-stop accident after accident
so I’ve seen 25 dead bodies okay people
decapitated burn this I see it
whiteouts no 420 phone that wins cute
pile ups spread out all over the highway
it’s just carnage
you hook the chain on wire cuz you’re
not a good operator
dirty son of a taking my call I’ve had
to prove myself because I’m a girl
watch out watch out
we’re in a economic crisis we have to do
as much as we can with as little as we
got Jerry are you staying for sure well
what are you doing
tow trucks get hit on the side of the
road all the time
she took everything bro oh my god my son
died in the stupidest way imaginable
once you lose respect this mouse when
you’re gonna die
a tow truck driver is dead the man was
trying to tow a school bus when a big
rig crashed and killed him
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