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Giant Monsters of the Deep | National Geographic

in books and movies they are monsters of
the deep with massive jaws waiting to
trap an unwary diver and drag them to
their doom true to their name giant
clams are the largest of their kind with
shells over four feet long but they’re
hardly dangerous in fact there’s never
been a reported death by clam
life as a giant clam is rather peaceful
they live in coral reefs in the warm
shallow waters of the Pacific Ocean with
shells wide open they bask in the
sunlight each clam has a set of unique
color patterns on its skin just under
its skin and a silent partner and algae
colony in this symbiotic relationship
the clam provides the LG with protection
in exchange for skimming a little algae
off the top for the midnight snack never
one to pass up a free meal the giant
clams also filter feed on plankton using
their siphons to draw water in and out
over their gills
but they don’t want to become food
themselves scattered across their skin
are hundreds of tiny eyes with them it
can sense shadows overhead any sudden
change and the clam is closed for
business although never fast enough to
put a person out of commission in fact
the way most people are hurt by giant
clams is by trying to pick them up they
can weigh a monstrous 500 pounds
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