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The Difference Between Preaching and Teaching

so today we’re doing a special edition
since we got a request last week from
one of our viewers on the difference
between preaching and teaching what I
think the difference is between
preaching and teaching that’s a great
question to ask because many times in
life we’re all in a certain phase of our
lives we were building leaders right and
maybe in your own business you have a
sales organization you’re building
leaders and your sales organization may
be a VP or CEO you’re building your your
leaders you have in your in your company
you may be running the church your
elders you’re dealing with your building
leaders your parent you have two three
four kids you’re building them into
leaders you’re a coach you’re building
your players into leaders so there’s
skill on building leaders into leaders
has a lot to do with teaching so what is
the difference between preaching and
teaching and have you ever had a
conversation with somebody where maybe a
coach mentor a supervisor somebody to
you kept talking to you talking to you
and you felt like you were being
preached at and after about 20-30
minutes you were it was as if you were
no longer present there your mind was
thinking about a movie you’re right in
your mind you’re thinking about your
kids right what time you get off work
and what time this person is gonna stop
talking so you can move on and do what
you’re doing have you ever been there
before by the way almost all of us have
been on both sides where we’ve either
pre preached at somebody or we’ve been
preached at neither feels good
somebody’s not happy about it so what’s
the difference between preaching and
teaching and this has nothing to do with
being a preacher or a pastor it’s just
when you preach at somebody or teach
somebody well what a preacher does is
preacher makes a lot of statements and
tells you what they used to do what they
did a teacher asks a lot of questions
and asks you to show them how you did it
if it’s sales show me your presentation
if it’s a CEO and you’re talking to your
CEO how did you handle that
confrontation with the employee show me
how you handled it right you ask the
question instead of jumping to
conclusion and once a teacher asks the
and makes the request to show them how
you did it then the teacher says these
are my suggestions and this is what I
want to encourage you and challenge you
to do to improve so today’s message
sometimes in our lives we tend to preach
over teaching I think it’s a good
reminder to do an assessment of
ourselves or we mourn their preaching
phase of our lives or teaching phase of
our lives right now it’s the message of the week
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