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Geographic Bee 2010 – SD Finalist | National Geographic Bee 2010

Alex if National Geographic was to come
to brookings what should we do while
we’re there and what would some travel
tips and some local things maybe in
brookings or in South Dakota would you
suggest that they see you should go to
the quarry gardens it’s on the campus of
South Dakota State University is a lot
of different kinds of flowers and trees
and you could go to all the glacial
lakes are scattered around here now are
left behind after the beauty of citation
okay anything about Mount Rushmore you
could probably go from here to Mount
Rushmore in about six hours and you can
see the needles one came and jokey in
the Black Hills okay and you could go
see Oh hockey damn near pier big and
and the poncho there’s a clutch home
that brookings is on top of it was cut
between the James River cut between this
photo that we live on and when the
Missouri River is and the Jim River has
actually cut deeper than an Israeli
press ok if someone gave you a free
ticket to travel anywhere in the world
where would you go and what would you do
while you’re there how will go to the
North Pole I would like to see it south
in every direction and also maybe want
to go to North Magnetic Pole so the
compass has been in every direction and
wherever I looked and I would like to
see all the wildlife there like the
polar bears and the seals that live
underneath the surface and I’d like to
see the ice broke SAT phone everywhere
if you were put in charge of the earth
for an entire day what’s the very first
problem or issue you would try to tackle
I would try to talk the world on war
because if for instance India and
Pakistan one toward over Jammu and
Kashmir and they fart about 100 or more
nuclear missiles there could be a nuke
on or nuclear water around the world
ruin our crops and with a team
more and more devastation okay and then
we’ll do this last one how do you smush
all of this information into your brain
and prepare for then the Geography Bee I
read atlases and fat books in the
official study led the National
Geographic and may take the countries of
the world at about ten at a time and
read information on each of them at the
ones i also i also okay dad helps you
study my dad helped me study and he
shows me a lot about history and what
places are important on the world
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