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Dog vs. Chicken | Dog Whisperer

Jenny and I have had this discussion
that we’re journalists by training so as
a journalist when you’re out at a scene
you observe and you don’t get in the way
of things with that kind of a
personality it’s really a challenge for
us to step up and and impose our will on
someone else including a dog what I’m
doing right so you want us to kind of
push past a biter
it’s a cry action there’s a bite your
bite II see what what what is lacking in
the relationship is the respect and the
respect comes from discipline right
right this is the respect comes because
you know how to follow through that’s
respecting she’s intimidated by you not
intimidated submissive okay but you do
have to dominate right you know dominate
and the animal world is healthy it’s how
they keep things balanced
look at this she just laid an egg huh we
scared an egg out of her oh I’m the
daddy oh it’s warm
you’re the daddy seasoned oh that’s for
you oh my god
that’s a Pennsylvania amazing thank you
you even get our chickens to lay wait
well we can we harvest things everyday
problems though that is that is funny
unbelievable what up look at Gracie
sniffing her now that’s wonderful s we
want that that’s that’s part of that’s
part of the and I want the sound the
more the sound you can’t have the egg
she can’t even touch the air give it
anything that has belonged to the
chicken she can’t touch it’s not hers no
see now this is my what I like right now
even though she’s facing she she is beat
she’s breeding that obsessively now it’s
just part of life
okay I never done this right but it
feels better not to be obsessive yes
when here Gracie sniffing the chickens
claws I mean I was really flabbergasted
I did not think that that was possible
and he did it within about a
three-minute window with tomorrow’s
breakfast safely chilling in the
Grogan’s refrigerator Cesar brings the
chicken and the Grogan’s back to the
original scene of the crime I can hold
the door shut
yeah she started charging yep yeah just
like this is my opportunity where’s the
sound a trigger
mm-hm she’s not thinking it’s just a
reaction there’s no knowledge behind its
things or reaction so that’s another
exercise that you can do you can make
this sound over No
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