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Dixon the Dog | National Geographic

I’ve got a ton of boxes and a ton of
people going through all of them and
nobody’s finding anything
I think that’s aluminium but thanks for
getting my hopes up I think this is
silver oh yeah let me see that could be
I’ll take a look we need to find about
500 more of these ha ha ha hey gun RIS
you got something what is it that looks
like a chess or something
be careful
I wouldn’t I got America Just My Luck
they want to find something in this mess
that might be silver there’s a dead body
in it you know what this is what it is
this is the ashes from somebody’s dog
Oh oh god I thought it was human ask me
I think this is silver though
what you there see it’s still there you
can see it down through there all right
this urn is made out of silver
this dog urn has some real weight to it
after dropping 1,500 bucks and spending
$200 on dinner for 12 it could be a real
gift from beyond zip good boy
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