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Top 10 Annoying TV Characters

just getting some ketchup for my veggie
I see like mayonnaise never tried that
on a veggie burger and maybe I should
but not today
capture a single egg there like nails on
a chalkboard
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
annoying TV show characters watch this
for this list we’ve excluded cartoon
characters we can’t stand cuz that’s a
list for another day number 10
Janice Littman gromek natos enstein
friends Oh
recurring characters are always good for
a laugh or in her case a cackle starting
in the show’s first season
Janice surfaced periodically to act as
love interest annoyance and ruiner of
life-changing moments between
appearances at the birth of Ross and
Rachel’s baby the fertility doctor Oh or
Chandler and Monica’s dream house Oh
Janice and her nasal voice cause various
unfortunate reactions in the friends and
audience members alike never again will
you have to hear the three words that
make your balls jump back up inside your
body number nine Kimmy Gibbler full
house what’s wrong with you my mom told
me to come over here and get my presents
there was a character referred to as the
annoying neighbor unlike all 90 sitcoms
full house is no exception and the
Tanners neighbor Kimmy Gibbler proves it
what would we do without Kimmy one can
only dream
Gibbler is DJ’s best friend for some
reason she’s also dumb wacky loud
vibrantly dressed her feet stink and
everyone always wants her to go home who
invited her but not before she delivers
one of the lame one-liners she’s famous
for I’d like to recite a little poem
entitled gasps uh number eight Kim Bauer
24 I don’t know what to say
as if Jack Bauer doesn’t have enough
problems he also has to constantly save
his idiot of a daughter
what again do to me Kim Bauer regularly
finds herself in harm’s way
distracting our beloved CTU agent from
his appointed world-saving rounds
she’s rebellious whiny and oblivious but
somehow she gets a job fighting
terrorists alongside her dad what is
your problem my problem is that everyone
in this place earned their job you got
it cuz of your dad any fans cheer
against her or hope she gets eaten by a
cougar so close
number seven friend fine The Nanny I am
friend five it’s the sound of music only
with a nasally broad from Queens in the
lead I haven’t even sung climb every
mountain yet for six seasons MS vine let
the high jinks with her cliched and
flashy style but what she lacked in
refinement she made up for in fashion
and over-the-top physical comedy and
tall hair even so we take her whining to
mr. Sheffield a thousand times if we
never have to hear that laugh again
number six
Laurie Grimes the walking dead here’s
rage aimed at several of this show’s
characters take Andrea who’s constantly
proving how strong she is Carl who’s
constantly proving how strong he is
or Laurie who’s constantly letting Carl
prove how strong he is
that’s my board by a slim margin we
choose nagging wife Laurie is the worst
sweetheart I want you to stay where Dale
can see you okay
since her parenting skills are
questionable she forced her husband to
battle his best friend and she’s a
trembling mess any time zombies are near
number five Wesley Crusher Star Trek The
Next Generation I’m Wesley like the
nagging wife the precocious child is one
annoying character type the son of dr.
Beverly Crusher Wesley is accused by
diehard trekkers of being whiny
obnoxious condescending and just plain
arrogant it’s quite all right sir
I understand please don’t interrupt me
Wesley this untrained goody-goody
regularly solves the enterprise’s
problems when a crew of highly qualified
Starfleet officers can’t get the job
done well I can’t make any promises and
that earned him the distinction of being
one of the least popular characters in
sci-fi Wesley was our attempt to make
you uncomfortable effective number four
Skyler white Breaking Bad I’d like you
to watch this lady while I found the
she’s just a normal woman who finds out
her husband is a drug kingpin why hate
her well cuz you’re rooting for Walt
even though he’s doing morally
objectionable things and Skyler is
always in his way I want you to pack
your things move die hard Skyler haters
also assert that Heisenberg’s old lady
is a harping shrew who smokes while
pregnant cheats I and launders money
herself but she who is without sin cast
the first stone
oh yeah keeper so I actually I know what
money-laundering is number three Samuel
screech powers Saved by the Bell
but worst nightmare has come true Oh
were mistaken these are Bayside’s cool
kids so why do they hang out with a kid
as annoying as screech because we’re
tough right not only is he nerdy and
scrawny which we could handle
he’s also an obnoxious socially awkward
scheming suck-up who causes way too many
problems to be endearing Oh done and the
voice cracking is just the icing on the
cake when it surprised Lisa turned him
down so much Lisa revenge tactic number
two Steve Urkel family matters Steve
remember those annoying 90-second
neighbors he was their king what do you
think annoyed the Winslows most his love
of science polka or certain dairy
product any cheese the glasses
suspenders and pants hiked up to his
armpits the dance no it’s obviously the
voice can I do they oh and this
nevermind we admit it he’s lovable in a
nerdy sort of way but we’d still rather
go on a date with stefan urquelle
number one King Joffrey Baratheon Game
of Thrones annual print it’s a testament
to Jack Gleason’s acting that most Game
of Thrones fans want to see the inbred
boy king’s head on a pike this one’s
real father it’ll catch him
whether it’s his insolence arrogance and
wine eNOS his propensity towards
prostitute abuse his gleeful use of
capital punishment bring me his head or
his spoiled nature I’m telling mother
he just gets under your skin which makes
him a great villain but it also makes it
so damn satisfying when he gets slapped
talking to a king and now I struck a
king did my hand fall from my fist do
you agree with our list which TV
characters piss you off the most for
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