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Deadly Virus Pushes Parrots to Brink of Extinction | On Assignment

a deadly virus pushes parrots to the
brink of extinction I’m Lucy McNeil and
this is National Geographic on
assignment your link to thousands of nat
geo expeditions around the globe today
we’re off to South Africa’s eastern cape
when National Geographic Steve boys
fights to save the last remaining Cape
parents deforestation has wiped out the
parrots main food source the fruit of
the yellow wood tree alternate food
sources leave them more susceptible to a
devastating beak and feather disease now
there are as few as a thousand left in
the wild Steve’s team recovers sick
parrots and helps nurse them back to
health we’re very excited actually do
that at least not for months Steve’s
been caring for these recovery birds
finding the matter there were really bad
condition and then to see them go back
dead birds flying it was a very very
special fish with so few left to life of
every character
that’s National Geographic on assignment
your link to our explorers
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