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Cannons Pin | National Geographic

I’m thinking macho via nectar baby kg
and I are a knocko on the us-mexico
border where the notorious revolutionary
general poncho violates each the Mexican
army the famous Buffalo Soldiers were
sent to protect the border and Diaz men
took potshots at the Americans ate
buffalo soldiers were wounded and now
we’ve got exclusive access to a golf
course where they were based we’re open
to score priceless poncho via related
artifacts or anything tied to the
Buffalo Soldiers
what is it
you ain’t gonna believe what I got I
have never found one ever look at what a
little Glade guilting or whatever that
is awesome this would have gone on a
soldier’s hat the regiment number is
broken off but this is an awesome fine
because during the battle at NACO the US
Secretary of War sent three batteries of
artillery to the border and they stood
shoulder-to-shoulder with the Buffalo
Soldiers this pin must have fallen from
one of their hats and it just shows
we’ve hit a super rich nectar sector kg
you just got a grapevine let’s keep
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