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Bug Out Vacation | Doomsday Preppers

alright boys let’s go we’re going on
vacation come on help me out let’s go
work together come on good job good job
I feel a lot safer because we were
totally prepared and we’ll be ready for
the job tray the drills are for so if
anything that does happen that we do it
like clockwork and it gets done fast go
rich oh nice our motto is to travel fast
and travel light as quickly as we can
and get away from a populated area said
it let’s go hey rich guide me in trade
getting the truck the plan is to get his
entire family to the desert bunker in
less than 40 minutes
shreya starts a timer yep all right hit
Brij you know timing is everything when
it comes to this bug-out evacuations how
are we doing on time we’re about 20
minutes into it all right rich
we are officially here stop the clock
what do we got we got 34 49 tastic we
made our bet that’s our best time once
there Tim and his sons build up their
prepping skills by practicing tactical
shooting rifle lock look
we train as often as we can out in the
desert there’s no restrictions like you
would have in a gun club so we’re able
to do more real-life situations shooting
alright so what we’re gonna do
balloons are gonna represent a good guy
and bad guy
alright the bad guy is the red guy no I
shot go go go get him get up again again
nice shot so it teaches him the fire
under pressure and the fire accurately
just up girl I got that guy I have
behind me any day my dad is out there
and he’s kind of different he trains a
lot and he’s always telling us to be
prepared and just hope for the best and
prepare for the worst I think every
American household should have done
never have enough guns never enough ammo
as a prepper Tim knows that at any
moment the unexpected can happen what
happened oh what happened damn thing uh
just misfired on it get truck up ready
he’s got your last one yeah okay
Tim Tim Tim look
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