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Bizarre Birth: Baby Lobsters | National Geographic

you’re watching a reproductive blizzard
one spiny lobster mom yes this lobster
mania is all coming from one spiny
lobster mom is giving birth and sending
her children off into the world in this
case the waters off the coast of Florida
her Lea pod has a bellows like action
that Rockets her young ones out into the
ocean about 700 thousand hatchlings in
all it’s a cloudburst of life a great
barrage of vitality swarming into the
ocean the larvae have a flattened shape
that allows them to drift and spin in
the ocean much is a snowflake drifts
through the air but what looks beautiful
to us looks like dinner to a multitude
of sea creatures and they make the most
of this larval buffet less than 3% of
the larvae survive and grow into adults
no wonder the mother has to carry
700,000 babies around
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