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We Are The Ancestors – The Empowered Human: 360 Senses!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again bloodlines I am my ancestors and
my ancestors are me a lot of us we talk
of our ancestors some people talk of
being from a certain breed of human
beings who were so powerful in all of
these things and for me I realized I am
all of the people that came before me I
am my ancestors and I am living through
them and I just feel a lot of times when
we talk of bloodlines we forget that as
human beings it’s not just us we are not
just the one person no we have millions
of people within us the energy of the
bloodlines is all within us and
essentially we are carrying this
ancestral DNA within us thousands of
years information is all stored within
us and for me this is empowering because
I’m realizing that we are never alone
and we have an abundant resource at our
disposal a lot of us we have to almost
listen to our inner Oracle again and for
me that’s what I had to do and that’s
what I’m still doing and realizing that
I have the ancient wisdom within me it’s
not just about reading a book a lot of
us we want to sound trendy with words
and all of these things but essentially
knowledge is always in the known as
always limitation but essentially when
people use their imagination when people
actually tap into the expansive nature
of reality then in essence we are really
swimming in the ocean
and we were just allowing ourselves just
to flow into being and realizing that we
are the great book we don’t have to
study external things we just have to
flow in talk to our own internal state
and this whole bloodlines and central as
this ancestral memory which is within us
I feel that a lot of times if we would
only realize that we would realize the
same people that we’re so called praying
to are really us the same people that we
are looking at in history books are us
it’s all us in this one moment we are we
are all our ancestors and I’m just
realizing how powerful that is I’m just
realizing that we also have a lot of
responsibility and it’s funny this
phenomena goes on because a lot of times
you have singers and they have children
and their children sometimes their
children just become singers like their
parents and even if their parents have
died they still have that ancestral
memory within their bloodline blood is
thicker than water the blood essentially
the DNA contains the information and
that’s why I just feel everything is
passed on but for me I just realized
that the blood is always changing the
crystals which are in the blood always
changing and that based on our own
attitude and for me that’s why I look at
it like this when we are co-creating
life when we are in creation state how
are we healing ourselves how are we
creating a positive environment within
our body so that our blood can be
cleansed so that when we have children
when we there they basically will have
memory from us which is also positive
rumination a lot of us we live in a
stagnant state and therefore that memory
is also being passed on but for me it’s
all about forming new blood crystals
within our own body so therefore we can
pass it pass it on and essentially when
we all realize that there’s nothing new
Under the Sun and this whole spiral
spiraling of everything it’s just like
humanity we have to wake up and smell
the coffee we have to learn and we have
to remember remembering who we are
putting ourselves back together this is
the synthesis infinite waters ancestral memory tapping into it we are it peace

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