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Being Philo Farnsworth | American Genius

my name is Philo Farnsworth and I
invented electronic television I think a
genius is simply someone who keeps
pushing and keeps exploring keep seeing
what is possible I think we are
instruments of God put here to make
something better to improve the lives of
man and that moment of creation of
inspiration of what people call genius
is God speaking through us David Sarnoff
is one of the most brilliant businessmen
I’ve ever known and he’s one of the most
hardworking people I’ve ever known and
in that sense he is a genius but his
realm is not in science his president of
RCA they accomplished incredible amounts
they made radio what it is and they
popularized television in a huge way but
a business genius not so much a
scientist I had the first designs for
electronic television I created them
when I was actually still a freshman in
high school David Sarnoff and his team
of scientists disputed that claim for
many many years partly involving a trial
process attacking our funders things
like that there was a time during the
trial and appeal process it’s not
something I like to talk about but
things were particularly hard all of our
financial backers for television had
pulled out in favor of RCA my wife Pam
and I we didn’t have much then and the
idea that television would go on and I
would not be its inventor that was hard
but ultimately my patent was recognized
as the first one for electronic
television and thus I am the inventor of
television for me it was never about
making the most money
it wasn’t about running the best company
it wasn’t about running the best
business all of those things would have
been nice sure
my goal was for electronic television to
exist at all and to be known rightfully
as its creator so in that sense it was a
victory all the rest was just trouble
along the way
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