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Badass Dino Bird | National Geographic

you don’t usually think of a bird as
being a killer unless you’re Alfred
Hitchcock but this badass Dino bird
takes no prisoners because it lacks
hands and the planning ability required
to take prisoners
yeah badass the cassowary is a
prehistoric looking beast that can grow
over six feet tall
imagine an emu an ostrich and a dinosaur
all kind of combined into one and you
kind of got yourself a look kind of like
a turducken cassowaries live in
Queensland and the islands of New Guinea
and they’re very protective of their
home the twist is that she’s not a nerdy
grad student with Bo now they have to be
pretty territorial over their particular
fruit trees or they’re going to run out
of food I eat pot roast the same way
defenders of their fruit paths or
territory male cassowaries are
aggressive but the females did you tell
them they could put my weight on TV
you’ll pay for this Herald badass bird
cassowaries are interesting in terms of
their parental care because the males
are the ones that provide the bulk of
the care truly the mr. mom’s of the
animal kingdom’s are out of the picture
leaving the male to raise up the the
babies and of course to feed them with
the fruits available in his territory
aka a bag of Cheetos and some pizza
rolls or extra mouths to feed
defending his territory has never been
more important he’s stepped down I’m
never mind
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