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Are Birds Modern-Day Dinosaurs? | National Geographic

when an asteroid slammed into Earth 66
million years ago only about 20% of all
animal species survived so whatever
happened to these lucky few birds come
from a long line of survivors it started
millions of years before the asteroid
strike was a dinosaur family called
earpods the fear of Hodge family
featured reptilian specimens some of
which had bird-like traits including
feathers and 3-toed feet a distant
cousin of theropods in today’s Birds was
the Archaeopteryx fossils from Germany
gave the animal to about 150 million
years ago and they show how the animal
may have even had both reptilian and
avian traits many ancient birds would
also exhibit this mishmash of traits but
eventually some of these avian dinosaurs
evolved to have more recognizably
bird-like characteristics one example is
the sparrow sighs sonorous sentences
discovered in China around 1990 the
archaic creature is considered one of
the first birds capable of flight in
1992 a new specimen was discovered in
Antarctica called Vega vus III the 67
million year old creature may have
looked like a duck and sounded like one
the fossil included a vocal organ called
a syrinx which is only found in today’s
about a million years after the time a
big of this is the asteroid struck earth
and redirected the evolutionary paths of
many animals including Birds three bird
groups of the theropod family managed to
make it through such a cataclysmic event
and scientists are still uncertain as to
how ever since birds have been able to
adapt and evolve eventually blooming
into the over 10,000 species alive today
so the next time you’re looking out at
your bird feeder remember that you’re looking at the modern-day dinosaurs
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