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Apollo Robbins on Time | Brain Games

what’s your name my name Jackson Jax man
hold out your hand like this have you
seen this before
alright so hold your hand just like this
now I’m gonna drop the bill and I want
see if you can grab it before it hits
the ground but you can’t lower your hand
you gotta keep your hand there when I
let go you just grab it as fast as you
can all right think you can do it it’s
pretty easy right okay we might let go
the bill you grab it there’s a permit or
deception which is the bracketing of
time meaning that you assume a situation
weekend at this time and this time when
in reality it began way back here and
it’s ended back here it’s continuing so
you’re only aware of this portion your
frame play is only having this part what
if the play started before you walked
into the theatre before you started
watching the stage and it started way
back out when you’re on the street in
the parking lot I think that’s a lot of
what happens in deception is when you
can use the timing and when people think
the game begins first when it actually
seems right hey hold your hands just
like that
I know it’s your fingers getting close
cheering close again all right go and
keep your hand just like that all right
remember I let go over you just grab it
okay we got 20 I think he’s good for 20
all right here come on when it comes to
time and people we often think of reflex
do you have fast reflexes well there’s
ways of playing with that and one of the
ways is taking advantage of the time it
takes for you to see something then for
you to react to that and when I go use
grab hey hold on I want you to tell you
how this works okay so when you see this
it’s got go into your brain okay come
around go down to your hand and by that
time you don’t have time to grab it
that’s why it’s not working
go ahead and try it again
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