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The Most Important Concept for Financial Freedom

so today I wanted to start four special
episodes in dedication of financial
literacy month for the month of April
all related to money in today’s will be
the first episode so I thought about
what will be the most appropriate
message on the first episode regarding
financial literacy because at the end of
the day I think the main outcome of this
month is to help people become
financially free but isn’t it
interesting that even though we have
more information today on the Internet
access to learn about mutual funds
annuities insurance stocks bonds
everything is more accessible today we
don’t go to the libraries anymore why is
it that the percentage is still of those
who are financially free and those who
are not is still the same still a 95 to
5 percent ratio why is that do you ever
wonder why that is and I think it’s
because the number one reason for
financial literacy freedom is your own
self-image of your own self I think the
biggest problem isn’t the fact that we
don’t know about how money works
I think that’s secondary I think the
primary problem of our financial issues
we have in America is what are you worth
what are you worth to make every year
what is the amount of savings you
deserve to have what is your net worth
what do you want to do with your
finances so that becomes the main issue
so if you want to really gauge on how
that works I’ll go to a basic example
for you to kind of think about that what
is your self-image what do you think
about yourself do you think you’re
capable do you believe in yourself if
somebody comes up to you and tells you
and you’ve never made a hundred thousand
or two hundred thousand dollars before
and they say for instance you know I
believe you have what it takes to make
two hundred thousand dollars if it
upsets you that’s a reflection of your
self-image you don’t believe in yourself
did you get what just happened let me
give you another one if you find
yourself being around other people that
are also complaining about the economy
and where they’re at financially that’s
really a reflection of you that’s your
self-image because that’s your comfort
zone if you run other people that
conceptually talk about ways that you
can improve finances and how
simple it is and it upsets you that’s a
reflection of self-image good news is
all of that can be fixed it’s not a bad
problem I was there just 13 years ago I
didn’t think I was worth the amount of
money I wanted to make I didn’t think I
could make the kind of save I didn’t
think I can learn those things once I
got my mind to start thinking in a
different way about my self-image then
the next step was okay now I need to
learn about how money works 90 to learn
what to do with the money that I make
good example is this tax returns coming
up right okay so what are we gonna do
you can find out a lot about self-image
of us because I can tell you what I did
for many years when I got my tax return
I spent it for a trip or a party or
barbecue or something rather than that
tax return that money be taken out and
instead of you know putting it for
things like that the self-image if it’s
I want to be abundant I want to make
more I want to be financially free if
you take that money and start a business
if you take that and do something with
that money if you take that to start
your career into real estate or
mortgages or insurance or pharmaceutical
whatever it is a small business you
stock that is a reflection of your
self-image and I think once you do that
and constantly work on that it won’t be
an overnight process but you’ll see the
elevation of your worth going to a level
you’ve never been before and once you
learn how money works and the money
comes your way you know what to do with
that money so my first point a financial
literacy month is work on your self-image my message of the week to you
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