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Alien Invasion | The Legend of Mick Dodge

I hear somebody mix still 12 miles
outside of town hear them heal pounders
through the ground and encountering city
people this deep in the woods is like
spotting aliens from another planet I
watch people come out here backpackers
you know I got on those big thick boots
they got on their rain gear the only
thing they’re missing is damn oxygen
bottle going Oh Shh you see that tree
over there I think I’ll make like every
other animal in the forest right now and
find a good little hiding place and keep
my distance he spent the last 25 years
dodging civilization and in only seconds
he disappears into his surroundings I
say we just crawl in his log way well
look him go on by come on follow me
let’s get ourselves down and quiet he
blends in remaining motionless to avoid
detection no matter what I smell
yeah getting closer synthetic animal
moving through the mouseland’s be real
so we want to go this way
well then we’re not too far off you
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