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Aftermath: Cities Crumble | National Geographic

welcome to a world without people this
is Earth
thirty years after humans disappear our
cities are still filled with London wild
dogs hunt in packs roaming the roads and
sidewalks we once roamed
the concrete jungle is turning into the
real thing after years of neglect paint
is peeling away raw metal is exposed to
the elements rust spreads unchecked the
concrete skeleton of this office time
once protected from the elements is now
getting soaked by rain cracks radiates
out to the surface attacking the
building from the inside out in another
70 years our city’s the center of our
modern world are starting to prop
120 years after people disappeared
man-made global warming is finally
starting to end thanks to the oceans
churning waves have absorbed carbon
dioxide into the top layers of the seas
our impact on the climate is starting to
come to an end
we changed the course of two-thirds of
the world’s major rivers diverting them
for power and commerce this is the
Thames River in London England
humans had tried to control this river
for over 1,000 years now
it’s breaking free London is returning
to the marsh that the Romans found here
two thousand years ago in America the
problem is too little water this is the
Imperial Valley in Southern California
when we were still on earth half of
America’s winter fruit and vegetables
came from here each year
what was once California’s farming
miracle is once again a desert one
thousand years after the last human
beings walked the earth in Paris the
iron of the Eiffel Tower
is almost
it has slowly eroded becoming part of
the same in New York most of the Statue
of Liberty has fallen into the forest
her pedestal still stands however
towering above the trees around made of
solid concrete and granite it will last
thousands of years but given enough time
the planet will wipe away even these
last reminders of humanity but there is
one place where our imprint will remain
indefinitely it’s honoring the moon
unlike the earth the landscape here
changes very slowly craters over four
billion years old are still preserved
along with some human artifacts a car a
television camera the only reminders of
the human species that will last for
millions of years aren’t even found on
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