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“Your BRAIN Doesn’t CARE About HAPPINESS!” | Marisa Peer (@MarisaPeer)

we have this belief that our brains job
is to make us happy
oh no your brain still is to make you
serve I didn’t care if you’re happy it
cares if you survive it’s my philosophy
of changing negative situations and
doing a quick mind trick in my head to
say it’s the best your mind is always
eavesdropping on your self-talk right
and you have to be careful what you say
to yourself because it’s this
rise and shine it’s in stress no time
what’s up belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right to get there grab your coffee
and sip on today’s message stay positive
over to you Marissa Pierre we have this
belief that our brains job is to make us
oh no your brains job is to make you
care if you’re happy it cares if you
survive so when you say my job is
killing me this commute is stressing me
out I’m dying under the paperwork it
wants you to stop and so because you’re
my brains job is to move you towards
pleasure you’ve got to say I love
working weekends even if it’s not true I
love going to the gym I’m so lucky I’ve
got a baby that wakes me up at 3 in the
morning I know it sounds really
Pollyanna but you can trick your mind
all that I’m going I love it I want it I
like it
and that’s what Olympic athletes do when
they’re training when they’re getting up
at 3 a.m. to run they don’t go oh this
is great
but they also don’t go my god I hate it
they go yeah this is gonna make me a
little imp ik athlete because they
understand the minds need to move you
towards pleasure and away from pain and
if your leg pain to something your mind
will make you give it up really quickly
and people who fail give up their dreams
they leave pain to them but people who
succeed meet their dreams they go yeah I
want to work all week and I’m building a
business I want to work nights writing
this book so I’m going to write a book
you can choose what to link pain and
pleasure to in fact you can choose
in your life you know what you can’t
choose what happens when you say things
like I hate my job I hate my boss my
in-laws are killing me this kid is
driving me crazy sure you can choose to
say that but you can’t choose what
happens when you a very negative you’re
never going to accomplish anything great
if you’re coming from a place of
negativity if you are just complaining
and negative and blaming other people
you’re never going to accomplish
anything it’s just not gonna happen you
can’t create amazing things from a
negative spot it means that you have
zero resourceful Ness there’s no hope
and so you need to flip it now I’m gonna
give you a wild mind trick that that I
use that maybe is a little too weird
duck for you but I want to test it on
you because if if one of you picks it up
it’ll dramatically change your life it’s
my philosophy of changing negative
situations and doing a quick mind trick
in my head to say it’s the best so
whenever I’m hit with a negative
situation something that is beyond my
control something that I can’t do
anything about I will complain I will be
unhappy I’ll be negative for 8 to 24
seconds and then I’ll tell myself it’s
the best that this is the best thing
that happened to me and then I’ll figure
out why it’s the best so as an example I
want an airplane I’m coming from
Vancouver to LA I’m speaking at an event
in LA I’m on a flight it’s a five-hour
flight I get on this is really smelly
dude next to me really smelly guy I he
probably hadn’t been on you know in a
shower in a couple days probably had
multiple transfers and stopovers and I
have empathy I’m not I’m not pissed at
him I’m pissed at the situation right
I’m sure he’s normally a nice smelling
guy and takes care of himself but in
this situation he was super smelly and I
had to deal with it so what am I gonna
do I got a five-hour flight what are my
options I can not go you know I could
miss my flight and then not do my
presentation I could sit on the airplane
and be upset for the next five hours and
then be upset for the rest of the day
and allow this minor situation to own me
to be better than me and ruined my
entire day or I could say this is the
best and that’s what I did for around 8
to 24 seconds I’m sitting there
to figure out my options what options do
I have how can I do how can I fix this
there’s no option so I’m screwed and
then I’m upset you know upset
this sucks come on really this is what I
have to deal with her next five hours
and then this is the best and what do I
yep breathe it in breathe it in give it
to me because this is making me stronger
this is the best this is actually the
best why because it’s my chance to show
myself what I’m made of that this smelly
dude is not gonna own me that I am
stronger than a little bit of smell on
an airplane and that the next time I get
faced with a similar situation I’m able
to handle it it’s easy it rubs off me I
think that’s how you actually build
self-confidence that’s how you actually
build self-esteem because when it’s easy
it’s easy when in the race against
three-year-olds is easy doesn’t mean
anything you’re not gonna clap that up
yeah I beat a bunch of three-year-olds
but when it’s hard and you try that’s
when you actually build self-esteem and
so flip it flip it in your mind flip it
this is the best whatever negative
situation in front of you right now tell
yourself it’s the best let me give you
another example I’m gonna keto diet six
days a week
Saturdays in what I want and Sunday to
Friday I’m on a keto diet eating super
healthy you know all all avocados and
vegetables and some fish and we’re
traveling right now and I’m doing a
90-day tour across the country and I
told myself I want to come back in
better shape in lower weight than when I
left it’s easy for me to stay consistent
on home but when I travel it’s always
been my advice when I travel for a
couple days I’ll just veg out I’ll eat
whatever I want
frappuccinos down and everything sigh
gosh occur I can’t do that for 90 days
cuz I come back a giant up so I needed
to say okay you know what here’s the
challenge this is my chance to prove
myself this is my chance to show myself
what I’m made of
I want to come back weighing less than
when I had left and so we’re visiting
all these cities and there’s tons of
great food in every city right and and I
to look at the food and I want to smell
it I want it I want to look at it and
I’m stronger than you every grocery
store that would go into I love going
down the sugar aisle I love going on the
snack aisle
I love seeing the klondike Reese’s
Pieces bars I love seeing the Doritos I
love seeing them and I love smelling
them whatever I can and just knowing
that I’m stronger I think if you
eliminate the junk food from your house
and you’re on a diet it actually makes
you weak or you’re training yourself
that you’re not capable of resisting and
so there’s junk all over the place here
yeah let me show you look here we go
look we just finished off some junk but
we got right here right here in the
kitchen counter we’ve got fudge and more
fudge and then whatever those things are
pineapples and then some some fudge sea
salt caramels just line it up right in
here we got Doritos we got look at this
this is gonna kill me look this is your
peppermint patties you kidding me I
wanna eat that entire bag right now what
else let’s go to the third drawer look
at this we got we got snicker bytes we
thought I’m gonna I could eat this
entire bag right now I’m so hungry we
got we got raisins right
chocolate-covered raisins are you
kidding when the Sun was amazing I can’t
feel I want to eat all of it any and
here’s what I do when they come home
look at this this one here this dark
chocolate can you help me open this
because I’m filming it huh so here’s the
thing here’s what I love if I wanted to
eat this yours I would do here’s what I
would do I would open it up like this I
just smelled it just smell it
I know that I’m stronger than these sea
salt caramels now this actually pisses
me off because I don’t like dark
chocolate I can’t stand the smell and so
it smells nasty dude but I wanted to
smell good I wanted to smoke and I want
to smell I want to break free on top of
the counter in front of my face right
Doritos I want it right in front of my
face I have a giant bag of Doritos at my
home in my office because the breeders
are my weakness cuz damn the Doritos
because the degrees aren’t stronger than
me right that smelly guy on the air
he’s not stronger than me I’m capable of
doing that I’m capable of doing more and
so I love that and maybe that’s a little
crazy and when I tell people that story
they say well doesn’t that deplete your
your willpower cuz you only have a
certain amount of willpower for the day
and if you force yourself through that
you’re gonna deplete your willpower and
then other decisions become more
difficult and I get it logically but for
me maybe it’s just a mind trick coming
to play because that makes me stronger I
want more of it I love myself more
because of that I love it it gives me
more energy doesn’t take away my
willpower it creates more willpower for
myself and I can’t wait to dive into all
that stuff on a Saturday but when when
Nina and Danny are coming back with all
this food I want to smell it I want to
look I want to love it I want my mouth
to water even just thinking about the
Doritos right now my mouth is watering
so much and I love so much about myself
that I’m not diving into it and so
changing your identity that I have the
kind of person who rises to a challenge
who when it’s difficult I crush him I
jump into it I love it I think when you
can do that you’re much more likely to
go off and accomplish your goals I think
when you do that you’re much more able
to handle adversity in your life and
just a quick mindset shift just a quick
trick into your brain every single time
you find yourself being negative being
complaining being upset tell yourself
it’s the best this is my chance to show
myself in the world what I’m made of
let’s go bring me your Doritos bring me
your smelly man I got this I’m ready
you’re ready – it’s the best I’ve got a
really special bonus clip that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that
question of the day I want to know what
can you say it’s the best – today let me
know put it in the comments below I was
remember I was reading a book years ago
on preparing for a marathon and one of
the chapters again was on the psychology
of it and it said this verbatim you know
cuz I’m the memory expert it said your
ma here your brain is like a
supercomputer and your self talk is a
program that will run so if you tell
yourself you’re not good at remembering
names you will not remember the name and
next person you meet because you program
your supercomputer not to and I always
tell people that and and now I don’t I
don’t think the brain is like a
supercomputer it’s I think it’s a
it’s a weak metaphor for for for what it
is because you know this is like a
living computer that could do so much
more and has different capabilities but
I would say that your self-talk is
important and it is the program that
will run and always tell people to keep
it positive keep it empowering because
your mind is always eavesdropping on
your self-talk right and you have to be
careful what you say to yourself because
it’s this unconscious command so I’ll be
very careful like when I’m gonna get
nervous or I feel like I’m I think some
of the most successful people live at
the edge of their limits you know and
they and they play there also as well
and so and whenever I feel in my nervous
system I feel like I can’t do it then I
feel like I really must do it because I
feel like how we do anything is how we
do everything your ability to stay
positive and maintain positive thoughts
determines the tone of your emotional
life the words you use to describe what
is happening to you and to discuss how
you feel about external events triggers
the emotions of happiness or unhappiness
that you experience when you see things
positively and constructively and look
for the good in each situation and each
person you have a tendency to remain
naturally cheerful and optimistic since
the quality of your overall life is
determined by how you feel
moment to moment one of your most
important goals should be to use
positive affirmations and every other
psychological technique available to
keep yourself thinking and talking about
what you want and to keep your mind off
of what you don’t want or what you fear
and if you want more immersive peer took
at the top ten rules video manager the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there successful people do
what they hate to get to where they want
to be belief without talent will take
you far further than talent without belief
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