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You Need to Hear This! BEST ADVICE FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE (very motivational speeches)

I just really think I really believe
this from bottom my heart I think we
only live one time and like and we don’t
act like it
stop making excuses stop complaining
nobody’s listening
are you willing are you willing to
design a future for yourself that
demonstrates that you love you madly are
you willing to forgive like you have
never ever been betrayed what you need
to do is make one person happy you then
you can make everybody else happy you
got one shot on this planet one shot so
don’t you want to make a difference
success is a daily thing and I’m here to
share with you that the secret of
success is determined by your daily
agenda here’s how I look at it if
anybody that looks like you has ever
done it then you can to to get something
you never had you have to do something
you never did you can achieve this now
it’s not gonna be easy you don’t just
wake up on Tuesday and become rich on
Wednesday but it doesn’t take any more
effort than going to a job that you hate
never be discouraged never hold back
give everything you’ve got
remember this
fall forward
what are you going to do with what you
don’t confuse movement with progress
imagination is everything it’s the
preview to life’s coming attractions
because if you think about it everything
you have everything we have in this
somebody imagine
when you think about why you’re not
getting where you want to go while you
aren’t doing the things you want to do
why you aren’t making the money that you
make I promise you a big part of that is
because you’re not doing the personal
development homework if you’re doing
that you’re making a commitment to that
you’re doing it every day you will get
better and when you get better you get
paid you get paid more you’re encouraged
to do more of what got you paid so start
the cycle I’ll tell you the one thing
that makes me angry I haven’t done
enough pisses me off every freaking day
how many of you pissed off these yet and
done enough shit be pissed off okay and
don’t ask your mom about it yes your
momma bat I’m so proud of you
it don’t matter if your mom is proud of
you man if you ain’t proud of what
you’ve done yet that’s enough you have
to learn that life is about what’s
possible for you right here
right now it’s about how high you can
come today not when you fell yesterday
if you’re going to live fully this is
the correct attitude right here right
now that’s all everything is so what’s
what’s the problem
why do you runnin away from the moment
why does the moment terrified
it’s mostly symbol from this point right
here right now you can create diversity
on life what you want to be tomorrow
you’ve got to do today you gotta get
here and get after it
life starts life’s direction starts with
the reason people struggle with having a
new year’s resolution and sticking to it
is because it was a tactic to do a new
year’s resolution hence why my first
answer was right which is when you
actually decide to make a change in your
life whether about weight or job or
going out with somebody or relationships
that’s when you actually pull it off
it’s religion not tactics
we’ve got the time over the next ten
years we’ve got the time the next 20
years we got the time the next 30 years
to make some repair now in our errors of
the past and set up some new disciplines
and I’m telling you that’s going to
change everything
sometimes we need something inside that
makes us want to change no there’s only
two things that change your life my
either something new comes into your
life new friend new opportunity new
strategy new have a new mentor or
something new comes from within some new
fire in the belly I hope you have that
this year I hope you have a a new hunger
a new need a new Drive something inside
the saying this has to be different this
year and I hope that there’s a lot of
ambition to that for you and if it’s
going to happen if something
extraordinary is gonna happen this year
it’s going to be because you will have
more mornings in which you choose to be
courageous that day you have that thing
on your calendar and you know it scares
you a little bit and instead of looking
at it and going well you know I’ll just
keep doing what’s easy over here
that morning you look at that thing and
you’ll say today I’m gonna engage that
we have one life we have one go-round
there is no second go-round there is no
second chance in life there is no oh I
get to do this again I get to hit the
rewind button nice doesn’t happen man
what happens is this day ends and
tomorrow begins and that’s one last day
we have on this planet and if you are
scared to do something different that’s
good that means you’re doing the right
thing that means that’s the right thing
to do if you’re afraid that it’s gonna
break your cycle and you may not have a
paycheck next week well that’s the right
thing to do because what you’re doing
right now probably is the same thing you
did yesterday the week before the month
before the year before and you’re
waiting on your raise you’re waiting on
somebody and you can never wait on
anybody guys if you haven’t allowed
yourself to dream in a couple years
spend some time with the journal and
really think about it really get excited
about it don’t worry what your current
capabilities are because you can learn
everybody should have goals that aligns
with a life assessment not just
randomness so think about your health
think about your significant
relationship think about your friends
your family think about your mission
think about your hobbies and adventures
think about your spirit think about your
finances and now what you think about it
like what would you have to do
for some of you some of your beliefs
that are holding you back that are
limiting that were installed without
your consent have been growing for a
long time and it’s gonna be difficult
but you can’t extract them but I just
want to tell you that they might it
might be difficult it will take effort
you will have to work at changing the
belief systems that are holding you back
locking in your potential
and I’m here to tell you my friends if
this is truly going to be an
extraordinary year for you it’s going to
come from this intention that you’re
gonna put yourself out there more than
you did last year even if you really
went for it last year I say go again you
know a lot of people they get up and
they take boom they hit a homerun in
life they knock it out of the park they
have their 15 minutes they have their
day and then they stop because they got
if you are doing the same thing you did
yesterday you’re not improving you’re
not changing your life and it’s about
having one life guys don’t stay in
tomorrow you got to at some point move
from tomorrow to right now move from the
action that you’re gonna do on Monday to
right now not even today because that
gives you all the time until the end of
the day you’ve got to move your clock
when you think about here’s one thing I
need to do I need to schedule more
appointments I’m gonna do that right now
right now the first available moment I
have to do it I’m going to do it right
now I’m gonna start right now I’m gonna
get moving right now
no excuses to get to work and get the
things are comfortable there should be
no excuses for being comfortable you
should be uncomfortable all the time
those things you want those things that
you sit there and dream about they’re
not just gonna suddenly appear I want
you to win I want you to have a next
year that blows your mind and I have to
tell you for me it began to shift for me
when I moved from optional to
non-negotiable when I moved from I
really really want this to hold on this
is non-negotiable it’s time for me to
move from I’d like it to happen to no
matter what it has to happen
I tell everybody hey if you want in the
media habit that will change your life I
need you to have a Sunday life
reflection routine spent 20 to 30
minutes every single Sunday sitting down
and going how did this week go what
worked well what didn’t work well would
I say I was gonna achieve that I didn’t
achieve how can I do better next week
who needs something from me how can I
serve better what would make this next
week even better than last week all
these questions that you already know
you could just sit down and brainstorm
the challenges people don’t sit to
reflect on life and so life goes by a
year goes by without any progress three
years goes by without someone feeling it
ten years goes by and you wake up and go
I don’t know if I like my life when you
could have probably headed that off five
years ago with a good reflection routine
give yourself that gift I promise it
will really really serve you never give
up on what you really want to do the
person with big dreams is more powerful
than the person with all the facts H
Jackson Browne truer words have never
been spoken it is one of the most
interesting things about the human
condition that all of the facts in the
world no matter how true something may
objectively really be the only thing
that matters is whether or not you’ve
got the energy to see through to the end
of what you want to do and the energy
comes not from truth the energy comes
from your dream the energy comes from
what it is that you want to do the
energy ultimately is born out of what
you want to create it’s born out of a
willingness to allow yourself to dream
it’s born out of a willingness to think
that you actually can do it it’s born
out of a willingness to take that first
step but the only reason that you’re
gonna take that first step is you
believe that you can actually make your
dreams come true and that sense of this
thing that you have in your mind that
you can make it real that you can bring
it into the real world and have that
excitement you’ve long fantasized about
and understand and really feel in your
cut that that thing that you’ve dreamed
about can be real and when you have that
that’s when you’re going to have the
energy that you need to push and to
fight and to go through all of the
difficult things that you’re gonna have
to to get on the other side and make
that dream real as Ferdinand fox said
the most powerful weapon on earth is the
human soul on fire but the human soul
can’t be on fire without a dream a human
soul is not fed by facts a human soul is
fed instead by a belief that it can
accomplish what it wants to accomplish
it’s fed by that thing that idea that
you found your mind that you fan those
flames of interest and turned it into a
real fascination and fan those flames
further into excitement and allowed
yourself to truly embody that belief
that you can make it happen so right now
whatever it is whatever crazy dream you
have and we all have one stop judging
yourself for it stop telling yourself
that you can’t do it and understand when
you cultivate that fire when you take
that little ember and you fan it into a
raging in front of that that thing that
human stole on fire is what’s going to
allow you to build something
that the world has never seen before but
it starts with that dream it starts with
your willingness to cultivate that to
think about it to allow yourself to do
that because so many people stop
themselves they think they’re inadequate
they think that they could never do it
and even if that is a fact it’s not
something that’s gonna help you live a
life that excites you it’s not something
that’s gonna help you excite other
people but one thing that will do that
is the dream so right now allow yourself
that simply to dream as Joseph Campbell
said find a place inside where there’s
joy and the joy will burn out the pain
now I get it
life inevitably comes with some degree
of misery and I get it for many of you
things have happened in your past that
are unspeakable and whether that’s
something big or whether it’s something
small each one of us has something
inside of us that hurts it’s something
that we wish weren’t so it’s something
that we focus on when we’re alone it’s
the thing that keeps us up at night it’s
the thing that wakes us up in the
morning it’s the thing that we
obsessively come back to over and over
and over for whatever reason that we
think means that we’re not good enough
but I also know that inside each one of
us is something beautiful that even in
the midst of pain if you allow yourself
to focus on that to feel the joy to not
just think about it but to actually feel
the joy it will begin to crowd out the
pain it will actually take that room and
just like when you’re trying to create
something amazing in your life do not
waste time
trying to tear down the old if you’re
trying to create something beautiful in
your life spend all of your time trying
to build that new thing so if you want
to feel joy
don’t try to eradicate the pain instead
focus all of your energy on that joy and
let it become so bright that it
ultimately takes over the pain and as
aristotle said it is during our darkest
moments that we must focus to see light
and that’s the thing with pleasure and
pain when you’ve got that ache inside of
you when you feel that something in your
past is stopping you from moving forward
it is in that moment that you must put
your focus and attention on the things
that are good on the things that you’ve
done that are good on the joys and the
beauty and the things in your life that
you’re grateful for all of that if you
take your time and you put your focus on
that even when it hurts especially when
it hurts if you’re able to do that if
you’re able to find a way to take all of
your energy and put it on that to repeat
it to let it become a mantra to let it
be the first thing you think about when
you wake up the last thing you think
about in the night and the thing that
you cling to when you wake up and cannot
fall asleep if you let it be that thing
that you can put all of your attention
on that then you can actually change
your chemistry you can actually change
your own store you can actually change
your life but you’ve got to know it’s in
our darkest moments that we must focus
on the light
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