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“You May NOT GET Another CHANCE At This!” – Corey Taylor (@CoreyTaylorRock) – Top 10 Rules

I would rather make less money and be me
that make more money and be somebody I’m
not now because of the way that a lot of
people treat music and approach music
you can almost set your watch to the
type of music that you’re gonna hear and
it’s boring and it’s lifeless and it’s
pathetic I can remember just looking at
the guys before we went on stage and
being like we earned this nobody gave
this to us
what’s that believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
and I want to see that great thing that
you have inside of you come out so you
can help change the world so to help you
in your journey today we’re going to
learn from singer and actor Corey Taylor
and my take on his top ten rules for
success rule number five is my personal
favorite and I’d love to know which one
you guys like the best and as always
guys as you’re watching if you hear
something that really resonates with you
please leave it down the comments below
and put quotes around it so other people
can be inspired and when you write it
down it’s much more likely to stick with
yourself as well enjoy
you’ve got to think outside of your town
you’ve got to think worldwide if you
want to do anything man you know and
that’s what it was all about you know we
were kind of the guys in our bands who
got it we were the guys in our bands who
understood what it took not just to be a
famous band in America but just to be a
worldwide band and you know when the the
one that when it came to the work ethic
that’s where that’s where it came from
and I think that’s why we all were
attracted to each other you make a
couple of jokes in this book several
times about people being offended by
what you write and maybe like tossing
the book away or yes setting it on fire
or something
are you genuinely worried that maybe
some more you know outlying fans on the
right or the left might just be like I’m
done with Corey Taylor and stop coming
to shows no no no no why the hell the
the minute that I start worrying about
that is the the second that I should add
that I don’t deserve my career you know
because it’s not then it’s not about
expression anymore it’s about money and
I can make money at Burger King you know
and trust me I have well not bird game
with Hardee’s you know nine wonderful
months at Hardee’s you know making the
some biscuits and gravy and I would
still be ok with that because I’m it’s
still me being myself this is me being
myself if you’re offended by that sorry
but it’s not gonna change that you
stopping you not coming to my shows is
not gonna change how I think so why
would I do that you know I know too many
bands that actually do that they they
worry about stuff like that so they come
off as like this homogenized pasteurized
version of themselves and it’s like well
that’s weak sauce you know at least be
yourself you know I would rather make
less money and be me that make more
money and be somebody I’m not
we were such we were so hungry and so
ready to work that we just kind of
ducked our heads and plowed through it
and really built the
for what would come later knowing that
you know you never knew my Tetons at
this so it was just do it and then you
keep doing it I mean we were as
surprised as anybody else when we blew
up the way we did
I mean I’m to this day I’m like what but
knowing that it wasn’t just a fluke it
wasn’t overnight it took a lot of work
and the fact that we did it the right
way I’m proud of that
I guess what goes into it is just
respecting what both bands do and what
both bands have done if you sit down and
set out to try and purposefully being
different you’re always gonna sound
similar and you’re gonna set yourself up
for failure but you have to do is you
kind of have to go with your gut
instinct you have to go with what feels
correct you have to go with what your
instinct is you have to sit down and go
okay well I’m writing this well this
feels like Slipknot so this is going to
be for Slipknot well this feels like
stunts out this is going to be snow sour
and never going back on your musical
word so it’s just about sticking to your
guns musically and having the courage to
be able to go with what you’ve got
things and go with what your instincts
feel and go with what your heart says
that will keep you from repeating
yourself it will also reestablish the
reasons why you do two bands in the
first place which is to do two separate
types of the wizard you know we’ve
always been a band that is wanting to
evolve from out from out from album to
album and uh you know I mean and I mean
the biggest jumping from audio secrecy
to the house golden bones albums you
know really being able to kind of
stretch artistically and and create
something really really creative you
know and really like a scope that we had
never really tried before you know but
we’ve always tried to do that is really
kind of just kind of expand that
boundary you know with every album and
and create and I mean get it to the
point and kind of bring the audience up
where they get to the point where they
they learn to expect the unexpected
there they’re ready for something that
they’re not you know they never saw
coming you know that’s what a band is
supposed to do that’s what bands used to
do you know there used to be in an
intense curiosity and an anticipation
when a band put an album out and now
because of the way that a lot of people
treat music and approach music you can
almost set your watch to the type of
music that you’re gonna hear and it’s
boring and it’s lifeless and it’s
pathetic you know for us the best thing
that we ever did was establish that you
keep the people guessing and keep them
coming back you know and I think that’s
one of the reasons why they do keep
coming back the first time I really
realized that I wanted to make music was
I was raking leaves and my grandmother’s
lawn and I had come back inside and I’d
sat down my grandma was playing Elvis
8tracks and for some reason the song in
the ghetto came on and I just I mean
there was something so profoundly still
about that song because that song is all
about peaks and valleys
you know it’s telling this story and as
a kid you want stuff to tell you a story
and this was a story I’d never heard
before and I reacted so poignant ly to
that that I went over to the 8-track
machine and I just kept hitting repeat
repeat repeat and you’d get that
brilliant 8-track click that the only
people who listened eight tracks
couldn’t and you never knew at one point
in the song it was gonna come back and
it you know that thing and I just would
I would just I would just keep listening
to it and listening to it until I had
memorized it that was the first song
that I memorized as a kid and it was too
low for me to sing so I sang it an
octave above and that’s when I realized
that I had an ear for it and and ever
since then I’ve just I’ve learned
everything musically by ear I taught
myself how to play guitar by ear I
learned like vocal I guess riffing is
the only thing you can really call it by
bass tuba when I was in school I learned
how to play tuba by ear and just
everything else if you’re too
overwhelmed then when you sit down and
try to write something it feels forced
yeah there’s nothing worse than forced
me I mean as well as enough of that
right now well it’s basically you know
McDonald’s making you okay so everybody
needs another hamburger and fries
there’s a piece of crap that nobody’s
gonna care about in two years yeah
that’s it’s really it’s it’s I hate that
and I I don’t ever want to be that job
so for me I want to I want to be able to
let the inspiration come to me you know
because that’s when you get the best
stuff that’s when you get there either
got any paraffin follow-up it’s been a
weird musical journey for me to say the
least going from a shot a man in Reno
just to watch him die to all no regrets
you know but my attitude towards music
has always been if you’re completely
one-sided then your music is going to be
one-sided you have to see it on a level
playing field and see all the the
different opportunities or you know the
things that you could do because I grew
up like that it made me open to so many
different options and I’m kind of glad I
headlining download in in England with
with Slipknot in in 2009 that was
probably and I mean we’ve played we’d
played you know Rock and Rio before you
know I mean we’d played for big
audiences but that was huge for us you
know I mean with it you’re talking about
essentially you know Donington you know
a festival that we had all grown up
reading about you know in hit Parader in
rip you know I mean just in these
magazines that really was our only
lifeline for hard rock and heavy metal
in Iowa you know and it was kind of hit
or miss on MTV’s so you kind of had to
get it where you could so reading about
that festival and then 20 I’ll call it
20 years later stepping on that stage
and headlining it was I still to this
day I choked up thinking about it
because it was such a statement you know
it took us ten years
I mean we probably could have headlined
it any time you know five years before
that but it just wasn’t the time and
when we stepped on that stage it was
huge and I can remember just looking at
the guys before we went on stage and
being like we earned this nobody gave
this to us you know this is no flash in
the pan this is no you know can you know
consolation prize this was every inch of
sweat and blood and scar tissue and
every show we’ve ever played in every
minute we spent you know making these
fans happy that was huge for us
then on my signal unleash hell Joey
let’s take these soul passes bring
history cannot be felt
is that there’s a mask underneath the
mask just like that uh-huh
so that is considerably scary
thank you guys so much for watching I
made this video because young swag asked
me to if there’s a famous entrepreneur
that you would like me to profile next
check out the link in the description
and go and cast your vote I’d also love
to know what did you learn from this
video that had the biggest impact on you
what lesson you’re going to take and
immediately apply it somehow in your
life or in your business leave it in the
comments below I’m really curious to
find out I also want to give a quick
trailer to Devon Trish Devon thank you
so much for picking up one of my shirts
we’re matching today bro and taking that
picture and post it on Instagram
I really really appreciate the support
and I hope we’re enjoying wearing the
shirt thank you guys again for watching
I believe in you hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is much love I’ll see you soon
you know the thing I that I always want
to do when I’m writing songs is
challenge myself you know I don’t you
know I don’t want to turn myself into
the bum out King you know or or just be
the guy who’s constantly trying to be
emotive you know you know I want to you
know try and do new things because that
shakes it up and it gets you out of that
comfort zone we’ve established the fact
that we love to play everything you know
like there’s an honest there’s not a
genre that were that will shrink from
but at the same time I think we’ve just
gotten very confident as songwriters to
the point where if we want it if we want
to try something we will you know we’re
not hesitant to try something even if it
sounds a little sweeter like you take a
song like Saint Marie that’s on the new
album and it’s got a very cool
California country vibe to it
what would you know ten years ago maybe
we wouldn’t have had the stones to be
able to do that you know and now we’re
like you we’re gonna do whatever we want
you know so it’s you know it’s it’s a
that you know the the strength of
experience and yet still having that
refreshing love for music that
encourages you to try new things you
know you mentioned the house of gold &
Bones albums like that was a very
ambitious double concept album yeah do
you think the fans actually got what you
were trying to put across for that I
think so
yeah and and we really went out of our
way to paint those different pictures
you know whether it was with the story
that was in the the CD of the you know
themselves or the the comic book you
know putting that out and then obviously
the videos and whatnot kind of dipping
our toes into that and showing that
different side I think through that and
then through the lyrics and just being
able to you know read the story and put
the things in context I think they were
able to see what it was was about
discovery self-discovery and evolution
allowing yourself to evolve into the
person that you’d always wanted to be
instead of the person that you were
expected to settle for you know and
that’s a journey that I think a lot of
people are not they’re not
there I don’t want to say brave enough
to make but maybe they’re a little more
reticent to try and embrace that kind of
change you have to be a very strong
person to embrace that kind of change
and you know some people need that
encouragement so for me that was me
trying to encourage people to come into
their own to feel comfortable enough in
their own skins to be able to change for
the better and to be a better person if
they wanted to be instead of settling
for whatever was just there you know if
you had to think of one word that’s most
important to you that sums you Apple
that would be collect a little beacon
pay believe nation if you want to know
what the most important one word is for
Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah
Winfrey and Howard Schultz I
have a very special secret video for you
check the description for details
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