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You have to ask for help!

you have got to be willing to share your
business idea and ask for help if you
want to have success as an entrepreneur
hi I’m Evan Carmichael I believe that
hungry entrepreneurs deserve help and so
today I’m asked a question from one of
my youtube viewers Osama who wrote
insane he’s got all these great ideas
for an amusement park but is afraid to
share the idea with other people because
it thinks is going to steal it so kasama
thanks for the question something a lot
of entrepreneurs go through if you want
to have success you have to ask for help
you’ve got to be careful about who you
tell your ideas to but you have to ask
for help this isn’t going to happen all
on your own it’s not possible and you
don’t want to be sitting in your home
with all these great ideas and have
nothing materialized when I was in the
venture capital business I would get
business plans throwing at me all day
long and people would ask me to sign
non-disclosure agreements basically
saying that by looking at their
information I couldn’t work with other
companies that were in the similar
business because I’d be sharing ideas
I’m not going to do that there’s no way
I’m going to sign that non-disclosure
agreement because whatever company comes
in there’s a hundred others who are
trying to do the same thing and trying
to raise money it’s not so much about
the idea it’s the execution and some
companies would refuse to work with us
because I wouldn’t sign that
non-disclosure agreement and it’s a huge
mistake I’m gonna venture capital
business what interest do i have in
running a restaurant company or an
amusement park nothing I’m just trying
to help you if you don’t let me know
what your business idea is then I can’t
help you I still get it now
entrepreneurs come to me they want my
advice but they want me to sign a
nondisclosure agreement confidentiality
agreement I can’t do it
you know they have a revolutionary new
car design or restaurant business they
want to start a pet food store what
interest do I have and running a pet
food store what interest do I have a
running amusement park nothing I’m just
trying to help you I’m trying to give
you some advice maybe some capital maybe
some expertise maybe some connections
I’m just trying to help you and there’s
a lot of people out there who are trying
to help you but if you don’t let them
know but what your concept is all about
they can’t and too many entrepreneurs
and inventors hold their idea on just
for themselves they don’t share it and
it never goes anywhere you’re not going
to be able to do this by yourself you
have to let people in yes you have to be
careful who you tell us to okay you’re
not going to go up to your biggest
competition and say hey here’s a great
idea for you so you do a little research
on the people you’re tell you’re telling
the idea to but you’ve got to share it
you can’t hoard it to yourself when
you’re never going to achieve the
success that you’re after I hope that
helps for those of you watching give the
video a thumbs up if you like it I love
to hear you have to think you’d be along
if you want to leave a comment under the
video I always check those out I always
loved seemed to come in thank you and
I’ll see you in the next episode
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