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Jamie Oliver Gets Naked

I can’t believe you clicked on that
button you thought I was gonna be naked
what’s the matter with you guys so sorry
to disappoint but we’ve got some proper
exciting spring cleaning to do first up
a very cool little thing if you go on
your phone go on safari clicking food to
click through to the food Tube channel
subscribe if you haven’t subscribed
already but a really cool little thing
if you basically look at the bottom of
your phone there’ll be a little square
with an arrow press that and then you
got the option to have a thumbnail of
foodtube on your phone so it’s super
super easy and efficient for you to get
to just hit that and you can name it
jamie oliver’s foodtube and then add
that and then you can take that and just
whack that right on your top desk also
do that with Jamie Oliver comm and
you’ll have an ever changing sort of
whole load of recipes so that’s that but
also there’s another thing that many of
you have been saying I want to get
emailed when you upload new videos that
the rules have changed on foodtube so
you have to go in to manage your
accounts so go to foodtube or your
YouTube account go down the bottom left
to manage subscriptions click through
find food tube it says email new uploads
click that box and show all uploads in
feed click that box and then basically
every time we put up a new video you get
a little email and you can kind of enjoy
it so there you go guys I hope you find
that really useful I did I didn’t know
how to do it and it just means you can
kind of connect and get in much simpler
much easier so thank you very much I
hope you enjoy the new videos coming up
loads of inspiration don’t forget to
share it on your communities liked it
and please comment we want to do stuff
that you want we’ve got loads more ideas
coming through we’ve got loads more
talent coming through we’re going to be
some competitions that I think you’ll
find really really exciting so thank you
everyone for your support around the
world we love it we love doing it and
there’s loads more to come who knows
what next
take care lots of love
if you want to see more videos from my
food tube click on the links now
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