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Will Smith – The BEST Motivation – Motivational Video

the question isn’t can you handle the

situation the question is can you handle

your mind


can you manage the thoughts and the

emotions that are trying to poison your


forget managing the situation

manage your mind no matter whose fault

it is that something is broken if it’s

it’s not somebody’s fault if their

father was an abusive alcoholic but it’s

for damn sure their responsibility to

figure out how they’re gonna do with

those traumas and try to make a life out

it’s not your fault if your partner

cheated and ruined your marriage but it

is for damn sure your responsibility to

figure out how to take that pain and how

to overcome that and build a happy life

fault and responsibility do not go

together his socks but they don’t was

something as somebody’s fault we want

to suffer we want them punished we want

them to pay we want it to be their

responsibility to fix it but that’s

that’s not how it works especially when

it’s your heart your heart your life

your happiness your responsibility



the only place that fear can exist is in

it is a product of our imagination

causing us to fear things that do not at

present and may not ever exist as long

as we’re pointing a finger and and stuck

in whose fault

something is we’re jamming and trapped

into victim mode when you’re in victim

mode you’re stuck in suffering the road

to power is in taking responsibility

your heart your life your happiness is

your responsibility and your

responsibility alone

I and I learned very young from parents

from my parents absolutely that you you

don’t try to build a wall you don’t set

out to build a wall you don’t say I’m

gonna bake this build the biggest

baddest greatest wall that’s ever been

built you don’t start there you say I’m

gonna lay this brick as perfectly as a

brick can be laid there will not be one

brick on the face of the earth that’s

gonna be laid better than this brick

then I’m gonna lay in this next ten

minutes and you do that every single day

and so you know as soon you have a wall

and I think psychologically the

advantage that that gives me over over a

lot of people that I’ve have been in

competition with in different situations

is it’s difficult to take the first step

when you look how big yeah the task is

the task is never huge to me it’s always

mean one Brett me too I mean it is

amazing how if you know people are

paralyzed mm-hmm from doing anything

absolutely because they can’t take the

first step whereas you just say look all

I’m doing is laying this one brick I’m

not building the Great Wall of China

putting a brick here and I’m gonna have

the best brick I can and your father I

think I retire early had you and your

brother mm-hmm work on a model oh yeah

yeah we that we’re talking about our

figurative wall that comes from work on

a literal one yeah right my father owned

it actually was an old bakery when I was

growing up my my father was a an

electrician and a refrigeration man we

would install supermarkets you see the

long freezer cases in supermarkets we

would install those long freezing cases

and all the lights that’s what we that’s

what we would do every summer yeah so

this is one year my father had his shop

and he decided for whatever reason that

he wanted a new wall on the front of his

shop so he tore down probably about you

know 16 feet high and probably about 30

feet long he just completely tore

the wall down and my brother and I had

to dig a six-foot hole we were the mix a

ship for the foundation we were mixing

the concrete by hand a year and a half

we were building this wall for a year

and a half every day after school we

would come in mixing concrete put it in

the hole doing it and it was just myself

and my little brother and I remember

standing back looking at that wall

saying there’s going to be a hole here

forever a year and a half later that

many days I know a year and a half later

we laid the the final brick and my

father stood back with my brother and I

and I know he plan as he says he thought

he says he didn’t but I know he had been

planning this and rightness for the past

two years but he we stood back we looked

at the wall and he looked at me and my

brother says now don’t y’all never tell

me you can’t do something and walked

into the shop the child my parents

always told me you could be whatever you

want to be you could do whatever you

want to do and you know that that office

that position of the highest office on

the face of the earth it was something I

heard my parents saying it but I didn’t

totally believe it yet I went out in the

world and I carried myself and I held my

head high and I stood there and I look

people in their eyes and I talked to

people as if I was deserving of

so I just I really want to say to two

children out there and to two people who

are watching Confucius said one time he

who says he can and he who says he can’t

are both usually right so I want to

stand here before you and as I hold this

award I want to give love to my wife and

I want you to keep in your heart just

know that you can know that you can

concept that I would suggest to people

to take a daily confrontation with his

fear the the the problem with fear is

that it lies right so fear tells you hey

you know if if you say that to that girl

she’s gonna know she has you you know

and she’ll never really be attracted to

you if she knows how much you attracted

to her don’t say that know how we get

her is when she walks by ignore her for

me the the daily confrontation with fear

has become a real practice for me since

about three three years ago I went I

went skydiving in Dubai right and

skydiving skydiving is a really

interesting confront with fear right so

so I got I got a stand all right so so

all your friends what happens you go out

how you oh sorry

all right drop my thing so what happens

is you go out the night before and you

you know you take a drink with your

friends and somebody says yeah we should

go skydiving tomorrow and you go yeah

we’ll go skydiving or yeah


Yeah right and you go home but you by

yourself you like me right you’re like

well I mean they was drunk too right so

so maybe maybe they not maybe maybe I

mean we don’t have to go we don’t have

to do it so then that night you’re

laying in your bed and you just keep and

you’re terrified you keep imagining over

and over again jumping out of an

airplane and you can’t figure out why

you would do that right and you’re

laying there and you have the worst

night’s sleep of your life but you still

have the hope that your friends were


right so you wake up the next day and

you go you know down you said where you

were going to meet and everybody’s there

you’re like alright cool cool cool cool

cool cool right so you get in a van and

you don’t know that your friends had the

same night that you had cuz they’re

pretending like they didn’t it like yeah

man my uncle is a Navy SEAL and you know

this is gonna be great I’ve been looking

forward to this you like oh my god oh my

god and your stomach is terrible you

can’t eat and everything but you don’t

want to be the only punk who doesn’t

jump out of this airplane so you get

there and then you have this safety

brief and you’re standing there and the

guys that tell you what the chute

doesn’t open what’s gonna happen is

you’re doing your BA to help with what

could happen that the shoe the shoe

wouldn’t open right so you do a thing

and what you do is your first jump

you’re attached to a guy who is going

you know he’s gonna walk you out so you

go and you get there and there’s an

airplane and nobody stopping everybody’s

still going so you get onto the airplane

and you’re sitting there and and you

know it’s extra because you’re sitting

on some dudes lap some stranger you know

you got trying to make small talk yeah

so you deal usually you be jumping with

people all the time right you know

what’s so and then you just want to make

sure you got you got kids right you got

people you need to see right just want

to make sure he’s serious right so you

get in there

so everything’s normal so you fly and

you go up you go up you go up you go up

to 14,000 feet and you notice there’s a

light it’s red and it’s yellow and green

right so right now the lights red so

then you start thinking at some point

the lights going to go green it but you

don’t know what’s going to happen right

and you wait and it goes yellow and the

light goes green and somebody opens the

door and in that moment you realize

you’ve never been in a freaking airplane

with the door open right terror oh sorry

I’m Spit terror terror terror terror

right so you go and then you know if

you’re if you were smart you sat in the

back so you don’t go first

right and then people start going out of

the airplane and you go and the guy

walks you up to the end of the thing and

you’re standing and your toes are on the

edge and you’re looking out down to

death and they say on three and they say

one two and he pushes you on too because

people grab one three and you go

and you fall out of the airplane and in

one second you realize that it’s the

most blissful experience of your life

you’re flying right it doesn’t feel like

falling right it’s like that you

actually are kind of held a little bit

about a win and then you start and you

you start falling you falling and you

there’s zero fear you realize at the

point of maximum danger is the point of

minimum fear

right you’re doing it and then 20

seconds 25 seconds 40 seconds and you

have enough time to just kind of like ah

that’s the building that’s not like that


right you start doing all that and the

the lesson for me was why were you

scared in your bed the night before why

did you what do you need that fear for

just don’t go why are you scared in your


16 hours before you jump why are you

scared in the car why could you not

enjoy breakfast what would what did you

need that fear is fear of what you’re

know where to even near the airplane

everything’s up to the stepping out

there’s actually no reason to be scared

it only just ruins your day you don’t

have to jump and then in that moment all

of a sudden where you should be

terrified is the most blissful

experience of your life and God placed

the best things in life on the other

side of terror on the other side of your

maximum fear or all of the best things

in life separation of talent and skill

is one of the the the greatest

misunderstood concepts for people who

are trying to excel who have dreams that

want to do things talent you have

naturally skill is only developed by

hours and hours and hours of beating on

your craft for me

it has been the to be that guy that does

what people say can’t be done you know

and I think it started with trying to

please my mother and trying to please my

grandmother and they always wanted

higher for me they always wanted more

for me and it got to the point that I

wanted to be something I wanted to be

somebody and it it made me choose

certain roles it made me turn down

certain roles there is more than an

image that I want to project I want to

be the person that is the first person

there and the last person to leave

that’s who I want to be because I think

that the the road to success is through

commitment and through the strength to

drive through that commitment when it

gets hard and it is going to get hard

and you’re gonna want to quit sometimes

but it’ll be colored by who you are

and more who you want to be I definitely


wanting to be an actor stems from

wanting to be somebody and wanting to

say something to people never really

viewed myself as particularly talented

where I excel is ridiculous sickening

work ethic you know while the other guys

sleeping I’m working what other guys

eaten I’m working concept of improving

lives runs through the center of

everything I do and then I realize that

the the way to improve lives is to

continually improve yourself right so

with that every every morning when I

when I get out of the bed you know I I

haven’t fixed everything in the world

yet so there’s always something to do

and in this film I read an interesting

quote the Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha

he said that good people have to get out

of the bed every day and try to empty

the ocean with a ladle right and I

thought that was you know I knew that

was profound and I paused for a second

and I said all right what the hell is a

ladle right right so there you know I

just I touched it on my iPad is ladle oh

so trying to empty the ocean with a soup

spoon you know as the the mentality of

how you you wake up every day to try to

do good in the world so for me I’m I’m

really driven by continually trying to

elevate my elevate my mind and elevate

my spirit and care for my body and to be

able to love as many people as

effectively as as possible with this

mystery of life that I’ve been given

there’s no easy way around it no matter

how talented you are your talent is

going to fail you if you’re not skilled

you know if you don’t study if you don’t

work really hard and dedicate yourself

to being better every single day

you’ll never be able to communicate with

with people with your artistry the way

that you want certain delusional quality

that all successful people have to have

you have to believe that something

different than what has happened for the

last 50 million years of history you

have to believe that something different

can happen it’s almost a kind of

innocence absolutely in other words if

you knew how difficult it was right you

have never gone down that path

absolutely somebody said to our league

no one can beat this guy he’s this much

stronger this much bigger he’s got that

much bigger punch than you do and he

believed that he would have said never

you gotta have an innocence it somehow

absolutely and I think they did that’s a

huge part of me because and I say to my

friends all the time and we laugh about

it I truly honestly as I sit here before

you right now

honestly as I can say to you I truly

believe that I could be the president if

I wanted to and as bizarre as that may

sound to people that have traveled the

path before me and to people who

actually know how difficult it is

foolish Will Smith honestly believes

it’s the only thing that I see that is

distinctly different about me is I’m not

afraid to die on a treadmill you might

have more talent than me you might be

smarter than me but if we get on the

treadmill together right there’s two

things you’re getting off first or I’m

gonna die it’s really that simple

anytime you inject extremes into the

universe you can expect extremes to to

come back I think that you know one of

the best pieces of advice I ever got was

don’t let your successes go to your head

and don’t let your failures go to your

heart do you follow that

I try it’s absolutely a difficult even

more so now with my my wife and my

children expanding into it the the scope

of it is actually becoming more

difficult to manage the things that

almost in a spiritual sense the things

that you attract to yourself and also if

you think about it in terms of altitude

the higher you go the harder it is to

breathe there’s less oxygen and I think

within that phrase what I get from that

with marlon brando but what happens is

if you think about it in terms of

mountain climbing mountain climbing the

higher and the higher you get the less

oxygen there is the harder it is to

breathe as you get to this successful

space and the first thing people want to

do is get down and what you do by

getting down

is self-destructive and I’m just working

hard to make sure that I don’t allow the

lack of oxygen to dull my appreciation

for the gifts up again

he didn’t grow up with the sense that

where we were was where we were going to

be you know we grew up with the sense

that where we were almost didn’t matter

I’m motivated by fear fear you know

fear of what fear of fear

I hate being scared to do something I

hate that feeling of the feeling that I

had before I had a meeting with Quincy

Jones because there’s really Quincy

Jones and a guy named Benny Medina I


and Jeff Pollan came with the idea for

the Fresh Prince of bel-air and I hate

it being scared you know that I didn’t

want to

to even take the meeting there were

there were opportunities during when I

first my first year as a rapper Bill

Cosby and the people in The Cosby Show

had seen my music video and called me to

your character to come right and try out

for the Cosby Show and just every time

it was set up for some reason I couldn’t

make it the therapy the fear I hate it I

just hated that being scared to do

something and I think what developed in

my in my early days was the the attitude

that I started attacking things that I

was scared greatness is not this

wonderful esoteric illusive godlike

feature that only the special among us

will ever taste you know it’s something

that truly exists in all of us it’s very

simple this is what I believe and I’m

willing to die for it period it’s that

simple I Know Who I am

I don’t know what I believe I Know Who I

am I know who all I need to know so from

there you do what you need to do you

know and I think what happens is we make

this situation more complex than it has

been looking for complexities it’s got

to be something complex to understand it

can’t be that easy duration of talent

and skill is one of the the the greatest

misunderstood concepts for people who

are trying to excel who have dreams that

want to do things talent you have

naturally skill is only developed by

hours and hours and hours of beating on

your craft the road to success is

through commitment and through the

strength to drive through that

commitment when it gets hard and it is

going to get hard and you’re gonna want

to quit sometimes but it’ll be colored

by who you are

and more who you want to be I definitely

found that wanting to be an actor stems

from wanting to be somebody and wanting

to say something to people there’s no

easy way around it no matter how

talented you are your talent is going to

fail you if you’re not skilled you know

if you don’t study if you don’t work

really hard and dedicate yourself to

being better every single day you’ll

never be able to communicate with with

people I was just having a debate with a

friend of mine and we got stuck on the

difference between fault and

responsibility she kept talked about how

something was somebody’s fault

somebody’s fault and I was like it

really don’t matter whose fault it is

that something is broken if it’s your

responsibility to fix it not somebody’s

fault if their father was an abusive

alcoholic but it’s for damn sure their

responsibility to figure out how they’re

gonna do with those traumas and try to

make a life out of it it’s not your


if your partner cheated and ruined your

marriage but it is for damn sure your

responsibility to figure out how to take

that pain and how to overcome that and

build a happy life for yourself fault

and responsibility do not go together it

sucks but they don’t when something is

somebody’s fault we want them to suffer

we want them punished we want them to

pay and we want it to be their

responsibility to fix it but that’s

that’s not how it works especially when

it’s your heart your heart your life

your happiness is your responsibility

and your responsibility alone the

longest we’re pointing a finger and and

stuck in whose fault

something is we’re jammed and trapped

into victim mode when you’re in victim

oh you’re stuck in suffering the road to

power is in taking responsibility your

heart your life your happiness is your

responsibility and your responsibility


me a personal confrontation with death

made me see the value of time and the

fact that the only elixir is love the

the time that you spend has got to be in

preparing yourself and giving and

receiving the most amount of love you

can you know my mission is to improve

lives so I want to do things that put

positivity and positive energy and love

into the world you know I’ve always been

really product oriented you know it’s

like I want to win when I do something I

want to win I want it to be number one

and I want to smash it you have a

daughter and I was a 15 year old

daughter and she really she got me and

shifted my focus from product to people

it took a couple of years but as soon as

I gotten knocked off of product and

started shifting to people the whole

world opened up for me again and acting

opened up in a whole new way to not go

into day one of a movie trying to figure

out what everybody has to do so we win

versus opening up and every person’s a

new it’s a whole new world generally

when I went into a product when I went

into a meeting with director my focus

was can this guy win can this girl win

the pathology that got broken for me a

couple of years ago and then releasing

that and just wanting to connect with

people and wanting to grow and wanted to

get new ideas and have new experiences

that don’t have to have an outcome they

just opened up a whole new world for me

and I fell in love and then I couldn’t

imagine what else I could do in acting

that could add so much to my life other

than acting difference between

depression and joy right and I think

it’s purpose when you wake up in the

morning and your life means something to

somebody other than you that you have a


if you don’t go do the things that

you’re going to do people’s lives will

suffer too

live-in service not to you but to live

in service to humanity to live in

service to your family to live in

service to your church to your city to

your country to the world living in

service is that I feel like that is the

purest form of joy the taking

responsibility accepting responsibility

is not an admission of guilt you’re not

admitting that your fault

taking responsibility is a recognition

of the power that you sees when you stop

blaming people it’s not like you’re

letting somebody who wronged you off the

hook like taking responsibility as an

act of emotional self-defense

taking responsibility is taking your

power back I look at the world through a

lens of comedy my natural reaction is

always no matter when something happens

and I can’t even help it it’s why is

that funny you know so even at a funeral

I can’t help but think why that’s funny

extremely helpful for me just

psychologically that no matter what’s

going on I can’t keep my mind from

finding joke a beautiful way to stay

joyous and positive I live in complete

terror everything for me about this

business and a you know about what I’ve

been trying to build and what I’ve been

trying to do with my life keeps me in

terror I’m I am deeply motivated by fear

I’m trying to to develop a more

realistic perspective of what this

business is when I was 15 years old my

first girlfriend cheated on me oh and I

remember making a decision that nobody

would ever cheat on me again and the way

I was going to do that is by being the

biggest actor on earth ah right so is

there’s there’s been this weird

psychology that I’ve always felt like if

my movies are number one my life is

gonna work out great

I’ve always been

the type of person who thought of I

thought of myself as resilient you know

that I could always make my way back

being stuck in the past is a it makes it

extremely difficult to find your way out

and future thinking for me has always

been the way to get over difficult times

to be able to look over the darkness to

a potential time of light very rarely do

I look backwards I’m always looking

forward you know to me showbiz is not

separated from the rules of the universe

whether you’re in show business or you

know you’re selling cars or you’re

farming you know you’re not you’re not

separate from the laws of the universe

and all of the rules are the same

everywhere from my children the most

important thing is that they be

encouraged to fully and thoroughly be

themselves no matter what when you when

you have yourself and you’re thorough

and confident in who you are you can

survive anywhere

there’s a certain delusional quality

that all successful people have to have

you have to believe that something

different than what has happened for the

last 52 million years of history you

have to believe that something different

can happen it’s almost a kind of

innocence absolutely in other words if

you knew how difficult it was right you

have never gone down that path

absolutely no and somebody said to Holly

no one can beat this guy he’s this much

stronger as this much bigger he’s got

that much bigger punch than you do and

he believed that he would have said

never have an innocence that somehow

absolutely no and I think they dead

that’s a huge part of me because and I

say to my friends all the time and we

laugh about it I truly honestly as I sit

here before you right now as honestly as

I can say it to you I truly believe that

I could be the president if I wanted to

and as bizarre as that may sound to

people that have traveled the path

before me and to people who actually

know how difficult it is foolish Will

I feel very strongly that we are who we

choose to be consider myself an

alchemist an alchemist is basically a

mystical chemist one of the great feats

that alchemists used to do is they would

take lead

just take a chunk of lead and they could

turn lead into gold being able to turn

lead into gold you know my grandmother

used to say you know life give your

lemon you go ahead and make lemonade to

me that’s that’s alchemy that’s that

that’s the same concept behind the the


you don’t set out to build a wall you

don’t say I’m gonna bake this build the

biggest baddest greatest wall that’s

ever been built you don’t start there

you say I’m gonna lay this brick as

perfectly as a brick can be laid there

will not be one brick on the face of the

earth that’s gonna be laid better than

this brick then I’m gonna lay in this

next ten minutes and you do that every

single day and so you have a soon you

have a wall it’s difficult to take the

first step when you look how big yeah

the task is the task is never huge to me

it’s always you need one brick I don’t

want to be an icon I realized that when

you to have the level of success that I

want to have it’s difficult to spread it

out and do multiple things you know it’s

in order to to be world-class and I’ve

made a decision I want to be world-class

and it just it takes such a desperate

obsessive focus to to excel on assert

honor on the level that I want to make

movies you know I was a Star Wars when I

was young i sat in the movie theater and

watched Star Wars and I just couldn’t

believe that that movie made me feel

like that just floored and just stunned

by the creativity and just I’m realizing

that in order to move people in that way

in order to touch people in that way

you’ve really got to focus with all of

your fiber and all your heart and all

your creativity

you didn’t grow up with the sense that

where we were was where we were going to

be you know we grew up with the sense

that where we were almost didn’t matter

because we were becoming we were

becoming something greater

as a child my parents always told me you

could be whatever you want to be you

could do whatever you want to do it was

something I heard my parents saying it

but I didn’t totally believe it yet I

went out in the world and I carried

myself and I held my head high and I

stood there and I look people in their

eyes and I talked to people as if I was

deserving of everything that this planet

has to offer

confucius said one time he who says he

can and he who says he can’t are both

usually right so i want to stand here

before you and as I hold this award I

want to give love to my wife and I want

you to keep in your heart just know that

you can road to success is through

commitment and through the strength to

drive through that commitment when it

gets hard and it is gonna get hard and

you’re gonna want to quit sometimes but

it’ll be colored by who you are and more

who you want to be I definitely found

that wanting to be an actor stems from

wanting to be somebody separation of

talent and skill is one of the the the

greatest misunderstood concepts for

people who are trying to excel who have

dreams that want to do things talent you

have naturally skill is only developed

by hours and hours and hours of beating

on your craft for me it it has been the

to be that guy that does what people say

can’t be done you know and I think it

started with trying to please my mother

and trying to please my grandmother and

they always wanted higher for me they

always wanted more for me and it got to

the point that I wanted to be something

I wanted to be some

body and it made me choose certain roles

it made me turn down certain roles there

is more than an image that I want to

project I want to be the person that is

the first person there and the last

person to leave never really viewed

myself as particularly talented where I

excel is ridiculous sickening work ethic

you know while the other guys sleeping

I’m working what other guys eaten I’m


anytime you inject extremes into the

universe you can expect extremes to to

come back I think that you know one of

the best pieces of advice I ever got was

don’t let your successes go to your head

and don’t let your failures go to your

heart do you follow that I try it’s

absolutely a difficult even more so now

with my my wife and my children

expanding into it the the scope of it is

actually becoming more difficult to

manage the things that almost in a

spiritual sense the things that you

attract to yourself and also if you

think about it in terms of altitude the

higher you go the harder it is to

breathe there’s less oxygen and I think

in that phrase what I get from that with

marlon brando but what happens is if you

think about it in terms of mountain

climbing mountain climbing the higher

and the higher you get the less oxygen

there is the harder it is to breathe as

you get to this successful space and the

first thing people want to do is get

down and what you do by getting down is

self-destructive and i’m just working

hard to make sure that i don’t allow the

lack of

Jen to dull my appreciation for the gifts I’ve been given

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