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Why I seem insanely PRODUCTIVE – #EvansBook ep. 52

why do I seem like I’m insanely
productive I’m going to tell you today
so get a lot of emails and messages and
comments from people saying Evan I don’t
know how you’re doing all this work I
don’t know how you’re making three
YouTube videos a day I don’t know how
you’re working all these other projects
and took on a new company here trying to
dance salsa how do you how do you
balance everything how do you make it
all work why are you so insanely
productive where I can’t even get most
of the things on my to-do list done and
the answer is I have a team I’ve built
up a team and when I started it was just
me and I was doing everything myself and
I tried to focus on what’s the highest
leverage thing I could do today right
what what do I want to be best in the
world at and how can I spend as much
time as possible doing that and not all
the other stuff because that’s where
most people are spending their time was
on the other stuff and the things that
you could be a genius app your’s only
spending ten percent of your time on
doing that allows you to get to the
place where you can start bringing on
people on the first person I hired was
for one hour a day and I solely built
that out but now we’ve got 16 people on
my team and if you look at the youtube
videos how am i able to make three
videos a day is because i have jason
behind the camera filming me because I
have Christina and Sam doing the editing
because I have Ivan helping with all the
research for the films because I have
people helping me with all the comments
from my wife Nina Luca and Sandra and
everybody on my team has to spend an
hour a day in the comments connecting
with you guys and so it may look like
I’m doing all of this stuff it’s because
there’s so many people who are behind
the scenes doing their work and all I
have to do is show up and talk and then
respond to the comments that they’ve
been flagged for me to answer and so it
allows me to be productive it allows me
to think about what am I best in the
world at what do I want to do what do I
enjoy doing most and spend my time on
that and not do all the other stuff and
so this relates to the book in that I
just got back the copy edited version of
my book and almost every single page had
issues that they want to edit and so the
publisher has a copy editor who
basically looks over the
Tiger manuscript entire book and starts
making changes and suggestions and most
of the changes are pretty minor most of
them were at an extra period putting the
combi punctuation a little bit of
grammar but I appreciate that I
appreciate having an extra set of eyes
on it because it allows me to focus on
the writing of the book and then not all
the specific you know errors and
mistakes and me having to reread that
book how many times like for me to read
it ten times over and over and over
again to catch all the little spelling
mistakes or punctuation mistakes is not
the best use of my time right I would
rather send my time making more videos
for you guys or responding to comments
or planning the next book or planning my
book marketing strategy that’s a way
better use of my time and so that’s how
I’m able to launch the book and get to
youtube channel going and run Toronto
day and salsa and do all these other
projects I have going on because I built
the team and as soon as you’re able to
do it you want to look at how can I
involve other people my business so that
you can get more done over to your
questions first up is IM Alex your
belief in believing makes me believe in
myself I love that Alex I’m humbled by
that that’s why I do what I do I want
people to believe in themselves I think
it’s one of the biggest things that’s
missing from a lot of people we we live
a Photoshop version of our lives we
pretend like we’re doing these big
things that we really believe in but
secretly go home and and cry to
ourselves or look in the mirror and say
we can’t do that and the bourses in our
head tell us that we’re not going to be
successful and that’s a conversation
that I think people need to break out
and need to share and need to have
people who surround themselves with
positive vibes energy flow things that
make you believe that you can do more
than you can do you know going a little
deeper with this I’d like all you guys
to be that for somebody else maybe it’s
not believing somebody else believe as
my word but you know find the one word
that you staying for and be a source of
joy of inspiration of happiness of
motivation for other people just like I
help you believe in yourself even though
you never met me probably what can you
do to be a source of positivity for
other people in your life because the
way that I make you feel right now
you can spread that and have that kind
of force multiplier to have a major
impact on your family on your community
on people around the world through the
internet right you want to be a force
for good in the world as well and if I
can be a small part in that success and
having you guys go out and spread join
happiness motivation around the world
then that fires me yet next up new
future builder looking forward to you
getting into marketing mode with the
book thanks man I am too I am too so
excited great points made here I can
identify with the three people showing
at your workshop what is your definition
of launching your book successfully are
you looking for a more tangible goal
here like sales numbers because you’re
looking for wider impact or is there an
intangible measure that will be your
primary indicator of success I sense a
both / in coming here LOL you’re right
so i am driven by impact you know I’ve
never sold a book before so I don’t know
what to expect my agent is saying that a
really good book sells fifty to a
hundred thousand copies in its first
year so that’s a milestone to aim for
for me though its your right you know
it’s not just about the numbers it’s
feeling like the work that i’m doing is
meaningful and having an impact I don’t
have a tangible measure for it just like
making this YouTube channel yes I track
views yes I track new subscribers but
the the most meaningful metric for me is
seen the comments come in it’s seen your
questions come in is knowing that the
work that i’m doing is meaningful and
having an impact on you guys and so
translate that to the book that’s what’s
going to be the biggest success factor
for me to think okay do i want to write
more books is did you guys enjoy are you
seeing the results are you applying it
are you reading through the book and
saying you know i made a change in my
life because of it and that’s what’s
going to be the big driver for me so
whether that comes across from emails or
youtube videos or tweets if a book goes
on in cells 100,000 copies but nobody
writes to me about the impact that hat
and that would be a failure I would want
to do another book so the numbers are
there it’s a nice kind of benchmark it’s
good to have something to shoot for but
for me it’s much more about seeing the
qualitative impact that comes back from
you guys let me know that you’re at the
book and are helping spread the message
next up H
ty heat i hope i pronounced that okay
habit I found your YouTube channel I
enjoy each of your new videos feeling
the love thank you for that they have
good topics and most of all having a
great speaker like you to keep the
attention even with long content to read
LOL making an audio book with your own
voice is a great idea you speak well and
clear even if English is not my native
language I can understand each word you
are saying keep up doing these videos
every day they’re good source of
believing in our potential thank you for
the reminder more about the ESL I I can
tend to when I get excited speak very
quickly and I remember doing a
presentation overseas where I wanted to
jam so much information in that I spoke
super fast and people came up to me
after the first day and said we love
your energy and passion but we don’t
really understand what you said because
you were speaking to quickly and English
is our second language I’ve tried to be
better at that although also when I do
get excited and you know emotional out
of control I can I can talk very quickly
which I know can hurt the ESL market
people who you know English is not their
first language and you’re trying to keep
up and it means something to me because
my mom when she moved to Canada didn’t
speak English she’s moved from Italy and
she learned English by watching TV by
watching movies she’s the only one of
her friends who moved at the same age
who doesn’t have an accent she speaks
with a native Canadian accent where all
of her other friends still have an
Italian accent and she also speaks
Italian fluently knowing my mother’s
story and then seeing how i get messages
from you guys saying that you’re
learning english by watching my videos
is a big mind trip it’s a big honor and
so i need to do and you just keep that
in mind when i’m doing the audiobook and
i’m sure that the team there will also
tell me if I’m speaking to quickly but I
need to keep that in mind because I
wanted to be a message that can be
applicable to everybody I imagine you
know my mom and her age coming over and
if she’s picking up my audiobook I
wanted to be something that she can
learn English with and they can still
have a big impact on her life so I
appreciate that message and the chance
to kind of go a little more emotional
with that story you got me choking up a
little bit here next up Tom’s top tell
us about the first company so please
seriously mention it here and there
I would like to know what it was it
would give you more credibility to you
as an entrepreneur in my opinion I’m
happy to talk to you more about my
company but I don’t put out content to
improve my credibility if I can tell my
story in a way that helps you in your
business that’s awesome but I don’t need
to prove myself to anybody so that’s it
next up pretty brown girl 71 I love your
channel and appreciate your advice how
did you get your first start in business
very interesting exact same question
almost as the one before but with a much
better tone and so I’m happy to answer
this one when I was getting started I
always thought was going to be a banker
and you know high school yearbooks I was
going to be a banker and I always you
know that was my that was my dream job
my parents were not entrepreneurs I
didn’t have anybody my family’s an
entrepreneur I never thought I was gonna
be an entrepreneur was never on my radar
never something I thought about and then
when I went to university there were two
people I connected with who had started
a business and needed help with it and
it was it was the toughest decision of
my life because I had opportunities to
work at big companies that I thought
were my dream job and giving me you know
eighty to a hundred thousand dollar
starting salary and find me around the
world and putting me up in expensive
hotels it’s like this is the life that I
was working towards and on the other
hand I have this startup company that’s
not making any money where I’m making
like three hundred dollars a month and I
will survive and which one do you go for
and and the safe route was the big
companies and in the logical route and
the one all my friends wanted and you
know people were guiding me towards with
that one but just something felt
something felt like this was a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I
had to I didn’t want to live with regret
and that’s what that’s what changed the
whole game for me I did not want to live
with regret and so I thought you know
what I’m going to give this a shot if it
doesn’t work out at least I know that it
would not work out and that wouldn’t
haunt me for the rest of my life and so
every time I’ve had to make a big
decision in my life I asked myself is
this something that i will regret not
doing you don’t really regret doing the
things that you do you regret more of
the things that you don’t do are afraid
to do I try to imagine myself you know
when I’m 90 or 100 or 250 looking back
and my death
ed and I don’t want to have wished that
I had done more or tried something else
but I just didn’t have the courage to do
it in that moment and kind of fast
forward in my life forward to that point
helps me push through the fear it
doesn’t eliminate the fear like the
decision I have to make right now is
still very scary decision to not take
those jobs but to take this startup
opportunity was scary but that idea of
not living with regret help me push
through the fear to take the course of
action I felt was best for me and so it
ended up working out it wasn’t easy but
that’s how I got started country girl
2007 awesome videos Evan Thank You
country girl quick question I’m often
told us you write a book about the tons
of knowledge and wisdom I possess I’m
not sure where or how to begin no not
much of a writer either well maybe I am
and haven’t tapped into it yet any
guidance is greatly appreciated for
instance how does one begin writing
especially when they haven’t done it
before how does 100 publisher how does
one know when it’s time to find a
publisher and so forth thank you this is
a interesting series of questions into
how to get started writing you just
start just like anything else there’s no
one big momentous day that this is you
know how you’re supposed to do it
there’s no one way to start you just
start you get in front of your laptop
and you just start writing whether it’s
at home or coffee shop subway whatever
it is you just start writing and and
expect the first stuff to be crap expect
your first pages to be crap expect to
read it over and say this is really
really bad especially if you’ve never
written before then your first stuff is
going to suck it’s a process of getting
it out of your head and then refining it
and refining it and refining or finding
it to eventually get it better on top of
that i would ask myself do you want to
be a writer like is this a skill that
you want to improve on or not because
you could have somebody help you write
it for you you could have a ghostwriter
who interviews you who if you would much
rather make videos or do interviews and
talk it out somebody else who loves that
skill of writing could take that and
turn that into a book for you and its
matter of just finding that right person
building the team up so it’s figuring
out do you want to learn that skill of
writing or not I find that I love making
videos I
I think well on the spot but I also I’m
a good writer I think I’m a good writer
and I can I can often articulate myself
better when I write I don’t like being a
full-time writer I wouldn’t want to be a
full-time writer I enjoy making videos
and meeting people too much but I
wouldn’t want to just give it over to
somebody else to write I feel like i can
write better that than somebody else I
can get my voice out better than
somebody else and so that’s why I wrote
the book personally in terms of finding
a publisher that’s much more question of
what’s the impact that you want to have
if your goal is just to have a book then
the faster and easier way to do is just
to self-publish if your goal is to make
money from the book the faster and
easier way to do it is to self-publish
because you don’t make a lot of money
with a book and find a publisher is a
long arduous process if your bucket list
is just I want to write a book then
maybe you don’t need a publisher to do
it if you’re going to go to a publisher
the way that I made my path there was I
have an agent a talent agent who books
me in the gigs speaking gigs corporate
opportunities his job is to find me
deals he introduced me to a literary
agent and the literary agents job is to
go and find the publisher for you and
get you the best deal and then she
introduced me to five publishers who I
had phone calls with and then we ended
up making a deal with with the one that
we like the best I’d recommend going
through the agent route because they
helped mold your idea into something
that is sellable to publishers they also
help you get the best deal and and not
just financially the best deal but also
help connect you with the best publisher
for you you want someone who believes in
your vision who loves what you’re all
about who wants to work with you because
it’s already past a year and to making
this book you know it’s a process you
got to like the people that you’re
working with that being said if you’re a
first-time author what they want to see
to increase the chances of you getting
the deal is not just having a great idea
they want to see that you have an
audience they want to see that people
will listen to you they want to see that
when the book comes out you know they
want you to go out and sell it they
don’t want to have to rely on just
telling in book stores or online but
you’re you have a naughty
set when you release it they’re going to
go to the bookstore they’re going to go
to Amazon they’re going to buy it for
you so what you want to do is as much as
possible now start building up your
audience whatever the messages that you
have in the book whatever the messages
it’s in your head all this wisdom that
has to come out start sharing that
whether it’s YouTube whether it’s
Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or
snapchat or whatever it is start
building up an audience because the
bigger an audience that you have the
easier it is to get a publisher to say
yes and the more likely you’re going to
get in advance on your book which is
extremely unlikely for a first-time
author but you can do it if you have a
big enough audience next up Omar
everyone I would like to send you a cup
of my book do you have an address if you
look at many of my mail time videos I
include the address to send me stuff and
i look forward to getting the copier
book and open it up over to allen next i
haven’t hardly comment on any channel
but i have to say you’re an inspiration
i can’t wait for your book to come out
been working on my startup and watching
your videos gives me daily motivation i
really appreciate that Allen I you know
I love people who are consistent
commentaries I also love the people who
are first-time commentaries it means a
lot that you made me a part of your
morning routine that’s why I do this
thing I wish you the best of luck with
your startup and and as much as I’m the
motivation for you guys you’re the
motivation for me to your the motivation
for me to want to keep posting videos to
want to keep making content to want to
keep sharing it with you seeing comments
like this saying that I’m helping you
that motivates me to keep going so so
please keep it up Thank You such of the
comments make sure to leave a comment
below but to take that maybe they step
further like a previous question I would
try to be there for other people as well
you know I remember when I was first
started my youtube channel every single
comment was meant a lot to me right
every that first comment that came in I
might not get a comment for 10 videos
that I make and then a comment comes in
like ah somebody’s watching and if
you’re watching videos and it has an
impact on you and you’d like it don’t
just leave a thumbs up give a comment
especially in the smaller channels if
it’s a smaller channel where I see the
person responding to comments I will
always try to leave a comment myself
because I know thinking back to me being
at that size how important every single
comment was knowing how important it is
to me I would encourage you to not just
be a first-time commentary on my channel
but also do it on other people’s
channels too if you feel like that
comments going to have an impact on
their life next up Ananda writing in
great video thanks a lot I always love
your stuff Evan I would appreciate some
advice as an entrepreneur in the making
I’m looking for connections advice and
help about giving first I don’t have any
business leads or connections to offer
them so instead I give them a popular
self-help book first which they have not
read generous bucks by robin sharma dave
dale carnegie or the alchemist is that
okay much more important than what
you’re giving is the intent and so I’ve
been looking at what what value can you
give them and is it coming from a place
of warmth right so I want to have good
feelings about you and a lot of times
it’s it’s just leaving a comment like
you don’t have to spend any money on
them you don’t have to give them a book
it’s just giving them something that
they would appreciates understanding
that you’ve spent time thinking and
caring about them so as an example like
the last question can you leave a
comment on the youtube video can you
spread a little bit of love can you
retweet something they put on twitter
you know the people who are consistently
sharing my stuff commenting are active
in the community I know who they are
they haven’t spent any money on me they
haven’t sent me any books but they’ve
invested their time and if they ask me
for a favor they asked me to check out
their new startup they asked me to look
at their video I would do it because I
know the amount of hustle love they put
in to my channel being successful and so
that’s all you need to do it’s not about
sending somebody you make it a list of
100 people and sending them books you
know if you don’t stay in touch with
them you don’t continue to provide value
to them if you don’t put in the heart
then it’s not going to lead to a
relationship so it’s much more important
to invest the time and the caring and
find a way that you can have a emotional
impact on their life and their business
and if you do that then when you need
help they’re much more likely to be
involved because remember who you are
last question comes to mr. five on it I
need that shirt I’m glad you like the
shirt it’s not the one I’m wearing today
it’s the hustler one that I had on last
week you can order it in the description
below there’s a link to the gear page
will pop it up on the screen too and
yeah you can buy the shirt wear it off
if you do post it somewhere YouTube
Twitter Facebook let me know I want to
see what you
like in it and I might just share it too
so thank you guys so much for watching
tons of questions I love it if you guys
have a question about my book the book
writing process about building a team
which is a topic at the top of the show
let me know leaving the comments below
I’ll make a video reply for you on next
week’s video thank you so much for
watching continue to believe and I’ll
see you soon
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