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how did you stay motivated all the time
people ask me that all the time and the
answer is I did it and neither did you
to become successful the separator in
life is really important people think
the most inspired motivated person wins
nah not really
it’s the person who can work on the days
that are not inspired and motivated it’s
what do you do when you’re not feeling
great what do you do when it’s not your
best day how do you do that carries you
through is rituals and habits so when
you’re fatigued when you’re tired when
you’re under pressure you react
reflexively and so successful people
rely on habits and rituals not just
their inspiration and motivation level
of course we’re both professionals and
being motivated and inspired but that’s
not every day every minute and so what
do I do I work on the days because my
habits and rituals carry me through and
so for me here’s how I look at my life
in my day if I can control the first 30
minutes of my day and the last 30
minutes of my day I have a whole lot
better chance of the middle of my day
being controlled and so I’m a freak
about the first 30 minutes of every day
it’s really about the first 45 minutes
and I’m obsessive about the last 45
minutes of every single day that gives
me some illusion in my mind and measure
of control the other thing it does it
delivers to me habits and rituals that
serve me that I do every day that are
consistent it gives me comfort in stormy
times that ocean out there is raging at
the top right now right the waves are
crashing at the bottom of that ocean
it’s completely calm at the bottom of
that ocean is the habitual part of the
water right it’s the it’s the it’s the
part of the were that stays the most
consistent that’s why it’s so calm okay
so when you see someone out of control
their emotions are up and down all the
this is someone who is without rituals
and habits successful people have those
and so they do and so it keeps me calm
it keeps me comfortable use active
imagination is deceptively simple
often what separates creative from
conventional thinkers is that they
simply search wider they use their minds
to generate possibilities that others
don’t think of then they work to verify
what they came up with we saw a classic
example of this with Pastor another
great example is with Henry Ford early
on in his career in the earliest years
of what would later become the Ford
Motor Company Ford was anxious to Inc to
speed up the production of cars it was
he saw the automobile as the ultimate
consumer product but in order for it to
become that he had to greatly increase
the production rate in his factory so he
spent a couple days looking at his
employees on the factory floor and
trying to imagine how he could get them
to move faster from car to car suddenly
one day he imagined something completely
different he imagined the men standing
still and the cars coming to them he
didn’t know what that really meant but
he decided to try it out and lo and
behold it increased productivity by such
an incredible exponential rate that it
could now become a consumer product that
he envisioned things like antibodies or
assembly lines they seemed so obvious to
us now but they are never obvious in the
present and they involve an incredible
leap of what I call active imagination
the difference between regular and
active imagination is that the latter is
used consciously to reach very very
practical results it’s not imagination
for coming up with wild things its
imagination used for very practical
results think of the active imagination
as a kind of creative muscle that you’re
first within the loose constraints of
what you’re working on you open your
mind up to you give a complete free rein
you entertain almost every possibility
that you could imagine or visualize you
engage in what Charles Darwin calls
experiment fools experiments this is the
fun play part of serious play you use
notebook sketches diagrams models
prototypes to help externalize the
products of your imagination once you
have gone through this you now enter the
second serious part of the process first
you choose one or few of the more
promising possibilities that were
generated by your imagination
and now you actively work to test verify
or confirm it this might entail
launching a beta version on the public
once you have feedback you now go back
into the first part of the process in a
shortened form using your imagination to
perhaps take what you have into an even
better and higher form circling
constantly through this process in
shorter and shorter cycles until you’ve
got something that’s both incredibly
imaginative and incredibly realistic and
practical by developing this by going
through this over and over and over
again you will develop your imagination
into an incredibly powerful creative
muscle your values and your goals should
be aligned they should not be
adversarial they shouldn’t be counter to
each other and if you think about what
your goals are your goals should be set
up in a way that they support your
values and vice versa
that’s just the way it is so I’m not
sure where this is gonna be an issue if
you’re setting up goals that are
contrary to your values you’ve got some
issues now I guess if you had the goal
of winning the blue belt jiu-jitsu
in order to win you you cheated like you
claimed someone was reaping your leg and
use it on you tap and you get the guide
to qualified and you win that could be
an example right
yeah now do I support that no you know
that’s wrong you you go in against the
values of actually the values of martial
arts to do that so you didn’t win
anything you didn’t achieve your goal
because you weren’t actually the best so
I say no on that wanna another one let’s
say you wanted to make a certain level
of profit at your company so you cheated
a little bit on the quality of the
manufacturing and you sold items that
weren’t quite reliable do I support that
no right for animal and why let me tell
you why because your goal your goal is
not even aligned with your goal itself
because when you start making
substandard manufactured items what’s
gonna happen in the long run keep I’m
gonna say we don’t like these yeah
they’re not gonna buy him anymore
so you didn’t win you might have wanted
the short term but you didn’t win and
again you’re going against your value
you should have values that you don’t
want to you know take profit over making
good product and again in the long run
that value is gonna cost you right
people aren’t gonna want to buy your
product anymore every gym has a set way
of doing things don’t do it this way do
it that way so that was just a normal
thing that I talked I thought just
people just have their own set way and
you must do it that way you must stand
this way you must kick this way you must
punch this way but with John when I went
to John I met Michael John cabinet a
straight blast him I wasn’t like that
he had a more open mind and he
encouraged different movements and I’d
never experienced that before I’ve never
heard a coach say that to me before
and I stuck my head in I thought to
myself you know this guy is thinking
outside the box you know I mean that he
has a vision that everything works and
he encourages every movement because
ultimately there is a time and a place
for every single move so I just hot
I just near one when I met John and I
when he spoke it made complete sense to
me and that was the I stuck with him and
he stuck with me and the rest is history
we took a lot of pride in
and trailblazing and how the game was
played back at that time through we
would we would intimidate teams and we
would want to dominate teams but also –
we also had the thought process of a
team was never gonna outwork us we’re
gonna be the hardest working team in the
country because it’s fun you’re willing
to work your face off and working your
face off is actually the Gateway it’s
not the fun the fun is the doorway that
gets you to put in the work that gets
you the results because d-roc loves
filming like the 24/7 nature of what he
does is you know is what so many kids
want to film into this but they don’t
want to it’s not fun enough for them you
have to love it sir the cost of entry
now is you see you understand you have
to love like for me building brands
whether it’s my own brand brands for the
people other things the why it’s so the
only thing I give a shit about that I’m
willing to put in the 19
that it takes because the problem is now
with the internet like we were just
saying being the middleman and everybody
can play there’s some kid in Kansas City
who’s gonna put in the 19 now what’s
amazing is though the biggest thing I
didn’t know is that’s some fun but
there’s so much that all those little
that are gonna put in the 19 are gonna
get theirs too and that makes me happy
yeah so I would say funds a great
gateway to fun is the precursor to
ridiculous amount of work which then
gets you there yeah right why do you
prioritize sleep so highly just curious
of what makes you so committed to that
and the science behind it thank you for
all you do I find that I’m slower when
I’m fatigued so I find myself drifting I
have more symptoms of what we’ll call ad
a DD so that my attention is just drift
drift drifts and then I find I’ll read a
sentence or whatever and be like kind of
to reread the sentence like 10 times so
that was just going whoa I’m not as
efficient as I could be and then the
other is I find it a unique form of
misery there is an additional ring of
hell that is saved just for people who
are fatigued I hate it so much
so it’s misery and I don’t understand
that little life that is miserable I
just don’t get it and then on top of
that I think you actually accomplished
less if you’re fatigued so you’re
putting more hours we’re actually
getting less done per hour so if being
fatigued puts you at like 0.6 of what
your output could be and then being just
like incredibly well rested prioritizing
that puts you at you know it’s I guess
mathematically I should be saying just
one then like you have to make up 40% of
the number of hours and waking up early
just to break even and then you put
misery on top of that so that that’s my
end of one experience is that I am so
deadly efficient when I’m rested that I
just get more done so comparing those
suicide by side I get I actually
accomplish more fulfillment is an art
what’s going to fulfill you is
differently at first and next you’re not
gonna learn that from anybody else you
got to find it because success without
fulfillment is the ultimate failure and
I get those phone calls all the time for
the multi billionaire entrepreneur or
politician or business person or a
person just won their Academy Award and
they’re depressed and they can’t tell
cuz they got all their goals but they’re
not fulfilled because they really don’t
have that sense of meaning in their life
they went for something and they got it
they achieved and if you doubt this one
I’m saying is relevant to you
or us or anyone just think about about a
year and what a month ago we lost what I
consider be a national treasure robbing
wipes how many of you loved robbing
wipes look around the room keep the
hands up look and most of you didn’t
know him almost ever and then where you
go in the world people live Robin
Williams by the way was he great at
achievement oh my god that guy he said
he want to make become a great comedian
he did that I want to make the world
laugh he did I want to make my own TV
show he did I wanted the number one TV
show he did it I want to make movies he
did I want an Academy Award for not
being funny not his skill set drama and
he did it I want a beautiful family he
did it and then he hung himself make
everybody happy but yourself
not a good plan so if I had a gift to
give you it would be maybe make a
different decision and a decision is
that no matter what happens in your life
you’re gonna live in a beautiful state a
beautiful state and that could be happy
that could be grateful that could be
being generous
those are all beautiful states aren’t
they it could be curious it could be fun
it could be playful you’re not limited
to one state but it’s different than
suffering and most people suffering and
all suffering I’ve ever seen I traveled
100 countries I’ve dealt with presence
of countries and you know presidents of
businesses CEOs I’ve dealt with people
in prison I thought with you name
average people suffering always comes
because you’re obsessed about something
related to you you can only be depressed
if you’re focusing on yourself so now
I’m depressed cuz my kids and and
they’re not doing well no you’re
depressed cuz you feel you’ve failed
your kids it’s about you it’s about how
you think you what you should have done
or shouldn’t have done or what someone
did to you or didn’t do to you in the
past or the future which don’t even
exist so I have a simple goal my goal is
help people make a decision that says I
don’t know what’s gonna happen you might
get a divorce even though you don’t
think so you might find a family of your
family with cancer you might have your
house get burned down I have a tornado
go by and if you live in the same place
that happens every two years and you
move back we should talk but some people
seem to do that for some reason you
can’t control those things I can’t
control those things I don’t want those
to happen to you or anybody I love or
anybody who’s even a stranger to me but
they’re going to happen true not
positive thinking both just the truth so
if that’s gonna happen I say make a
decision now that says I’m gonna live in
a beautiful state and I’m gonna find
beauty and whatever Life brings me cuz
life is too short not to I have a lot of
moments where I’m like
shai and I don’t want to be you know I
want to be like away from people but I
think certain challenges always make me
have to step it up and so I push I push
myself a lot you know life begins
outside of your comfort zone and you
know sometimes it’s good to push
yourself and do the unexpected and you
never know what you might find when I
was 22 right after I graduated from
Dartmouth I was so focused on making
everyone happy that I almost chose the
worst possible career for my personality
it’s not a bad career it just would have
been horrendous for me I was interested
in the environment so I decided oh you
know I’ll go get a law degree and then
I’ll go work in Washington and I think
maybe I’ll work on environmental policy
and I’d probably end up in some cube
farm and everyone was thrilled with the
plan everyone it turns out but me so
here I am
I’m driving a u-haul across country to
go to law school and to get a degree in
environmental law and something started
to gnaw at me and with every single mile
that I drove my thoughts were getting
louder and doubts were starting to pour
in my gut was telling me Mel
turn the damn u-haul around but the
problem was that everything was already
in place right I mean I’m already in the
u-haul the thing is already packed I’m
already 10 miles into my drive the
tuition had been paid for the first
semester I had signed a lease I mean I
could not undo these things
isn’t that why it’s so difficult for you
to make changes in your life because you
think that things can’t be undone the
fact is any excuse that you come up with
you can undo tuition can be reimbursed
apartments can be leased plan B can be
invented so I got up I repack that
u-haul and I drove out of town I let
myself make a u-turn in life if you ever
find your gut battling your head save
yourself the drama I guarantee you your
gut is right guarantee you your excuses
can be undone and I guarantee you you
can make a
turn in your life right now if you want
we all need a mission that’s what life
should be is a mission that’s what gives
your life purpose and focus and drive
and ultimately satisfaction
now that mission can be the job you work
at it can be providing for your family
or it can be getting better at jiu-jitsu
or stronger at Olympic lifting or
starting a business that you want to
grow and build and take over the world
and sometimes people ask me what to do
if they don’t know what their mission is
or what their mission should be and I
tell them if they’re in that situation
to go help someone go help someone else
make that your mission because that will
make you better and it’ll make the world
better and eventually from that you’ll
see what your mission is I believe we
all are raised as fighter jets just we
get neutered by parents by grandparents
because of the filters they had and
viewed life through the experiences they
had teachers who go you don’t want to
disappoint yourself just go to college
go get a good job go to college don’t go
to college today don’t go to college
it’s the worst thing you can do and
that’s gonna be a doctor or an attorney
and or accountant or you know some kind
of an architect don’t go to college you
can do a lot more in life without going
to college and so again teachers
professors will end up neutering us and
when they take they take that fighter
jet that hungar the claws and fangs they
defend us alright so now we’re crop
dusters I don’t want to take too many
risks I just want to live a good life
and they want to be average and mediocre
that’s the crop duster yet everyone
inside has this hunger see the fighter
jet didn’t go away it’s just been
you’ve been neutered and that was me
like hey don’t take big gray just go get
a good job go be a smart technician like
that was the advice I was given gonna be
a smog technician right so I’d be the
guy I put in the
the tailpipe of your car and they’re
saying you can go get your car
registered Tom that was it that was it
and so I realized very quickly that I’ve
got this hunger inside me as I talked to
others they got this hunger inside them
that’s the fighter jet trying to get out
that’s the claws and fangs trying to
grow but the Society parents who ever
have set the standard for you to not
play it safe it risks what if you lose
what have you lose who care as long as
you don’t die can come right back and so
the fighter jet mentality is that
someone who is just determined
relentlessly obsessed in achieving an
outcome in the face of all adversity the
crop duster is someone who’s always
looking for the easiest path the
loophole which what I used to be a
severe crop duster the crop duster hits
the snooze button every day because
they’d rather take ten more minutes of
mediocre sleep then getting up and
dominating their path every morning on
my nightstand there’s two stacks of
dominoes lined up and at the top of this
stack says you’re a loser the top of
this one says you’re a winner if I hit
the snooze button I’ve hit that first
domino on the loser stack the rest of my
day is gonna suck now with that
mentality am I gonna ever hit snooze
again absolutely not because I’ve sold
myself on the idea that when I hit the
snooze button I’m an absolute loser I’m
scum of the earth I am my day is
destined to be you know some people go
you’re being awfully hard on yourself
more people should be hard on themselves
we go around bubble wrapping ourselves
right we leave the training bills on for
too long
like be hard on yourself take the bubble
wrap off take the take the training
wheels off no one did that for me man we
came to this country and it was just
like hey go figure it out
but it was don’t take risks to go get a
good job that be a fighter jet be a
fighter jet go to battle every day take
risks that’s what a fighter jet does a
crop duster has a routine life and it’s
boring I once counted with a girlfriend
that I had probably over 80 jobs you
know I like was a guide for Greek ruins
when I worked construction in Crete I
taught English in here and in Spain I
did the first like encyclopedia for the
Internet I helped write an encyclopedia
I was a busboy a waiter
I’m not I’m leaving out something juice
oh I was a Skip tracer I worked for a
detective agency helping find people who
left town you know without telling a
single where they were yeah you know
with all those things if you think about
it helps cuz it’s like doing research
for a book or well thinking about being
a writer is that you have to be
interested people
yeah and life and so I’m always wanting
to know what it’s like you know what
it’s like to be Shira you know would you
want it
yeah I really would because then if I
really knew what that one made Shira
tick then Shira would become a character
in my next book so you got to be curious
about people and having a lot of
different jobs helped out yeah
try to imagine the way other people see
you and what other people are thinking
of you and one place where this happens
and it definitely happened to me is when
I started getting put in charge of
things I started thinking about other
people’s perspectives what are they
seeing if you’re in charge then what are
your subordinates see you do what are
your subordinates here you say what kind
of representation are they receiving in
if you work for someone else it’s the
same questions what does the boss see me
do what does the boss hear me say what
kind of representation
am I making of myself to my boss and
then you start thinking about what are
your friends and family think what do
they see what do they hear and so the
question becomes how well do you
represent yourself what shortfalls do
you have now when you first start
looking it’s like you’re looking at an
overgrown lawn
there are some big obvious problems so
you do a broad just kind of general cut
of the grass you fix some of the big
easy problems that are obvious I once
you’ve done that you’ve gotten rid of
some of those big obvious problems you
notice some more detailed problems say
then you handle them and once you’ve got
those handled you see even smaller and
more detail the issues so you start
trying to fix them and that’s what you
do with yourself you continually attach
and then you look and then you refine
and then you detach and then you look
and then you refine and then you detach
and you look and then you refine that’s
what you do that’s how you get better
and that process doesn’t stop it can’t
and then the weeds grow back and the
next thing you know you can’t see
yourself anymore
and when you can’t see yourself anymore
when you stop looking at you yourself
and that’s wrong don’t accept the faults
don’t give yourself the benefit of the
doubt you’ve got to be your own harshest
critic and hold the line some of the
most important discoveries and
inventions and innovations cut within a
field come from people who are trained
in a much different field and who have
an outsider’s approach
Louis Pasteur was a classic example of
this he was trained as a chemist in
mineralogist so he brought amidst a much
different way of thinking to the subject
of medicine and germs a method that was
infinitely more creative Albert Einstein
was a complete outsider his two most
important discoveries came when he was
working at the Swiss Patent Office
Google itself exemplifies this idea it
is perhaps the most successful business
on the planet founded by two men who are
relatively complete outsiders to
business and who therefore structured
and directed their company in a very
novel and creative fashion I could go on
and on and on with this list including
many great artists there are two
important reasons why Outsiders
generally have a creative advantage
first they are less steeped in and
burdened by the conventions of the field
that they are attacking they ask a
different set of questions they approach
problems from unconventional angles and
second they are often trained in totally
unrelated fields and so can make
interesting and creative connections
between two very different forms of
thinking like science and business or
chemistry and medicine or engineering
and design
now we can’t all consciously follow such
a path but even within the careers that
were pursuing we can train ourselves to
think like outsiders and help loosen up
the mind in the process so I get up
super early generally I have this thing
where I like beating the Sun up not just
in terms of what Sun comes I have to get
up and how do I do it it’s just
important to find balance and I try and
do things really that I really enjoy
doing and a lot of times you know it’s
like in life right life brings like
drama and you got to deal with this
person and if your relationship hear all
these things you try and just kind of
balance them out as best like I think
it’s okay that a first-time filmmaker
being so inspired by movies and music
videos and any kind of music or media
can make a derivative film it’s okay
that your first videos and your first
attempts at telling a story are
derivative are obviously influenced by
something that you know that you saw
last week and you want to kind of do a
version there’s nothing wrong with
learning the ABCs learning your craft by
being derivative but at some point
you’re gonna need to find your natural
voice and find a way to give voice to
who you are and who you are by the way
who you are as original it just is
because you’re not Tommy you’re not me
and you’re not your best friend and
you’re not your teacher you’re not your
parents you are you and because of that
you do have every bone in your body is
an original bone it’s sometimes trying
to figure out how to express your own
original and that analogy and that
sometimes takes a number of years to
figure yourself out people will say do
you keep a notebook and the answer is I
think a writer’s notebook is the best
way in the world to immortalize bad
ideas my idea about a good idea is one
that sticks around and sticks around and
sticks around it’s like to me it’s like
if you were to put bread crumbs in a
strainer and shake it which is what the
passage of time is for me it’s like
shaking a strainer all this stuff that’s
not very big and not very important just
kind of dissolves and falls out but the
good stuff stays you know the big pieces
day I had the idea for under the dome
when I was teaching high school back in
1973 and it was just too big for me and
I was too young for it and I wrote about
25 26 pages and put it away there’s a
scene at the beginning of this book
where this woodchuck gets cut in half
when this dome comes down over this town
I had written that part when I was in in
my early 20s and just sort of recreated
it from memory when I when I wrote the
book so the good stuff stays you’ve
lived a life dominated by doubt and fear
how do you step into bravery step that’s
how you step into bravery step take the
step step aggressively towards your fear
and that that step towards your fear is
the step into bravery because we’re
there’s only one way to learn and to
know and that is to confront that fear
you have to step you have to go and this
simple action this simple attitude it
answers so many questions so many
questions how do you get to the gym
every day you step you go how do you how
do you change your diet you step you go
how do you overcome fear of failure fear
you stepped and how do you face the fear
of the unknown your step don’t wait
anymore don’t think anymore don’t plan
anymore don’t contemplate anymore don’t
make any more excuses or justifications
don’t rationalize anything else no no
and no instead be aggressive take action
now and what is the first action that
you need to take what’s the first step
you need to take the first step you need
to take is just that step enough enough
like living by somebody else’s rules is
a humongous mistake I’ve just literally
sat down with five people under the age
of 27 and it’s so refreshing it is so
refreshing if you have not jumped on the
bandwagon of doing exactly what the you
want to do which is skiing for next
three years or working at a job that’s
not what your parents want or what
society wants this video is just called
enough enough make this little in one
two minute video depends on when I
finish the piece of content that gets
you to stand up and take life by its
throat do something stopping scared stop
letting the way you were raised the fear
as an offense take that away let me be
the person I’ll take the blame I loved
that some of my plays are like my
parents don’t love what you’re saying
good parents because if you are playing
defense and if you are living a life
where your kids lives are the way you’re
being fulfilled you’re a loser
parents and so enough enough parents
imposing their way you want your kids to
be happy on your terms enough the kid
that’s sitting right now in a desk and
saw this in a feed and you hate your job
enough stand up get the out of here
and do you live your life you’ve got one
life do something about it
keep the actual making of a film the
day-to-day going to work the
construction of them there’s always been
my favorite thing I like making it feel
much more than I like watching them I do
and even the ones I’m in I really love
the coming together with a whole bunch
of people having an idea on paper and
everyone’s got everyone’s an expert at
what they do and you’re and you’re off
on this journey you’ve got ideas but
then you just let him you let it let it
go and see what it can become
I love the making that’s when I’m
happiest is when I’m making a film or
telling the story the day to day and
the I mean look I kind of define that
for myself about four years ago process
probably stay in process head down in
process stay in your bubble and when
it’s over be that fulfillment noticed
when I started noticing that fulfillment
of it I just finished well that’s enough
that’s it I don’t know if this thing I
don’t know if it’s even coming out I
don’t even know I don’t know what it’s
gonna turn in man I hope they I hope we
got it and I hope the director put
something good together but I don’t know
nothing I can do about that all I know
is this experience that I go have the
experience Makani
and if I can love this experience and at
the end of it I’m like may never even
hear that film again may never even know
that story again it may be gone we find
out that all the negatives cut fried the
x-ray machine there is no film but I’ve
gotta be that’s okay I had an experience
when I got selfish for that for that
experience when I got that process
enjoying that process the day to day
architecture of making a movie in
creating a role that’s that’s what I’m
yes and more results have come that way
in an odd way you know but I just saw
when I started really approached them as
this is a finite thing and this is just
to experience other than that I’m not
producing this thing I’m not the one
that anything I don’t know what it’s
gonna be that’s it and then obviously
then they come out and you go oh maybe
who’s got a good one
there’s a phrase in the Bible that’s
become kind of an expression called
suffer fools gladly and somehow in our
modern world together totally inverted
which is something that kind of bothers
me the original expression meant that
you’re constantly surrounded by fools
half the world are fools or whatever the
percentages and maybe Europe and what
you need to do is you need to something
you need to be able to put up with fools
and laugh at them and not take them
seriously that’s what it means in the
Bible and that’s the wisdom and then
somehow it got turned around in modern
times work where it seems to be a virtue
that you don’t suffer fools gladly that
you don’t put up with them but you get
angry about them at you confront then
they try to change them and on and on
and on and on and the idea that I try to
say it’s part of my chapter on social
intelligence which is I try to tell you
that you’re not going to be a master in
this world unless you know how to get
along with people we’re social animals
you can’t just be a nerd a tech guy has
no contact with people you have to learn
how to be with people and be socially
intelligent and it’s actually a
beautiful form of intelligence and one
of the aspects is to learn how to suffer
and I tell you what I think a fool is a
fool is somebody that doesn’t have the
right kind of sense of priorities in
life they magnify the little things that
we should just not worry about into some
huge dramatic thing and huge dramatic
things they completely ignore they have
no sense of proportion and we encounter
them every day in our lives and in fact
we encounter a little bit of them in
ourselves we all have a foolish side so
let’s all be patient with fools if you
try and change them or fight them you’re
only gonna waste valuable time and
energy in your short life learn to laugh
at them learn to know it’s part of the
human comedy I find that that’s gonna
save you energy in the end and I have
stories in there of how not only do you
suffer fools gladly but you turn it
around to an advantage so I have a story
in there Daniel
Everett who’s a great kind of
anthropologist and linguist and he came
out with a radical new theory on
linguistics and suddenly he finds
himself being attacked by everyone in
the field but they’re attacking him in
this ad hominem manner as if he’s a
charlatan they’re not attacking his
ideas and it’s driving him crazy and now
he’s dealing with fools and he decides
that what he’s gonna do is he’s gonna
turn it to his advantage he’s gonna make
sure now from now on that anything he
presents in a book or a lecture is
airtight they would usually pinpoint one
little small thing and something he said
that could be inconsistent and say
therefore your whole theory is wrong
okay from now on I’m not gonna make
anything inconsistent so he took the
foolish aspect of these attacks and he
decided he would make it would make him
stronger and would make his ideas
that’s what sufferer
glad things about and I have other
examples there the book mindset is
everything and so you’ve got a really
deciding any positive about making
negative nothing’s am i thrilled that I
have the ability to do things about it
to make what I’m worried about better or
am i crippled by there’s like these
seven things like tomorrow I always
choose positivity I look at other people
around me it’s not just about me that
winning they choose positivity I look at
people around me that are not winning
Resik that are not advancing dirty shoes
and negativity it’s stunningly binary
it’s stunningly black and white and
stunning the air
this is a
to be very honest to be very frank I
think the biggest impact I’m having is
I’d be that all the emails because I
read a lot last night as well is is
shifting that mindset and getting people
into that and
understand what they’re in charge and
hacking and trying to pour out the
negativity dump the negativity and a
I’m a positivity world
what I’m pushing that’s my agenda
and that’s why I think you’re feeling
the effects
and your partner and loved one
audience so many people get 49 comments
for me phenomenal
like your piece and they spent 80% their
time on that one
I don’t like to think too far ahead so
you haven’t thought oh no I don’t like
too far ahead people say it like goals
long distance goals and shit that’s too
much for me I already feel like I’m
living it and then I just carry on the
old I you know carry on day by day
already living the final goal the goal
of being the world champion I already
carry myself like I’m my world champ and
I already speak like I’m a world
champion and and that’s it I just carry
on day by day so I’ll take it as a
corpse I look again like I said you were
awesome ask me about the future I’ll let
you I’ll let you know a little bit
closer and I mean as far all I can see
right now is the cold that’s all I can
see I don’t really care so much what
people say about me because it usually
is a reflection of who they are for
examples people wish I would sound like
I used to sound then it says more about
them than it does me if I change the
lyrics to a song then it begs the
question why do you want me to curse why
do you want me to talk like other people
Kirstin was cool when nobody was doing
it just a couple people yeah yeah like
if everybody wears the same clothes
right then it’s you know it ain’t cool
no more you know you you’re trying to be
different one can’t be different by
being racy today it’s not interesting
these sexiness ones in the mind it was
in your imagination when you lose that
then you know like I said it’s just old
skin well forgive me
visualize where you want to be what you
want to accomplish you kind of get lost
in the process of day-to-day you know
grinding it out working pulling on eyes
if you have to you know that this is
just about not losing vision and not
losing sight of what you’re what you’re
trying to accomplish no matter what
hurdles you have to go through so I
think that kind of relates to whatever
you’re doing whatever you know major
you’ve chosen what you’re interested in
so for me and basketball and it’s about
you know visualizing whether you write
it down and put it on the wall do
something with what your goals are and
get lost in the process of the
day-to-day grind day-to-day getting
better every single day asking questions
aligning yourself with people that have
been through it before they’re that are
experienced and leaning on that advice
and just trying to outwork the next
person and that’s the biggest thing
no the emotional factor in the story
always Prabhas you have been breaking
the business barriers very often but but
what what what what calls to me is not
whether a film is gonna make a gazillion
hmm-what calls to me is is there an a a
deep urge in the center of myself that
only that film will release and and then
and then exercise and and that’s the
only condition I’ll direct a movie if
I’m doing a sequel of course if I’m
doing the lost world a secret of
Jurassic Park of course I know that the
bar has been raised because if it
doesn’t make this X amount of money
everybody thinks it’s a failure and
added pressure of great expectation the
Indiana Jones series they’re not sequels
but on all the other three Indiana Jones
films that I’ve directed there’s a
tremendous level of expectation and
that’s nerve-racking yeah but but the
fact that those movies are successful
and make a lot of money isn’t why I
decided to direct sequels to the Indiana Jones series
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