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What Major to Choose – What major should I study?

what major should I study listen I can’t
tell you what class you should take I
can’t tell you what business you should
start because it’s got to be something
that you love I could give you the best
advice in the world I could tell you hey
here are the top ten industry to get
into you’re the top ten majors to go for
but if you’re not excited about it
you’re not going to be successful
whereas you could take something that
has zero growth and you could become
massively successful there because you
love it because you’re passionate about
it if I was starting something if I was
studying something if I was learning
something even for personal interest
what would I get into entrepreneurship
salsa the dancing the music baseball you
know how does that all blend together
doesn’t but I make it work I’m the only
one who does that
and if I tell you to do those things
you’re gonna think that you’re crazy
salsa dancing who cares
baseball sucks hey listen okay I can’t
tell you what business you need to start
I can’t tell you what major you should
get into it’s got to come from here and
you have to have the courage to to drop
something if it’s not working out this
is probably one of the hardest things
for people who are getting into
university college trying to figure out
what they want in their life they have
an idea in high school they graduate
they go to university they start along a
path and they realize this is not for me
and they stay on that path and they end
up living a life that they hate they end
up just following the path because
that’s what everybody else does and you
graduate you get a job here and you get
a promotion and promotion and you keep
going along this path that you hate and
you knew that you would hate it when you
first started it and you didn’t have the
courage to leave and go do something
else this comes as a result of a YouTube
viewer who wrote in the a mod wrote in
to say people told me that
business management is not good because
I’ll stay behind the register my dream
is not to be behind it so decided to
look for a new major to study but I
didn’t like any of what I saw can you
suggest anything for me
thank you there’s nothing about business
management that means you’re going to be
behind a cash register if you love
business management stay in business
management if you don’t then switch out
you can be whatever you want you don’t
even need necessarily the degree and I’m
not saying drop out of school but you
want to follow something you’re
passionate about I don’t care what other
people tell you about business
management if you love it you keep doing
it you’ll find a way to be super
successful at it if you’re doing this
for you if you hate it because you hate
it and you’re going to go on do
something else because if you hate it
then that’s fine but I don’t know what
to tell you to go what made you to start
in you got to look here what do you love
and if you’re not sure jump in a bunch
of stuff most of the university classes
are open right they don’t take
attendance drop in see if you like
anything and don’t be afraid to do that
to not have a clear direction because
not having a direction and exploring and
trying to find your passion is way
better than going off in the wrong
direction because once you hop on that
train if you don’t have the courage to
jump off you’re screwed like that’s the
rest of your life and did you get older
and you have more responsibilities it’s
so much harder to jump off because you
have stability and you have people who
depend on you that’s hard to leave that
to go start a business so I can’t tell
you what job you should get I can’t tell
you what business to start I can’t tell
you what course is good I can’t tell you
what industry you want it you should get
into every major life decision that
you’re going to make for yourself should
come from here not from here comes from
your heart not from your brain because
you can make whatever you want you can
make the world that you need for
yourself if you’re leading from your
heart or if you’re leading from your
head you’re always going to work for
somebody else
believe those you watching you like the
video please give it a thumbs up below
let me know what you think leave a
comment ask a question I’ll make a video
response thank you so much and I’ll see
you soon
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