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What is’s ONE WORD?

hello believe maintain it’s everything
as you know probably by now I’ve written
a book called your one word it’s all
about helping you find the one core
value that you have and then bring it to
your life into your business and you can
create something that has much more
meaning more intention more value and
more awesomeness and so I finally create
a new series to try to share some of the
one words of successful entrepreneurs
that we look up to the first video in
this series was on Oprah Winfrey her one
word would love and I want to continue
the series today with will I am if you
had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
that would be connect a little vision
will not an egotistical either just the
will and not the thing you’re right
before you die you will to have will
determination to have strength courage
well thank you guys so much for watching
I’d love to know what did you think of
this clip also really curious you know
what is your one word if you figured it
out please leave it down in the comments
below thank you guys so much for
watching I believe in you I’ll put your
team to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
guys I’ll see you
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