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“We’ve Become ADDICTED to Other People’s OPINIONS!”

it doesn’t matter what the other people
think we’ve become addicted to other
people’s opinions they’re so terrified
of their opinion of you one success
model the best
what’s that belief nation it seven I
believe when you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so to say let’s learn
one of the most common rules that
successful people follow ignore the
opinions of others also if you want to
know a Gary Vee Mike Tyson Mark Cuban
have to say about building confidence
and excellence check out my 254 series
where every day to the next
254 days I will send you a morning video
for free to help you build your
confidence the links to join are in the
description below the reason people
aren’t patient is they value other
people’s opinions too much I’ve always
been passionate some people thought you
know it’s a it’s more OCD than anything
else a good fight just to be diligent
and committed and discipline doing what
you hate to do but do it like you love
every single thing I’ve ever done in my
life people thought was stupid until
they did it well because when you do
something early or that isn’t mainstream
yet it’s always gonna be met with
cynicism the internet was a fad when I
started the whole thing the whole
internet not flipping not Instagram the
whole framework was gonna be gone by the
year 2000 all these people told me y2k
is gonna kill the Internet this is
something that I heard from like people
that didn’t know most people really are
concerned about what people think about
them it holds them back you never ever
ever ever have it’s not a part of who
you are is that your DNA or where did
that come from I don’t know I just never
gave up yeah it’s just once you get
success in something I mean even when
look I failed many times and you learn
from those failures that it doesn’t hurt
as bad as you thought you know that you
can bounce back and then once you taste
some success you realize it doesn’t
matter how many times you’ve failed
right you only have to be one right one
time then everybody’s always an
overnight success or you know this came
easy to them you know you just you just
got to keep on grinding and and keep on
trying new things and you know once you
start feeling the success you realize
look it doesn’t matter what the other
people think
other than my customers other than my
you know my partners other than my
employees I care what they think but you
know from the outside looking in I was
always just so focused that I just never
I mean I got distracted from time I
don’t want to say never distracted but
you know I just didn’t want anybody else
I don’t want to think that how people
saw me was a reflection of the job I was
doing you know if my customers were
happy if my stakeholders were happy I
was happy what do you think are the
biggest misconceptions people still have
a lot to or have about you I don’t know
if you think about that
one things about me about my business
yeah did you come to learn that or it’s
really what it is yeah you know when I
learned it someone explained it to me
that is children my business was talking
about so that increase your confidence
probably are you know just some common
there’s a thing in our culture that’s
killing our culture it’s killing success
and that is that we’ve become addicted
to other people’s opinions we’ve become
addicted to other people’s approval
that’s and social media is wonderful but
it’s all about how many likes do you get
how many selfies can you take that may
feel good when you get it but then what
it does is it governs your behavior you
begin to only do things to seek other
people’s approval and even when you get
it right it’s short-term it doesn’t
really feel very good it’s not
fulfilling but we really want it’s not
just success we want fulfillment the way
we get fulfillment is self-respect is
self-confidence and that’s how somehow
in your life you must begin to separate
what you do from what people think about
it you know this the people that have
really won in life and in business they
eventually drop the addiction to what
other people think about them they’re
most concerned about what they think
about them or if they’re a person of
faith of what their God thinks about
them not the rest of the world because
the higher you climb the more haters
you’re gonna have there’s absolutely no
question about it
you ought to hope you have more of them
the only thing I will warn people of is
the higher you climb the closer to you
the haters are so right now if you’re at
one level of success it’s people at a
distance that are haters but as you
climb higher there’s always the one or
two people in your close circle we’re
gonna try to pull you back down because
they think you’re leaving them they make
you your success is making them
uncomfortable about where they are and
so they begin to do everything they can
to pull you back down so the closer the
haters are to you the even more success
you’re having I feel that being on
television of being a woman and a strong
woman that I have a responsibility to
you know communicate how I feel and
inspire and be honest and I feel
responsibility by the same token I don’t
really think about what people think
about me because I feel like if you try
to please everybody you end up pleasing
nobody and I and I believe that you
shouldn’t buy into the love how much
people love you
all jacked up buy that or buy into the
hate how much they hate you so I feel
like I’m right down the middle with that
I’m polarizing I know people hate me
people love me and I’m not you know I
don’t play favorites if you hate me I
respect it because you know you have an
opinion and you’re allowed to and if you
love me you know I love it and it’s
great and you’re helping pay my you know
mortgage and my kids everything so it is
what it is I think it’s really important
for entrepreneurs to understand were
your threshold is of how much crap you
could take from other people how much
negativity how much feedback and
criticism and you could take without it
impacting your psyche or your self-worth
I think in general as an entrepreneur
you need to be prepared to get a lot of
crap a lot of negativity a lot of stuff
coming at you and yes it’s easy to say
don’t care what other people think but
understanding what your tolerance level
is and where you kind of fit on that
spectrum can really help you design the
rules so that they’re in your favor so
as an example this is a guy on my team
who doesn’t handle criticism as well you
know I’m a lot more comfortable in the
uncomfortable where he can bounce around
a lot more who be on top of the world
like this is great and then a negative
feedback comes in and it really impacts
them hardly and then the positive one
comes in the jokes back up and so for
someone like him you can’t design as
much risk as much negativity or
potential negativity so you got to take
as a safe path up where for me I’m more
comfortable in the uncomfortable I know
that eventually something’s gonna work
out and I know that at the beginning of
any project it’s gonna be rough that it
need a hut workout then we’re gonna get
some criticism and so I’m more willing
to jump all in and play in that field
even though it’s painful at the moment
because I know the faster I get through
that pain the fast we’re gonna come out
the other side I want that feedback and
criticism negativity as soon as possible
so that I can make it better better for
you better for me better for everybody
and so understanding what your tolerance
level is of emotional stability how much
you can take from your friends and your
family and your customers and your
audience and the people watching you
before you break and then be able to
play just below that limit because you
can’t just play super safe because
gonna make you happy as an entrepreneur
but know where your limit isn’t playing
just below it so that it’s uncomfortable
it’s painful but you’re still gonna be
able to get through it I think it’s
really important that self-awareness I
think is really important as an
entrepreneur we get to decide who we are
there’s no objective truth that you’re
going to find or uncover you’re simply
the collection of the things that you
believe to be true about yourself and
once you begin to form that opinion of
who you are you’ll act in accordance
with that belief you begin to shape a
vision of yourself in your own mind and
that becomes the reality so letting
other people influence that letting
other people come in and degrade what
you think of yourself is one of the most
dangerous and damning things that you
could do because they cloud your ability
to craft to craft a vision of the person
that you want to become and that vision
is so hard for all of us to hold on to
that we have to protect it we have to
keep other people out of that we’ve got
to have intention in creating the person
that we want to become from the time
they’re little it tends to be that you
get recognition from your parents when
other adults recognize you as something
so they’ll be like oh your daughter’s so
cute oh your daughter’s so sweet she’s
so funny so so you’ll learn oh other
people’s opinions really matter and this
is like what are women just drowning in
like what is crushing women at other
people’s opinion bingo they live their
life terrified of failure terrified to
try terrified that they’re getting it
because their mother-in-law will
disapprove or the girls that they went
to high school with you know they’re
gonna see me on Facebook and they’re
gonna watch me it’s crazy it’s crazy
because those people that you’re so
terrified of their opinion of you those
people are not the ones who will live
with the regret those people are not the
ones who can’t afford to take their kids
on vacation those people are not the
ones who are struggling for it like all
these things that you want for your life
but you’re too afraid to reach for
because of what other people will think
those other people are not going to be
there when it sucks and it’s hard for
you that’s all on you
one of my friends Daniel told me once
if nobody hates you you’re probably
doing it wrong and that’s just the case
there’s all kinds of trolls on the
internet if you’re an artist it comes
with the job you know these people don’t
have creativity so they spread what they
have to offer
which is negativity in hopes to bring
you down that’s their contribution to
society and if anything we shouldn’t be
offended by it
we shouldn’t be hurt by it even though a
lot of the things that are said can be
hurtful if anything we should feel sorry
and pity for these people because all
they have to contribute is just
negativity and think about what it is to
live like that that’s miserable right on
the Internet I mean learn to cook just
anything they don’t have what it takes
to put the work out there but you do
they don’t have what it takes to go out
and create something and make something
and put it on the internet and open
themselves up to being vulnerable to
just put art out there for the world to
experience not everyone’s gonna like it
when you go see a movie you might not
like it
your friend might like it you might love
it your girlfriend hates it your
boyfriend loves it you hate it so it’s
subjective art is subjective that’s the
best part about it it’s not for
everybody so don’t be discouraged by the
people telling you you’re a complete
idiot I can’t believe you did that
this video is complete garbage you suck
that’s fine like whatever you’re the one
sitting here putting in the work putting
that art out there into the world and
that is what’s gonna open doors there’s
a cool Andy Warhol quote I forget like
the specifics of it but it’s like make
art and while people are deciding if
they like it or not make more art
ultimately doesn’t matter the size has
renamed Achaia Unversity 9 saga OST guns
inside Etsy the seriousness shuffle
dusters do EE toes manouschka gun asses
laughing do you buddy
it’s just nothing frightens tans RZ
well done Zhuang Zi real anger decision
can Darma it’s a beautiful madam and Lee
has soon eat do need as I’d last like
only from the a gazelle shaft at sale
involve Amira’s Nichkhun the exact
induce this must mark Z about I know
birds well well does best is when you
smash on the shafts just don’t I these
processes yeah when the iron puts and
Sean cept Kobe it would not mind now we
have a special bonus tip for you from
Patrick be David on how to worry about
the right opinions that I think you’re
gonna enjoy but before that it’s time
for the three-point landing questions
Tyler move from just watching another
video to taking action in your life for
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one whose
opinions do you need to stop caring
about number two what’s the thing that
you’re thinking that you’re so afraid to
share and number three how will you
share that thing somehow today
you worry too little about what the
right people think about you what are
the right people the right people are
the people that are helping to get to
the next level the right people are the
customers that are buying from you the
right people are the people that are
trying to give you an education about
business entrepreneurship growing you
worry too little about these guys you
worry way too much about the people that
have no desire to help you get to the
next level zero if you want to know how
Will Smith doesn’t care about other
people’s opinions check out the video
they’re right next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there
growing up Will Smith was someone who I
always looked up to he was funny he was
positive he was charismatic he was confident
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