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WARRIOR MENTALITY – Motivational Video on Success [MOTIVATION 2017] ft Ultimate Warrior

lawyers warrior man here class begins
right now no matter how many years
you’ve lived up till now no matter how
many years you have yet to live no
matter how many fuck ups you’ve made in
your life and the time you’ve had on
this planet no matter how much at that
time you fucking wasted over and over
and over right now is the moment you
have that’s all you’ve got right now as
you’re watching me you should be here
now where are you where are you right
now because most people can’t
concentrate on anything longer than 30
fucking seconds and I hope I hope I hope
you can be honest with me and tell me
that you’re looking right at me right
now you realize that I’m give you my
total undivided attention because I want
your mindset about yourself and about
the world at large to change right
fucking now we’re gonna start with two
things most people will say about
virtues virtues being those things that
you put in action that leads to positive
good consequences vices being those
things you do that lead to bad and
negative consequences most people will
say about virtues that the most
important virtue to have is courage that
all the other virtues will follow from
courage or the most important virtue is
integrity honesty or perseverance
whichever one they choose is the most
important one they say that’s the first
one you do that when you practice that
when you put that one in action all the
other ones will follow I disagree the
most important virtue that you need to
have a play that you need to have buried
deep inside of you and it needs to be
operating in its optimal levels all the
time 24/7 is your belief your belief in
yourself because if you don’t believe
first that who you are this being that
you are this human being you are your
life here on this planet is of a value
is of a value in and of itself worth
then those other virtues won’t mean
anything to you at all they won’t have
any worthiness to you at all even if you
happen to stumble by mistake
or by accident across putting them to
the action once in a while the first
thing the first virtue you need to have
operating and a hundred percent is your
belief in yourself belief not in who you
are but in what you are what the fuck
are you
you’re an animal you’re an animal is
created by a fucking creator and you
have a unique set of skills and tools
and Billings and powers that makes you
more powerful than any other creation or
being or animal on this fucking planet
you have your mind your mind gives you a
greater power than any other animal has
been fucking created and your potential
in life lies there it begins and fucking
ends there what you will do in your life
where you will go in your life is how
much you believe in the power of this
fucking thing here there are no limits
on what you can learn and know with your
mind and what you can achieve how far
you can push it what kinds of demands
can be placed on it what kind of
challenges you can rise up to if you
will only engage the power of your mind
and you have to believe that first and
foremost because when you do that then
this potential for greatness you have
inside of you is undeniable you won’t
ever question you won’t ever have any
doubts about it and you will know that
the potential for this greatness is
totally absolutely fucking unlimited and
every fucking way this is what makes it
all you fucking guys out there that are
stronger than Erb are loaded with weight
pushing for those PRS every day and i
know that you come here because you I
think my injection videos me on the air
on the video jacked you up to get in
there and do that business but it isn’t
just about making PRS in the weight room
it’s about living a fucking strong life
and you start with power and self belief
and that you’re a unique fucking
individual this dumperon makes you
different from the other six billion
people on this planet and it fucking
stands for something it’s not for
and you need to believe that with every
fucking cell or your body needs to
believe that that you are one-of-a-kind
that you are a fucking original and that
you will not apologize for it at all and
that’s the second thing I want to talk
about today The Lying stops now the
lying fucking stops right now the lying
you do to yourself
every fucking day when you push back
against the fucking greatness that wants
to come out of you from now on you do
not give the benefit of the doubt to the
rest of the fucking world and all the
other people in this planet you take
your head out of the fucking world’s ass
you start thinking for yourself and you
realize that not everybody on this
planet wants to be a fucking leader not
everybody on this planet wants to do
something great in their lives like you
feel that voice inside of you urging you
on to do no you stop you don’t apologize
anymore for this fucking greatness that
lies on you and this desire you have to
want to bring it alive no more no more
at all the world needs fucking leaders
and it needs you and that’s why you’re
here that’s why you stepped up to the
fucking edge of the cliff you weren’t
fucking afraid and you’re jumping off in
freefall without a parachute and you’re
gonna figure fuckin things out on the
way down that’s what we’re gonna do here
at War University from here on out stop
lying to yourself you stop allowing
yourself to get by on the fucking weak
willed weak body weak minded thoughts
that are always there pushing the step
forward step down in front of the
fucking great ones and the bold ones and
the brave ones
bold is genius you came here to be
from this point forward you’re at war
University you’re gonna learn fuckin to
take that world take that fucking genius
inside of you and show it off to the
rest of the world whether it’s really
important to me I’ve come in and on at a
number of times I grew up in Indiana the
skies royce gray it affected my attitude
i didn’t know that until i left there
after my first year of college i went to
high school and one year’s college
indiana state university and then I went
to Florida Atlanta and Dallas Texas but
for most of my WWF careers where I was
it’s great for traveling great geography
Texas is a great place to live the
weather for good for the most part but
Arizona is what really did it for me
it’s important to have Sun you know so
many people who live their whole lives
in Indiana I’m cleaning some of my
family they have depression problems are
down in the dumps more often than
people’s then others are then they
should be and I say it’s because you
don’t get any Sun it’s important I mean
I can tell on those days when I spend
most of my time four or five six hours
in front of a computer monitor doing
stuff that don’t feel like something’s
been sucked out I mean that’s why I say
it’s important to get outside and get
active and use your body hard really
just intensely you know and sustain that
does it habit I mean a lot of guys but
correspond with a lot of guys over the
years about you know they they sort of
just give it all up they just let it go
you know not just how they physically
look but their being able to summons up
the the energy and the intensity the
aggressiveness to get out there and
really use their body and that’s just
not a good thing to do look in doing
these videos I want to make it clear
that we’re not just talking about
exercise here or how to get your
exercise act together it’s a big part of
it it’s been a big part of my life turn
my life around years ago when I was in
high school and stumbled into the weight
room a great story
but it’s about how to get your life back
together and last Friday I do this in
bits and pieces and I talk in general
ideas broad ideas and you can break it
down and you can get into details and
specific and the practical things you
can do to make your life work and we’re
going to do that over time there’s only
so much you can do in one video and I go
on for 5 10 15 minutes anyway so and I
am intense and passionate about life
that thing that one thing I am intense
and impassionate about life having life
weight waking up every morning having my
eyes waken and having another shot at
this incredible experience of life I
just don’t get it how people aren’t
intense and passionate about that so
many people are just dragging themselves
through life I don’t want to be around
people like that I’m not inspired by
people like that that’s not what you’re
gonna get from me there’s a
misunderstanding some of you think that
I’m angry or I’m upset or I’ve got some
issues I need to have resolve because I
express myself in the way that I do the
explosive chest out in your face bull
blunt no bullshit way no I’m intense and
passionate about life and getting the
most I can out of it for the number of
years that I have
those you’ve been coming around for
years you know that but if you’re coming
here new and you only have a picture in
your head of the 1990s version of
Ultimate Warrior and you’re thinking as
a kid what you thought that that person
that human being would be like then
you’re just you’re in the wrong place
and you’re gonna have to bring yourself
up to speed or you’re gonna have to sit
back and you’re gonna have to take a
breath and you’re like mitt and let me
do it for you in the videos and stuff I
can do so anyway on Friday when I cut my
video and I talked about a number of
things first of all there were people
that seemed to think I was saying to
quit your job I mean I don’t know how to
fuck you could get that out of what I
said what I was talking about a job
opportunity versus life opportunity I
wasn’t telling anybody to quit their job
I just was trying to relate to you but I
think your life is worth more than just
a fucking job I think that you came here
to do something unique you have
something creative in you that unique
where you can make your life work on
your own terms
call your own shots be your own boss be
your own operator I believe that I
believe that about every human being I
just don’t believe it about myself I’m
not sitting here saying you know hey I’m
up on a pedestal look how great I am you
can’t do it you know this isn’t the life
time for you maybe next lifetime so many
other people do that I never I don’t
believe that about anybody I believe
people make their choices they end up as
shitty places in their life but I
believe nobody there is not one human
being that was ever born without absent
the potential to do something great in
their life yesterday was Monday I made
the comment last week in my video on
Friday that if it’s the end of the week
and he took a huge breath sigh of relief
that the week was over and you were off
for a couple days you didn’t have to go
back to your job and I said you’re not
doing what you should be doing in your
you’re not working on your true life’s
purpose what you really came here to do
and yesterday was Monday if you woke up
on Monday morning you were in a crappy
mood and you were grumpy and you were
whining and complaining and bitching and
moaning that you had to go back out in
the workplace for another five days and
work your 40 50 60 hours a week work
week to get your paycheck to pay your
bills to buy you the things that really
don’t make you happy except for the
amount of the short period of time while
you’re shopping for them put gas in your
car to take you places to be around
people that you really don’t want to be
around go places where you don’t really
want to go then you’re not doing what
you should be doing and you need to look
at that so about that I just wanted to
say a couple things give you a couple
thoughts and ideas about I made the
suggestion on Friday that you get off by
yourself you take a notepad a notebook
pencil and pen and you start putting
your visions your dreams your thoughts
your ideas your mumblings your grumbling
grumbling is what you think is positive
what you think is negative what kind of
you’re a single guy and you want to one
day have a family you wanna have a
beautiful wife you want a beautiful home
a beautiful material things start
putting that stuff down on paper look we
all have moments of brilliance in our
lives wait most people live two lives
they live this fantasy life in their
head this dreamy life where everything’s
perfect everything’s incredible
everything is just just absolutely
awesome and then they live this life
that they get up and face every day this
life of reality and a bitching moaning
they whine and complain about that but
you can’t just have a vague idea about
what that you want to be successful I
want to be successful and maybe be able
to point to a celebrity or entertainer
or an athlete a professional athlete or
some other public figure and say I’d
like to be successful like that you
can’t just say I just I want to be rich
without having some idea what rich is
for you what rich would be for you you
can’t just say I want to have really
other really nice expensive material
possessions okay what you gotta be able
to answer that and so instead of having
all this parts unknown outerspace battle
going on in
headwear your ideas just float around
and there’s never no record of them and
you don’t put them down someplace saying
go and look at him he can be reminded
about what you’re thinking where you
want to go what your goals are in life
get them down on paper that’s what I
mean and I don’t mean spend five minutes
at the very least you should spend three
hours three hours at the least at a
minimum you should sit in silence
without any distractions whatsoever
fight the distractions and that will be
hard for people to do today because
people constantly want to be engaged by
something they can’t stand that have
silence they can’t stand to have only
their own thoughts to themselves and
nobody else around too busy up their
minds sit for three hours and put it all
down everything about what you want to
do it’s important to do that because you
need to give some definition to what
your goals are
so specificity and detail to what you
actually want out of your life what you
actually want to be doing with your life
to make you happy so that you wake up
every day and you’re excited and
enthusiastic about yes yes yes this is
killer that’s the way I mean this is the
way that you should wake up and want to
engage life I mean show me somebody show
me prove it to me it’s like a proof I’ve
been looking for for years so that
somebody would provide to me that I have
self-destructed somebody provide me the
proof where your life is supposed to be
nothing but just drudgery where you came
here and you there’s no way on some
obligation that you need to decide on
sign on for what was mundane routine
boarded boring and just generic where is
it provide it to me and I will post it
on Facebook every day at the beginning
of the day I’ll put on Facebook I put it
on Twitter I say I was wrong and I will
another reason look putting stuff down
on paper like that it’s a it’s a
strategy it’s a technique it’s a thing
that successful people do pick up some
books and start reading about the
success of other people you’re gonna
have to start building your own library
and pretty soon and I did this before
already through my blog I book lick list
suggestions those are gonna be coming
we’re just discussed books over time
once we get up and running full-blown
Ultimate Warrior speed around here but
it’s a thing that they do they put
things down on paper they carry I carry
a recorder with me I carry a notebook
with me if I come up with an idea and
think yeah man that would be awesome I
need to do that I need to get a record
of it because by the time I get back to
our paper and pencil or I’m gonna forget
about it
I mean it’s not even going to be a
distant memory anymore and when you get
all this stuff down on paper then you
can start organizing it instead of just
having all these ideas and thoughts and
dreams and fantasies and visions and
everything bouncing around the walls of
your skull you can have them on paper
you start moving the pieces of the
puzzle around because success it big
goals in life don’t just fall from the
sky you got to take steps you got a plan
you got to be progressive about what
you’re doing to use a weightlifting or
an exercise or health and fitness
analogy when you go to the gym you can
benchpress a certain amount of weight
you can military press a certain amount
of weight you can squat a certain amount
of weight you can curl certain amount of
weight if you’re just starting out and
how do you succeed at your health and
fitness goals how do you succeed at
getting in shape putting on muscle
getting bigger these type of things you
do it progressively
you make a plan so that over a period of
time you increase the number of reps you
do in a set you increase the number of
sets you do you increase the weight on
the exercises that you’re doing on the
sets that you do you decrease the amount
of rest time between the exercises to
increase the intensity you increase the
intensity all these different things
that you use to progress people today
and I talk to people like young people
like this all the time they think that
success the pot of gold just falls from
the freakin sky if they just seemed to
themself or if they sit on the floor and
they twist themselves up in the shape of
a pretzel and they hum that success that
life is just going to happen dreams
don’t do themselves you’re going to have
to do the work another important thing
another important reason why to put your
stuff on paper when you take it out of
the secrecy of your mind you breathe
life into it in front of the whole world
and that sets off a manifestation of an
energy a karmic energy where you draw to
you opportunities where windows and
doors open up for you where you draw to
you interaction and resources of people
and things that can be helped assist or
guide you or give you leads how to
achieve your bigger goals I can’t tell
you how many times and I don’t mean this
in the Ultimate Warrior parts on the
unknown way the mysterious cryptic way
that ultimate where you’re used to do
interviews I mean it in the real life
concrete way I can’t tell you how many
times I planted a seed in my
subconscious about something or someone
I’d have to have to take the next step
in a goal I went to a gene and time goes
by and I’ll be goddamned
if it doesn’t just step right in front
of my face what I need to have the
person or the thing
most people attributed to just some
silly coincidence it’s not silly
coincidence it’s because of the way you
think and how people you believe that’s
the important reason to do this getting
the ideas and your dreams down on paper
the one last thing I want to tell you
about it is is that you need to be
realistic you need to be reasonable
about what you do if you’re making 300
dollars a week don’t sit down on a piece
of paper and the first thing you write
is in six months I want 10 million
dollars in the bank free and clear
that’s silly that’s stupid look at your
life be realistic be objective about
what your goals are and what your
circumstances in life are right now and
go from there if you want let’s say do
you have a job that would allow you to
save a hundred thousand dollars in five
years free and clear in the bank if you
cut back on your expenses now you
trimmed your overhead you gave up some
of the stuff that you waste your money
on and you started disciplining yourself
in saving some of your money every week
put a hundred thousand dollars down on
paper it doesn’t mean you’re locked into
a hundred thousand dollars it doesn’t
mean that when you get to a hundred
thousand dollars your goals can’t become
bigger but you do it progressively this
is how you do it some of you wrote me
and you asked me well what does it mean
to go off by myself and sit and be alone
and write my things down this is what it
success in like just doesn’t it just
doesn’t happen you’ve got to do the work
you got to make it matter because it
does matter every day never does it not
matter does matter training the will the
education of the will is the object of
our existence says Emerson nor is this
putting it too strongly if we take into
account the human will and its relations
to the divine this accords with the
saying of Jay Stewart mill that a
character is a completely fashioned will
in respect to mere mundane relations the
development and discipline of one’s
willpower is a supreme moment in
relation to success in life no man can
ever estimate the power of will there’s
a part of the divine nature all of a
piece with the power of creation we
speak of God’s Fiat let there be light
man has his Fiat will the achievements
of history up in the choices the
determinations the creations of the
human will who was the will quieter
pugnacious gentle grim of men like
Wilberforce and Garrison Goodyear and
Cyrus field Bismarck and Grant that made
them in Domino old they simply would do
what they plan to do such men can no
more be stopped than the son can be or
the tide most men fail not through lack
of education or agreeable personal
qualities but from lack of dogged
determination from lack of dauntless
will it is impossible says Sharman to
look into the conditions under which the
battle of life is being fought without
perceiving how much really depends upon
the extent to which the willpower is
cultivated strengthened and made
operative in right directions young
people need to go into training for it
those who are determined to have
athletic will
power must take for it the kind of
exercise they need the athlete trains
for his race and the mind must be put
into training if one will win life’s
race it is says professor Matthews only
by continued strenuous efforts repeated
again and again day after day week after
week and month after month that the
ability can be acquired to fasten the
mind to one subject however abstract and
knotty to the exclusion of everything
else the process of obtaining this self
mastery this complete command of one’s
mental powers is a gradual one its
length varying with the mental
constitution of each person but its
acquisition is worth infinitely more
than the utmost labor it ever cost
perhaps the most valuable result of all
education it was said by professor
Huxley is the ability to make yourself
do the thing you have to do when it
ought to be done whether you like it or
not it is the first lesson which ought
to be learned and however early a man’s
training begins it is probably the last
lesson which he learns thoroughly when
Henry Ward Beecher was asked how it was
that he could accomplish so much more
than other men he replied I don’t do
more but less than other people they do
all their work three times over once in
anticipation once in actuality once in
rumination I do mine in actuality alone
doing it once instead of three times
this was by the intelligent exercise of
mr. Beecher’s willpower and
concentrating his mind upon what he was
doing at a given moment and then turning
to something else
anyone who has observed successful men
closely has noticed this characteristic
one of the secrets of a successful life
is to be able to hold all of your
energies up on one point to focus all of
the scattered rays of the mind upon one
place or thing the mental reservoir of
most people is like a leaky dam which we
sometimes see in the country where the
greater part of the water flows out
without going over the will and doing
the work of the mill the habit of mind
wandering of worrying about this and
that genius that power which dazzles
mortal eyes is oft but perseverance in
disguise many a man would have been a
success that he connected his
fragmentary efforts spasmodic
disconnected attempts without
concentration uncontrolled by any fixed
idea will never bring success it is a
continuity of purpose alone that
achieves results the way to learn to run
is to run the way to learn to swim is to
swim the way to learn to develop
willpower is by the actual exercise a
willpower in the business of life the
man that exercises his will says an
English essayist makes it a stronger and
more effective force in proportion to
the extent to which such exercise is
intelligently and perseveringly
maintained the fourth pudding of
willpower is a means of strengthening
willpower the wheel becomes strong by
exercise to stick to a thing – you are a
master is a test of intellectual
discipline and power
it is astonishing says dr. Theodore
how many men lacked this power of
holding on until they reached the goal
they can make a sudden – but they like
grit they are easily discouraged they
get on as long as everything goes
smoothly but when there is friction they
lose heart
they depend on stronger personalities
for their spirit the strength they lack
independence or originality
they only dare to do what others do they
do not step boldly from the crowd and
act fearlessly what is needed by him who
would succeed in the highest degree
possible his careful planning he is to
accumulate reserved power that he may be
equal to all emergencies Thomas Starr
King said that the great trees of
California gave him his first impression
of the power reserved it was the thought
of the reserved energies that had been
compacted into them he said that stirred
me the mountains had given them their
iron and rich stimulants the hills had
given them their soil the clouds had
given the rain and snow and a thousand
summers and winters had poured forth
their treasures about their vast roots
no young man can hope to do anything
above the commonplace who has not made
his life a reservoir of power on which
he can constantly draw which will never
fail him in any emergency be sure that
you have stored away in your powerhouse
the energy the knowledge that will be
equal to the great occasion when it
comes if I were 20 and had about ten
years to live
said a great scholar and writer I would
spend the first nine years accumulating
knowledge and getting ready for the
I will there are no two words in the
English language would stand out in
Boulder relief like Kings upon a
checkerboard to so great an extent or
the words I will there is strength depth
and solidity decision confidence and
power determination vigor and
individuality in the round ringing tone
which characterizes its delivery it
talks to you of triumph over
difficulties a victory in the face of
discouragement of will to promise and
streak to perform of lofty and daring
enterprise of unfettered aspirations end
up 2001 solid impulses by which man
masters impediments in the way of
progression as one has well said he who
is silent is forgotten he who does not
advance falls back he who stops his
overwhelmed distanced and crushed he who
ceases to become greater become smaller
he who leaves off gives up the
stationary is the beginning of the end
it precedes death to live is to achieve
to will without ceasing be thou a hero
let thy might Tramp on eternal snows its
way and through the ebon walls of night
hue down a passage on today
now warriors is what I want you to know
today I want you to know that you can
live with the weak subject to the
changes in weather will of an ordinary
man or you can live with the bold strong
intensely disciplined will of a warrior
until next time boys believe
life goes on with or without you and how
do you use your time is really important
because your life matters it’s not for
nothing it matters for a lot and it
matters to a lot of people and you know
we spend so much time giving attention
to the silly stupid and superficial
stuff in we hardly ever all of us me too
you know I’m very aggressive very
intense about my ideas and my thoughts
my beliefs my way of doing things you
that primarily because it helps me not
take shit for myself
it helps me get on board quick and make
things happen and do what I need to do
but we all put the things that are
really important we never make those
priorities real priorities and we take
for granted so much that everyday we’re
just going to wake up and we’re going to
go through the same routines and get to
see the same people they’re gonna be
there when we come home at night and
every day’s just gonna be like the other
but right now as even as I’m recording
this video there are hundreds if not
thousands of people all over the world
who are just now getting noticed that
you know somebody that they care about
or somebody that they knew has their
life has been taken by surprise
unexpectedly by some accident or a heart
attack or something like that none of us
know how long we’re gonna be here so
it’s a moment to take pause and think
about your life and what you do with
your time
and to not only make to concentrate on
making the best of your life but to also
make your life meaningful
in the most important ways
since I started doing my videos posting
them up at Facebook and a Twitter and
stuff I have shown a few different faces
all of them are my faces depending on
what I happen to be engaged in I want to
address some of the comments and
responses that came in some of them were
facetious some of them I know were
genuine and some of them were to stop
flat-out ridicule about talent tints the
injections of inspiration or and that
maybe I should calm down or tone it down
a little bit bring it down somewhat so
that I don’t have a heart attack I want
to be really serious here for a minute
and I want to tell you that if I was 25
years old and I was telling you some of
the things I am then I think a lot of
people would have every right to say you
know warrior you’re just full of shit
but I’m 52 years old and I’ve done some
not just 52 years of living but some
unique unusual living that’s some really
different not typical life experiences
and I voice been a an introspective
person I like to sit and think about my
life what it means to me what it means
in this world with other human beings I
do that that’s the kind of person I am
some people aren’t I need plenty of
people like that I don’t understand it I
think they’re missing out on something
in life but I am a philosophical person
and so
while I’ve had these experiences in my
life I’ve set back many times
undistracted uninterrupted by other
just me and my own thoughts and thought
about what the experiences mean to me
and about being intense for being
passionate about something in your life
having intensity once a long your life I
can only tell you that if you don’t
engage intensity or passionate in your
life then you aren’t living your life to
its fullest a lot of you have been
influenced and surrounded by other
adults who make fun of people who are
intense or in passionate or passionate
about their life and that’s unfortunate
because you’ve taken it to heart mind
and you’re afraid of engaging it
yourself not just an exercise but in
everything you do intensity passion for
something will outdo will win out over
knowledge skills talent natural talent
natural gifts every single time not that
that stuff is not important but there
are many examples throughout history of
people simply because they were intense
intense and and unusual sometimes
off-putting way aggressive assertive
determined to do what they had in their
mind to do they make monuments to those
people and those are the people that
inspire me not because I have any idea
inside of me whatsoever that I’m going
to have a monument built for me but I
want to get the most out of my fucking
life and if you can’t summons up the
energy the excitement the enthusiasm for
something then you’re just
your life everyday is going to be a drag
to wake up to when you crawl out from
underneath the covers every morning and
you sit on the edge of the bed you have
a choice before you I mean we didn’t
make the world the way it is it’s filled
with alternatives boys will be until we
aren’t here anymore it will always be
alternatives there always be the good
there always be the bad there always be
the beautiful there always be the ugly
there always be the excellent and there
will always be the incompetent there
always be what is wonderful and what is
horrible we didn’t make the rules of the
world so fighting against that that fact
that axiomatic truth that the world is
created of alternatives it’s just a
waste of energy but spending your energy
on your choices that you make every day
is where the secret lies is where the
worthiness lies is where the value of
lifelines when you croft from underneath
those covers and you swing your legs
over the edge of the bed don’t sit there
with your head and your shoulders
slumped over and your chest caved in
stick your chest and your chin straight
out and welcome the first full blown of
the day say bring it fucking on because
I’m going to kick your ass the rest of
the day so you better make it your best
fucking shot
to be honest with you that’s all you’ve
ever gotten out of me
it’s my frankness and my candor many of
you many people in this world would be
better off if they had a heart attack if
they didn’t survive it then they would
be removed from the misery of their
lives the misery that they see their
lives as being every fucking day every
fucking minute every fucking hour
bitching and whining and complaining
about having this great fucking thing
called life I mean is that it’s so
outrageous is that so insane is that’s
so crazy to think my fucking life having
it man is awesome is it I think if you
think it is I think you’re fucking
pathetic I think you’re less than the
animals that don’t have the power of
choice I think you’re less than human
less than being a human being
and if you did survive those of you who
would be better off having a heart
attack then maybe like men many of the
other people who write their stories
after they suffer a tragedy or suffer a
serious illness like a heart attack or
cancer they finally come to the
realization after wasting decades and
decades of their life there is something
special about being alive
every morning you wake up there are two
doors and there are thundering knocks at
each one of them
behind one wise your destiny and living
behind the other lies death being alive
having breath your heart pumping blood
you being able to see through your eyes
that’s not living that’s being alive
living is engaging your life with
intensity and passion at some point in
time at least at some point in time even
for a little bit of time every day
people ask me what lawyer what are you
passionate about it finally came to me
years ago you know what I’m passionate
about I’m passionate about fucking
passion I’m passionate about intensity
all the self-help books all the
motivational books the inspirational
tools that you can buy the bottom line
in them is do the work once you get
through all the pages and all the rules
and all the principles and all the
formats and all the plans and all the
templates it comes down to that do the
fucking work and sometimes the only way
to go about doing the work is get
fucking raw and get fucking intense get
angry and aggressive and make it fucking
happen for yourself tell your life your
start today I don’t care when your life
clock started ticking you can start
fucking right now today it’s 4:15 a.m.
in my world you’re on the East Coast and
it’s 6:15 a.m. and you’re already up and
you’re already dragging ass by 6:16
you’ve been changed your fucking
perspective of the world and of your
my advice fucking do it
dig fucking deep and get it done
the other thing I want to talk about is
the filming I’m going to do on June 3rd
I want to talk about the applications
I’ve received thus far and I want to
talk about the applications I have not
received then those of you you whiners
and complainers who have spent a great
deal of time writing you do long ass sad
luck stories about why that you would
love to come and in fact you think you
would absolutely kick ass while you were
there but you just can’t find a way
let me dissing value with some truth the
truth is it’s not that you can’t find a
way the truth is is that you don’t just
you don’t have the fucking will you
don’t have any real power over your
decisions decisions that you can make
that could potentially change your
fucking life you’re all shown no go
you’re all yet no Jap you live
vicariously you other stud athletes you
have made the sacrifice and have the
self-discipline to be great and you
think the guy to live through them and
buying their jerseys and going to the
game and having their barbecue fucking
parties you think you’re a hotshot your
body has been starving for so long to
have it to man put on it to stimulate
testosterone you’ve become a fence
sitter sporting a vagina
you’re a vagina man who can’t make his
own decisions anymore you’re a
freeloader you’re a gay dreaming
non-action non-thinking wimp who wants a
free handout you want everything fucking
free and fucking easy
you want other people to do the heavy
lifting in the world to build the big
broad shoulders so you can have a set to
running pride upon well you came to the
wrong set of shoulders to cry apart
because I fucking despise guys like you
great lives are not many sitting in
front of fireplaces sipping hot
chocolate and exotic liqueurs all
snuggle up in the fucking luxurious
designer pajamas great lives are forged
in the furnaces of Hell’s where a man is
brave enough to bear in his naked soul
to the whole world even his worst
enemies willing to be burned willing to
be fucked over willing that the shit
kicked out of it willing to be insulted
and disrespected time and time again
willing drive his greatest sensitivities
violated in the most horrible ways
simply for one reason is he willing
because of his inner honor so that he
can pick his mangled ass up from the
ground and look straight ahead down the
road for even a nastier enemy an even
greater risk in danger
great rides or not made through comfort
they are made through adversity through
hunger your starving out immediate self
gratification they are made but being
willing to step to the edge of the
highest fucking cliff and jumba without
a parachute jumping freefall and figure
fucking things out on the way down and
when you brought them out you are
thankful for the injuries and wounds you
have suffered because you know you will
be rewarded with a thicker tougher scar
tissue that will make you even stronger
as a man but there is no pain there is
no pain if you are not willing to give
something of yourself
from deep inside until it hurts you will
never get you will never get to
experience the dreams you hold in your
head you will never get to experience
all the great things this world has to
you will never have you will never get
the greatest thrill out of life you will
never get to have the greatest deepness
last that you can have you will not get
to have the things that money can buy
that you would like to have and you will
not get you’ll not get if you will not
give the inside into others will never
get the wisdom to know that all the
things you can own with money
the only worthless while he’s at work
diploma on yourself as a value is
fucking priceless
you will never have the freedom to
beautiful bow inside yourself
that’s sad that’s really sad you know
why that’s very no business being read
without being given
there’s no fucking human being that ever
came into life that was created that was
not given the power I have never met a
human being who did not have the
potential to be great the successful
thing in their life why I have met many
one willing to step up to the fucking
plate they go to give it their all not
just put spin in the fucking game but
they let it be taller wood and shredded
until a fucking pleased with every part
of my being I want every human being to
succeed and having an awesome right but
if you’re one of those human beings who
chooses not to I don’t give a fuck
because I can’t get my warrior mind
around that nobody else can either and
neither will the people who write the
history of the world many of you have
already filled out the applications you
chose to fail you sit down and you had a
choice and you chose to fail you filled
out the application like it was an
injury to pond to get a free pizza and
fucking Walmart you have fasted I don’t
want to be around half pastors I don’t
want to be around fucking people who
need to be spoon-fed I don’t have to
what anybody’s asked or kiss anybody’s
ass I don’t want to hold anybody’s
fucking hand and I don’t want to be a
babysitter for a bunch of fucking
infantile grown up now
you may be a fucking physical beef and
think you’re a shoo-in but if you don’t
have any self-respect for the fact that
you’re a fucking rational animal a
feeling with the fucking powerful mind
with the ability to sit down and get
serious give serious thought and
consideration to what you’re being asked
and fuck you an essay is not three to
four sentences and the first two
sentences being you telling me your name
again and telling me you want to be a
participant in the building I want to
know something about you I want to know
what makes you fucking ten
I don’t care what your actual life
circumstances are right now you could be
a CEO or be flipping burgers at
I don’t give a fuck
but I want to know that you’ve got a
tiny bit of self-respect left in you for
the fact that you’re one of the most
fucking powerful feeding you’re one of
the freed of the most powerful fucking
beings on this planet morning the big
got mine got something to tell its side
I want to know that you have some
fighting spirit left to fight for that
fucking one thing that you’re a human
being and you were born into this world
and it’s not for nothing man
it’s not for nothing man there’s nobody
that goes through the whole fucking life
think in every single second of every
fucking day that their life is for
nothing even the people who feel the
worst about themselves never go all the
time thinking that their life is for
nothing I want to see that tiny fucking
deeply buried server fuck itself what do
you have
if fear of the challenge is your
obstacle that’s fine
I can handle that I will supply you with
the fucking guts so if you can prove to
two fucking things two simple things you
can handle
you have a boat 8:55 faith I will give
you the fucking guts to overcome your
and you can get a boat you can get more
things so that I can have the
opportunity to fucking see you
life-changing life is reversible so you
leave more time with you believing your
life work like no others a unique
individual work that nobody else can
have nobody to do your life through you
not one fucking person on this planet
the deadlines have been changed
till Monday at noon that gives those to
you you’re out there right now watching
me looking in my eyes looking in my face
like you have in my other videos you can
see the boredom in a fucking bullshit
I don’t have anything to sell you except
sell you or yourself
this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
the meter spin find a fucking goofy
whoo that make the sacrifices sacrifice
the plug and the sweat and the toil look
forward the self-discipline and the
intensity the integrity the Challenger
the fucking only is like in every
fucking way
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