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too many people go around feeling wrong
on the inside they don’t really like who
they are they focus on their faults
weaknesses they’re constantly critical
toward themselves that recording of
everything they’ve done wrong is always
playing in their mind you’re impatient
you blew your diet yesterday you lost
your temper you’re still struggling with
that addiction you should be ashamed of
they wonder why they’re not happy it’s
because they have this war going on on
the inside you’re not supposed to go
through life feeling wrong about
yourself quit focusing on your faults
quit over analyzing your weaknesses quit
beating yourself up because you’re not
where you thought you would be you have
to learn to enjoy the glory that you’re
in right now you may have some
weaknesses we all do there may be some
areas where you know you need to improve
but being down on yourself is not going
to help you do better the problem with
not liking yourself is you’re the only
person that you can never get away from
you can get away from your boss you can
get away from your neighbor you can get
away from that crazy uncle but you can
never get away from you I’m gonna feel
good about myself as soon as I lose this
ten pounds as soon as I break this
addiction as soon as I control my mouth
then I’ll get rid of the guilt the
heaviness I’m asking you to feel good
about yourself right where you are
if you don’t understand this you will go
through life not liking yourself as long
as you’re down on yourself feeling like
you don’t measure up you can’t get it
right that’s not only going to keep you
from enjoying your life but it’s going
to keep you from improving you have to
give yourself a brain you’re on the
potter’s wheel it’s easy to stay
negative towards yourself down you can’t
get it right but when you make this
decision to accept yourself false and
instead of beating yourself up you have
the attitude no I’m not perfect
this doesn’t mean we don’t try to
improve it means you don’t let that
heaviness weigh you down to where you
think that there’s something wrong with
you one of the worst mistakes you could
is to go through life being against
yourself you have to look away from your
faults look away from your shortcomings
focusing on your weaknesses will
distract you from your purpose some
people live with this nagging feeling
that’s always telling them you’re not
attractive enough you’re not disciplined
enough you still have that addiction
you’ll never get it right they’ve heard
that playing in their mind so long that
it’s become normal why don’t you turn
off that negative recording why don’t
you quit thinking about everything wrong
with you and start thinking about what’s
right with you what I’m saying is it’s
okay to feel good about who you are
while you’re in the process of changing
very powerful when you can say I like
Who I am I feel good about myself most
people can’t do this they say I would
feel good about myself if I didn’t have
these weaknesses I wouldn’t be happy
with who I am if I was a better parent
if I was more patient if I wasn’t so
jealous or Joel I would hold my head up
high if I hadn’t made these mistakes
if I hadn’t blown that relationship
there will always be some reason why you
shouldn’t feel good about who you are
the accuser will make sure to remind you
of something that you’re not doing right
some area you’re not up to par some way
that you failed if you’re going to live
in victory you have to put your foot
down and say that’s it I’m done being
against myself my challenge in our
generation is it gradually through
entertainment through television through
media through every way possible we are
living in a generation of the dumbing
big Hoss we have traded effectiveness
for business but if you’re always down
on yourself because you’re not far
enough along you’re not growing as fast
as you would like
you’ll live frustrating it’s very free
when you can be happy with who you are
even though you have some areas that you
still need to improve in if you’re
waiting till you overcome all your
weaknesses till you perform perfectly
then you’re going to feel good about
yourself you’ll be waiting your whole
life 80% of the things we do are busy
things that we do in an area that is not
effective than the average person
only spends 20% of their time doing the
thing that they are really gifted and
creative and passionate about excited to
do and the rest of it is all the dismal
dumb stuff that we all have to do in
order to survive just crazy stuff that
we’re doing wonder what would happen if
we would go from doing 80 percent of
things that are busy but not effective
and 20% of the things that are really
effective if we would switch those
numbers around and only give 20% of our
time to the things that we have to do
and 80 percent of our time to the thing
that we were created to do your destiny
is too important to let that heaviness
weigh you down your time is too valuable
to sit around thinking about everything
that’s wrong with you that’s taking your
joy your energy your creativity your
anointing start looking away from all of
that you’re on the potter’s wheel you’re
not going to change
it’s going to happen little by little
today is the day for you to learn the
secrets of life today is a day for you
to begin creating a joyous fulfilling
life how do you feel right now do you
feel bad what are your current emotions
what is your gut feeling
some people say life sucks which is a
terrible affirmation but it isn’t life
that sucks
it’s your thinking that sucks don’t
waste time arguing for your limitations
poor relationships problems illnesses
poverty etc the more you talk about the
problem the more you anchor it in place
don’t blame others for your problems
it’s just another waste of time like
attracts like
I mean you attract now you know not just
what you fear you attract what you feel
what you are what you attract when you
change your thinking process then
everything in your life will also change
you will be amazed and delighted to see
how people places things and
circumstances can change
you have to understand you are imagining
whatever you are that’s what you draw to
you if you’re negative you’re gonna draw
a negative you’re positive you draw a
positive you’re a kind person more
people are kind to you so you like a
magnet you know and you got to
understand something about like attracts
like if you see it in your mind you can
hold it in your head today is the day to
begin to release all your limitations
you can change your life for the better
you already have the tools within you to
do this these tools are your thoughts
and your beliefs an affirmation is
really anything you say or think a lot
of what we normally say and think is
quite negative and does not create good
experiences for us we have to retrain
our thinking and speaking into positive
patterns if we want to change our lives
an affirmation opens the way it is a
beginning point of change
in essence you are saying to your
subconscious mind I am taking
responsibility I am aware that there is
something I can do to change when I talk
about doing affirmations I mean to
consciously choose words that will
either help to eliminate something from
your life or help to create something
new in your life every thought you think
and every word you speak is an
affirmation all our self-talk is a
stream of affirmations you are using
affirmations every moment whether you
know it or not you are affirming and
creating your life experiences with
every word and every thought your
beliefs are merely habitual thinking
patterns that you learned as a child
many of them work very well for you
other beliefs may be limiting your
ability to create the very things you
may say you want what you want and what
you believe you deserve may be very
different you need to pay attention to
your thoughts so you can begin to
eliminate the ones that are creating
experiences that you do not want in your
life please realize that every complaint
is an affirmation of something you think
you don’t want in your life every time
you get angry you are affirming that you
want more anger in your life every time
you feel like a victim you are affirming
that you want to continue to feel like a
victim if you feel that life does not
give you what you want in your world
then it is certain you will never have
the goodies that life gives to others
until you change the way you think and
talk if you are not a bad person for
thinking the way you do you have just
never learned how to think and talk the
world is just now beginning to learn
that our thoughts create our experiences
your parents probably didn’t know this
so they could not possibly teach it to
you they taught you how to look at life
in the way that their parents taught
them so nobody is wrong however it is
time for all of us to wake up and to
begin to consciously create our lives in
a way that pleases and supports us you
can do it I can do it we can all do it
you just need to learn how
affirmations are like seeds planted in
soil poor soil poor growth rich soil
abundant growth the more you can choose
to think thoughts that make you feel
good the quicker the affirmations work
think happy thoughts it’s that simple
and it is doable the way you choose to
think right now is just that a choice
you may not realize it because you have
thought this way for so long but it
really is a choice now today this moment
you can choose to change your thinking
it won’t turn around overnight but if
you are consistent and daily make the
choice to think thoughts that make you
feel good you will definitely make
positive changes in every area of your
life I awaken each morning with
blessings and gratitude for the
wonderful life I lead and I make the
choice to think happy thoughts no matter
what others are doing
the only moment you ever live is this
moment this moment is the only time you
have any control if we won’t choose to
feel good in this moment then how can we
create future moments that are abundant
and fun how do you feel right now do you
feel good do you feel bad what are your
current emotions what is your gut
feeling would you like to feel better
and reach for a better feeling thought
if you feel bad in any way sad grumpy
bitter resentful angry fearful guilty
depressed jealous critical etc then you
have temporarily lost your connection to
the flow of good experiences that the
universe has waiting for you
don’t waste your thoughts on Blaine no
person place or thing has any control
over your feelings because they do not
think in your mind it is also while you
really have no control over others
because you cannot control their
thoughts no one can control another
unless that person gives permission so
you want to be aware of this powerful
mind you have
you can take total control over your own
thinking it is the only thing you will
ever have total control of what you
choose to think is what you will get in
what kind of thoughts make you feel good
thoughts of love appreciation gratitude
remembering joyful experiences thinking
of good things you would like to have
happen in the future your joy seeing
that you are alive blessing your body
with love and enjoying this moment and
looking forward to tomorrow thinking
these kinds of thoughts is an act of
loving yourself and loving yourself
creates miracles in your life it is a
focal point to begin changing your
affirmative statements are going beyond
the reality of the present into the
creation of the future by the words you
use in the mouth when you choose to say
I am very prosperous you may have very
little money in the bank at the moment
what you are doing is planting seeds for
future prosperity each time you repeat
it you are affirming the seeds you have
planted in the atmosphere of your mind
that is why you want it to be a happy
atmosphere things grow much quicker in
fertile rich soil it is important for
you to always say your affirmations in
present tense
I have or I am
so when you catch a negative thought
just think to yourself this is an old
thought I no longer choose to think that
way then find a positive thought to
substitute for it as quickly as you can
remember you want to feel good as much
as possible
thoughts of bitterness resentment blame
and guilt make you feel miserable and
that is a habit you really want to
release affirmations are solutions that
will replace whatever problem you might
have whenever you have a problem repeat
over and over all is well everything is
working out for my highest good out of
this situation only good will come and I
am safe this simple affirmation will
work miracles in your life go over the
section several times until you really
get the principles and can live them
also zero in on the sections that may
have the most meaning to you and
practice the affirmations and remember
to make up affirmations of your own
the first affirmations for you to use
right now are I can do it I can feel
good about myself I can make positive
changes in my life
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