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Morning Motivation – What Successful People do Before Breakfast – Best Motivational Video

success or failure as a human being is
not a matter of luck or circumstance or
fate or the brakes or who you know or
any of the other tiresome old myths and
cliches by which the ignorant tend to
excuse themselves it’s a matter of
following a common-sense paradigm of
rules guidelines anyone can follow you
have something unique and amazing to
offer the world that nobody else can do
it is your job the purpose of your life
is to figure out who you are and the way
that you do that is you tune out you
tune out the world and you tune in here
yeah you got a go read you got a go read
you got a watch up ton of videos you got
a tune into this show every week you’ve
got to explore you’ve got experience
you’ve got to fail
but then you’ve always got to calibrate
it against what are your instincts
saying what energizes you what depletes
you that’s it’s really that simple
follow the things that energize you
follow the things that you’re naturally
curious about you are not only unique I
think it you’re a bloody miracle the
fact that you were born who you were
the way you begin each day sets up the
way you live each day I mean the Spartan
warriors set it so well sweat more
training bleed lessen war and if you
want to be literally undefeatable in
business literally unstoppable in life
you really want to dial in your morning
routine and so you want to do things
like starting today sweating because
that releases BDNF brain-derived
neurotropic factor that repairs brain
cells from stress you want to sweat
because that’s going to increase your
metabolic rate which is going to give
you energy and we live in a world where
energy is even more valuable than it
intelligence you want to in your morning
routine take the time to write in a
journal so you actually can detect your
values reconnect with your goals each
day because awareness is the beginning
of transformation Aristotle said you are
what you repeatedly do there for
excellence ought be a habit not an act
don’t ever forget that
it’s not what you do once every year
that is going to allow you to live a
legendary life it’s what you do every
single day whatever your goal or dream
is my friends you need other people to
know about that dream
they should know what you’re trying to
accomplish why you’re trying to
accomplish how you’re trying to
accomplish it when you’re trying to
accomplish it and exactly what you are
willing to do to accomplish it one
things that we have to do as we’re
pursuing our dreams and our goals is
that we have to know that failure is not
an option you know and you got to hear
this one this isn’t it this one is
important because you’ve got to tell
despite again the circumstances the
situations you have to tell yourself
that listen to me I’m not going anywhere
until I get to go like until I make my
dreams become a reality I’m not quitting
I don’t have much money after invest ok
how much time I have to invest I’m gonna
continue to do this until I become
successful the number one thing that’s
gonna change your life the only thing
that will change your life change your
business change your money change your
relationship because you must raise your
standard we become our standards in many
ways if you are surrounded by B players
or average performers and that is your
standard then your mindset will operate
at the standard that is that is offered
to you by the people around you I mean
we do become our social orbit
has a list of things they think they
should do I should lose weight I should
work out I should spend more time with
my kids I should work harder I should
make more calls I should I should I
should I should
what changes people is when you should
becomes a must when suddenly the thing
you said should happen has to happen
that’s when you the beings change to
have the results of a game changer you
need to start thinking and behaving like
a game changer and that means thinking
like a game changer populating your
mindset with the best books with the
best ideas with the best conversations
behaving in ways that most people don’t
behave again
you want to have the results very few
people have you’ve got to start doing
things that very few people do turn off
the television
delete the naysayers stop gossiping and
start producing eat better food run
longer runs shift from a focus on what’s
not working to focus on what’s working I
mean you really want to install a whole
new series of mind sets and a whole new
series of rituals that very few people
are doing
every day we put in praise actions and
ideas that will determine the shape and
substance of our tomorrow’s you will
receive from the world who you become
with the doorway to success I suggest to
you swings inward not outward and the
best way to have a game-changing life
and the best way to have a world-class
lifestyle and the best way to change the
world is to change yourself I mean we
get from life who we become nothing can
change until we do when we change our
worlds will change all of us in life
have things we want we don’t get what we
want we get what we have to have when
you’re no longer willing to tolerate
something that’s when your life changes
as soon as a person begins to change his
or her surroundings will change and it
works like this great attitude great
results good attitude good results
fair or average attitude fair or average
results poor attitude for results
when you begin to develop a better
attitude you should realize that you’ve
already placed yourself in the top 5% of
the people the most successful people on
earth you’ve placed yourself on the road
to what you seek you’ve prepared the
if only the plant the seed don’t let
fear hold you back from doing what you
truly love commit to your visa and be
the CEO of your future narrow your focus
to one idea one and make it work that
will give birth to all the other ideas
don’t come out fully formed they only
become clear as you work on them you
just have to get started no idea works
unless you have the courage to do the
work ideation without execution is
delusion I work 24 hours a day seven
days a week and I kid that’s what I
cared about I cared about solving
problems being successful anytime an
obstacle presented itself I used it to
my advantage
made it work in the end luck plays a
very important part in how successful
you are but the harder you work and the
longer you work the luckier you gonna be
if I want the habits you’ve got the
brainpower you got the energy but
develop the habits of success I’ve
always thought that each person invented
himself for whatever reasons through
whatever circumstance through whatever
he has gone through that we are each a
figment of our own imagination if you
feel you have something to give if you
feel that your particular talent is
worth developing is worth caring for
and then there’s nothing you can’t
achieve don’t allow anymore don’t allow
anyone to tell you that what you are
dreaming for yourself and your family is
not possible it is possible so just go
and do it
try learn from it you know you’ll fail
at some things that’s a learning
experience that you need so that you can
take that on to the next experience and
don’t let people who you may respect and
who you believe know what they’re
talking about don’t let them tell you it
can’t be done because often they will
tell you it can’t be done and it’s just
because they don’t have the courage to
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