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UNLOCK the POWER of Your MIND | Joe Dispenza’s Top 10 Rules for Success (@DrJoeDispenza)

remember when you were a kid and you
were going on a field trip you were up
and dressed and ready to go before your
parents were up you know why because you
knew something unexpected was gonna
happen that’s how we should live our
lives waking up with the understanding
to expect the unexpected it’s a
scientific fact that the hormones of
stress down regulate genes and create
disease long-term effects so if it’s
possible that our thoughts could make us
sick is it possible that our thoughts
could make us well the answer is
absolutely yes we always have to update
our versions about reality because it’s
the only way that we adapt don’t believe
everything you’ve read or heard need
motivation what’s your top ten with
really ignition what’s that believe
nation it’s Evan my one word is believe
and I believe in you I believe you have
Michael Jordan level talent at something
and I want you to find it embrace it and
use it to make a difference so let’s get
your motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a man who went
from studying biochemistry and neurology
growing up to becoming a best-selling
author and one of the most sought-after
speakers in the world he’s Joe Dispenza
and here’s my take on his top ten rules
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one be a creator of your own world
Newtonian world is all about the
predictable it’s all about predicting
the future but the quantum model of
reality isn’t is about causing an effect
the moment you start feeling abundant
and worthy you are generating wealth the
moment you’re empowered and feel it
you’re beginning to step towards your
the moment you start feeling whole your
healing begins and when you love
yourself and you love all of life you’ll
create an equal and now you’re causing
an effect and I think that’s the the
difference between living as a victim in
your world saying I am this way because
of this person or that thing or this
experience they made me think and feel
this way when you switch that around you
become a creator of your world and you
start saying my thinking and my feeling
is changing an outcome in my life and
now that’s a whole different game and we
start believing more that we’re creators
of reality how do we then go from that
like mechanistically to begin this
visualization process of something
that’s empowering it’s me in a different
state it’s my future self is it
meditation is it what does that look
like if you’re not being defined by a
vision of the future then you’re left
with the old memories of the past and
you will be predictable in your life and
if you wake up in the morning and you’re
not being defined by a vision in the
future as you see the same people and
you go to the same places and you do the
exact same thing at the exact same time
it’s no longer that your personality is
creating your personal reality how your
personal reality is affecting or
creating your personality your
environment is really controlling how
you think and feel unconsciously because
every person everything every place of
the experience has a neurological
network in your brain every experience
that you have with every person produces
an emotion so some people will use their
boss to reaffirm their addiction to
judgment they’ll use their enemy to
reaffirm their addiction to hatred to
use their friends that we affirm their
addiction to suffering so now they need
the outer world to feel something so to
change that
is to be greater than your environment
to be greater than the conditions in
your world and the environment is that
seductive so then why is meditation the
tool well let’s sit down let’s close our
eyes let’s disconnect from your outer
environment so if you’re seeing less
things is less stimulation going to your
brain if you’re playing soft music where
you have earplugs in less sensory
information coming to your brain so
you’re disconnecting from your
environment if you can sit your body
down and tell it to stay like an animal
stay right here I’m gonna feed you when
we’re done you can get up and check your
emails you can do all your texts but
right now you’re gonna sit there and
obey me so then when you do that
properly and the you’re not eating
anything or smelling anything or tasting
anything you’re not up experiencing and
feeling anything you would have to agree
with me that you’re being defined by a
thought right so when the body wants to
go back to its emotional past and you
become aware that your attention is on
that emotion and where you place your
attention is where you place your energy
you’re siphoning your energy out of the
present moment into the past and you
become aware of that and you settle your
body back down in the present moment
because it’s saying well it’s eight
o’clock you normally get upset because
you’re in traffic around this time and
here you are sitting and we’re used to
feeling anger and you’re off schedule oh
it’s 11 o’clock and usually check your
emails and judge everybody well the body
is looking for that that predictable
chemical state every time you become
aware that you’re doing that and your
body is craving those emotions and you
settle it back down into the present
moment you’re telling the body it’s no
longer the mind that you’re the mind and
now your will is getting greater than
the program and if you keep doing this
over and over again over and over again
over and over again just like training a
stallion or a dog it’s just gonna say
I’m gonna sit and the moment that
happens the body’s no longer the mind
when it finally surrenders there’s a
liberation of energy we go from particle
to wave from matter to energy and we
free ourselves from the chains of those
emotions that keep us in the in the
familiar past and we’ve seen this
thousands of times in fact we can
actually predict it now on a brain scan
rule number two my personal favorite
invest in yourself what I’m going
through change in my life or Iowa have a
specific outcome that I want to create I
love to get up early in the morning
that’s my time I’m a 4:30 in the morning
guy because that’s my time the rest of
the day I’m serving but I love getting
up early and changing and working and
having some time to myself and I believe
that when I invest in myself I invest in
my future and that time in my in my
morning nobody bothers me because that’s
my time and because of brain waves and
brain chemistry the door between the
conscious mind and the subconscious mind
is more open and so if I get up early
and I’m kind of between theta and alpha
I don’t have to work as hard I’m not
thinking I just kind of relax into the
moment in the evening I always ask
myself how did I do
how was one lifetime in one day where
did I fall from grace what happened in
so then when I look at seeing how I
reacted to someone or something or I
made the choice that I could have made a
better choice I naturally and we all do
this begin to think well if the same
situation happened again how would I do
it differently and that’s they active
beginning to come up with a new plan the
act of rehearsing it in your mind begins
to install the circuits in your brain
priming your brain so that when the next
experience happens you could modify your
behavior to do a better job in life
that’s called plasticity so it doesn’t
matter for me what meditation I do any
I like to just get up in a new state of
being I have people say to me hey um I
miss my meditation today like I’m
supposed to go like this or something
and I say to them eyes open or eyes
closed you know my eyes open or eyes
closed you know when you’re passionate
about something you know when people
can’t get up in the morning and they
can’t get out of bed I’m gonna tell you
why because they can predict the feeling
of everything that’s gonna happen in
their life and their bodies resign to
the familiar it says how another Monday
but remember when you were a kid and you
were going on a field trip what happened
then you were up and dressed and ready
to go before your parents were up you
know why cuz you knew something
unexpected was gonna happen that’s how
we should live our lives waking up with
the understanding to expect the
unexpected and something unusual should
happen in our life as a result of our
efforts and it’s just those beginning
moments where it begins to happen that
we begin to prove to ourselves how
powerful it really are so take time in
the morning in the evening and the rest
of the day check in with yourself at
certain times to see if you’re still in
that energy and if you’re not excuse
yourself for a second raise your energy
and step back into your life if you keep
doing that over and over again you’ll
become less frustrated less impatient
less judgmental it’ll just become
something of the past and you’ll be
someone else rule number three be
comfortable in the unknown the hardest
part about change is not making the same
choice as you did the day before and the
moment you decide to no longer think the
same way make the same choice act the
same way create the same experience or
live by the same emotion it’s going to
feel uncomfortable it’s going to feel
unfamiliar there is going to be a
certain amount of uncertainty and
unpredictability and the moment you feel
uncomfortable you just stepped into the
river of change now most people the
moment they feel uncomfortable they
return back to the familiar state of the
mind and body they start thinking the
same way acting the same way feeling the
same way and they say this feels right
no in fact that feels familiar now going
from the old self to the new self is the
neurological is the chemical is the
biological is the hormonal and even
genetic death of the old self that void
that place of uncertainty that unknown
is the perfect place to create him and
if you and I can become comfortable in
that unknown and begin to decide who we
do want to be in other words many people
say when they’re in that unknown I can’t
future this doesn’t feel right well the
best way to predict your future is to
create it not in the known but in the
unknown so what if you said now what
thoughts do I want to fire and wire in
my brain what behaviors do I want to
demonstrate and if you were to close
your eyes and begin to think about how
you are going to act the mere act of
mentally rehearsing who you’re going to
beat begins to install the neurological
circuits in your brain to look like the
experience has already occurred now what
that means is that the brain is primed
in its circuitry to no longer be living
in the past
but now living in the future rule number
four improve your lifestyle as I said
seventy percent of the time people live
in stress and living in stress is living
in survival now all organisms in nature
can tolerate short-term stress you know
a deer gets chased by a pack of coyotes
when it out runs the Coyotes it goes
back to grazing and the event is over
and the definition of stress is when
your brain and body are knocked out of
balance out of homeostasis the stress
response is what the body and Nate Lee
does to return itself back to order so
you’re driving down the road someone
cuts you off you jam on the brakes you
may give them the finger and then you
settle back down then the event is over
and boom now everything’s back back to
normal but what if it’s not a predator
that’s waiting for you outside the cave
but what if it’s your coworker sitting
right next to you and all day long
you’re turning on those chemicals
because they’re pushing all your
emotional buttons when you turn on a
stress response and you can’t turn it
off now you’re headed for a disease
because no organism in nature can live
an emergency mode for that extended
period of time
it’s a scientific fact that the hormones
of stress down regulate genes and create
disease long term affects human beings
because of the size of the neocortex we
can turn on the stress response just by
thought alone look I think about our
problems and turn on those chemicals
that means then
our thoughts could make us sick so if
it’s possible that our thoughts could
make us sick is it possible that our
thoughts could make us well the answer
is absolutely yes so then what are the
emotions that are connected to survival
let’s name them anger aggression
hostility hatred competition fear
anxiety worry pain suffering guilt shame
unworthiness there envy jealousy those
are all created by the hormones of
stressin and psychology calls them
normal human states of consciousness I
call those altered states of
consciousness so then we tend to
remember those traumatic events more
because in survival you better be ready
if it happens again that’s an and in
one’s survival gene is switched on you
could have ten really great things that
happen to you in your day and you just
have one bad thing that happens and you
cannot take your attention off that bad
that that unhappy thing because survival
genus which thought many years ago after
the DNA helix was discovered by Watson
and Crick they said the blueprints of
life you know all diseases are created
from genes it turns out less than 5%
more like 1% of people on the planet are
born with a genetic condition like type
one diabetes or tay-sachs disease or
sickle cell anemia the other 95 to 99
percent are created by lifestyle and by
choices you can take two identical twins
exact same genome one dies at 51 the
other one dies at 85 same gene different
environment so all of a sudden they said
we lied that was wrong it’s not genes
that create disease it’s the environment
that signals the gene that creates
disease well ok but that’s not the whole
truth too because you could have two
people working side by side in the same
factory one gets cancer after being
exposed to a carcinogenic for 25 years
both working for 25 years the other one
has no cancer at all so there must be
some internal order that would cause one
person to not get it while another one
does so is it possible then if the
environment signals the gene and it
and the end product of an experience in
the environment is called an emotion can
you signal the gene ahead of the
environment by embracing an elevated
emotion we’ve done the research on this
where we’ve measured 7500 different gene
expressions in a group of people I came
to an advanced event for four days and
we had them doing a seated meditation a
walking meditation a laying down
meditation a standing meditation and at
the end of four days just four days the
common eight genes that were upregulated
two genes to suppress cancer cells and
tumor growth two genes for neurogenesis
the growth of new neurons in response to
novel experiences and learning the gene
that signals stem cells to go to damaged
areas and repair them the gene for
oxidative stress was up regulated we
started seeing all these genes that are
very very healthy to cause the body to
flourish imagine if people were doing
that for three months we also measured
telomeres the little shoestrings on the
end of DNA that tell us our biological
age we asked people to do the work
meditation five out of seven days for 60
days measure their telomeres that
determine their biological age 60 days
later 74 percent of the people lengthen
their telomeres 40% significant change
20% a very remarkable change that means
that they got a little bit of their life
back if it it lengthened by 10%
they got 10% of their life back rule
number five let go of your past self
number five you can’t go to the future
holding on to the biology of your past
decide what thoughts you can bring to
your future write them down
thoughts like I can’t it’s too hard I’ll
never change I’ll start tomorrow what’s
wrong with me someone else’s fault
decide on what behaviors or actions or
unconscious habits you have to change
how do you talk you complain the blame
you make excuses do you feel sorry for
just become so conscious of those
behaviors that you’ll never go
unconscious again and lastly you have to
decide what emotions no longer belong in
your future that means if you want to be
wealthy you can take Lac if you want to
be healthy
you can’t take insecurities or fear you
got to begin to condition your body to a
new mind rule number six become
supernatural I think we are living in
such an amazing time right now I mean if
you are not being challenged in some way
in your life you’re not alive and all of
this is an initiation and I don’t
believe that you have to go to any
school of ancient wisdom perched in the
Himalayas or for information or training
any longer if you see your life as the
school as the initiation then you can no
longer be a victim to your life you’re
going to have to meet the challenges in
your life from a greater level of mind
greater than the mind that created it
and so there have been plenty of
peer-reviewed articles on the power of
peace gathering projects lower crime
that lower trauma incidences of death
and economic growth it’s all related to
what’s happening right now for us and
it’s not enough though for us to just
focus on peace and expect the world to
change because in the peace gathering
projects when the event was over a lot
of the crime and violence returned back
to its ceiling level again it’s more
important for us not only to embody that
peace and feel it but then to
demonstrate it and when we begin to
demonstrate it I think we give people
permission to do the same that means
that we can’t be preaching peace and
then be stuck in trafficking you know
flipping people offer
you know arguing with your coworker you
don’t get to stand up for peace if you
have conflict in your life so when we
start I believe start that self
contemplative process of looking within
and instead of judging someone or
something look to see if there’s an
aspect of ourselves within that person
or within that situation that we may
need to change and if we’re all doing
that at the same time something greater
greater consciousness is going to emerge
and so I believe that it should never be
about a person it should be about
principles and when we stand up for
principles that creates community
because you could be a one belief for
another belief but if you’re sharing the
same principles which are joy and
freedom and cooperation and connection
that’s what builds communities so then
everything in our world right now is
reminding us of separation whether it’s
war whether it’s violence whether its
political deceit whether it’s prejudice
all of those things caused us to live by
the stress hormones and when we’re
living in that state of survival we’re
not trusting and we become more selfish
so then starting our day asking
ourselves what would be the greatest
expression of myself I’d like to present
to the world and then making the choice
to not get up until we are that person I
think that begins to demonstrate
greatness and when there is adversity
and when there are challenges in our
life the question of course becomes how
do we become supernatural and that means
we’re gonna have to do what feels
unnatural at first when everybody else
is in poverty and lack that’s the time
to give when everybody else is in fear
and vigilance that’s the time to show
courage when people are angry and hating
and prejudice that’s the time to show
compassion people are competing to rush
to get to the top that’s the time that
change your energy and draw the
experience to you and if you keep doing
what’s unnatural over and over again
sooner or later you’re gonna become
supernatural rule number seven
don’t make excuses there’s another thing
that you said that I thought was really
powerful about how insights themselves
are essentially inert they don’t do
anything what what then do we do with an
insight how do we take a breakthrough
moment and make sure that it’s not just
a breakthrough moment like I guarantee
people watching right now are having
like a hundred aha moments for sure that
was definitely the case for me as I was
researching you and when you said that I
was like and that’s the danger that you
have the AHA and then nothing yeah yeah
and that’s it’s a it is a danger because
then people will will shrink back into
mediocracy and they’ll use the insight
to excuse them from taking a leap
they’ll say yeah you know I have a
chemical imbalance in my brain and my
father was really overbearing he was a
perfectionist that’s why I am the way I
am you know people they come up with
stuff to to excuse themselves the
insight is actually giving them
permission to stay limited and it’s an
amazing idea because they’ll say to you
and they really want to get over their
anxiety but let’s okay let’s take your
ex-husband let’s put them in a
let’s duct tape them and shoot them to
the moon know what I mean what are you
gonna do now you still have to make
those changes and so them the person’s
enemy dies or their something shifts in
their life and that person’s gone
they’ll find another person to hate this
is just how we function as human beings
we just slide another reason to feel
those emotions so I think I think when
people start to understand this you know
I think knowledge is power but knowledge
about yourself is self empowerment rule
number eight become truly present I
think that in order for us to truly
change we have to get beyond ourselves
and that is one of the arts of
transformation and when the moment we
are completely in the present moment we
cannot be running a program it turns out
coincidentally when we’re truly in the
present moment all possibilities in the
quantum field exists in the eternal now
so when we’re truly present and we take
our attention off our body off of people
our lives off of things off of places
and even time that’s the moment as I
said today we become pure consciousness
that’s the moment now we are no longer
playing by the laws of Newtonian physics
that’s the moment we no longer have our
attention invested in this
three-dimensional reality and where we
place our attention is where we place
our energy so then the moment we become
nobody no one no thing no we’re in no
time that’s the moment we get beyond
ourselves it is that act of being in the
present moment that allows us to see new
possibilities that we could never see
from the place where we are stuck in our
own programs and personality the act of
doing that as Bruce said is a skill and
it requires feedback and feedback
happens in a couple ways one way you get
feedback is to begin to measure the
changes you see in your life another way
is that you feel differently another way
is that the voice in your head goes away
that’s telling you you can it’s too hard
you’ll never change this process if it
was easy everybody would be doing it and
yet we are piercing a veil where people
are waking up and they’re beginning to
take their power back we already
innately know how to do this all we have
to do is keep practicing until we start
seeing those wonderful wonderful
feedback mechanisms happening in our
life the moment you start seeing those
changes taking place in your life you
are going to pay attention to what you
did to cause it and the moment you pay
attention to the cause of that action
you’re no longer thinking that it’s
something out there that did it if
you’re beginning to realize it’s what
you did inside of you to produce it
that’s when we ginn to take our power
back rule number nine keep going we have
people that have been abused we have
people that have been traumatized that
have been assaulted we have people that
have had very very difficult difficult
pasts and have you ever heard me say to
revisit the event have you ever heard me
say that
never do we need to revisit the event
because once you do you open the box but
what we want to do is overcome the
emotion cuz that’s just what’s lasting
from the event living in guilt or grief
or shame or unworthiness someone tell me
they lost a loved one the other day and
I said well okay how long you been
grieving all about a year oh really
okay well suppose it was you that left
and you were looking at the person you
loved them open around for a year what
would you say to them after a year if
you truly loved them get over it and
have a happy life I’m doing great you
should make yourself happy you really
love me who live a happy life that would
be the grest greatest testament of love
for each other because if you’re
suffering then my god you know you’re
making this hard on me so then we always
have to update our versions about
reality because it’s the only way that
we adapt don’t believe everything you’ve
read or heard it just may not be the
truth there’s always a greater truth
that you and I can begin to investigate
surely someone and eternity has had a
similar problem as you and I and they’ve
gotten beyond it yes or no so study that
person you want to be wealthy study
wealthy people don’t just have some
panacea that you’re just gonna get
wealthy read about wealthy people and
find out that they lost everything and
failed miserably 20 50 times but what
they had as a characteristic a quality
and their personality as they were
persistent and they kept changing and
they kept forgiving and letting go of
the past and kept going and sooner or
later they ran into it and when they had
all the money they wanted it was never
about the money it was just about that
they could prove to themselves that they
can do it and you and I are no different
than that but if you can’t create a
future because of some emotion that
keeps you in the past you’re gonna have
to square off with that emotion and when
you sit down and your body has all those
physical sensations and it’s getting
vigilant and it wants to get up and it
wants to move and well and you’re just
going wow and you’re settle
down and you’re working with it you got
agree with me that something greater in
you is climbing out of that body
something greater in you is awakening
and when you’re able to overcome those
emotions truly break the addiction don’t
you know that you’ll return back to your
life and face the person that betrayed
you and you will see a part of yourself
that you used to be that you no longer
are and you’re not going to have
anything else but love for them in fact
you’re gonna have compassion for them
because you’re gonna realize how stuck
they are and you’re liberated and free
and rule number ten the last one before
a very special bonus clip is think
greater than your environment if you
think about this your senses plug you
into your external environment
everything you’re seeing or smelling or
tasting or feeling or hearing all of
your five senses are affecting your
brain so if you’re waking up in the
morning and you’re going through the
same routine behaviors as you did the
day before and you’re not in the process
of being defined by a vision of the
future then there for the most part left
with the old hardware in your brain from
the past as a matter of fact your brain
is organized to reflect everything you
know from the past so as people wake up
and they begin to pay attention to their
body they start to look around in their
environment they start to do typical
things it’s the external environment
that’s turning on different circuits in
their brain causing them to think equal
to their environment and if you have the
idea that your thoughts have something
to do with your destiny as long as
you’re thinking equal to your
environment you keep creating the same
reality over and over again so to change
is to think greater than your
environment to think greater than the
circumstances in your world to think
greater than the conditions in your life
and I think every great person in
history understood this they were
defined by a vision that was much bigger
now I’ve got a really special Josie
spends a bonus clip on how to find your
passion that I think you’re really gonna
enjoy but before that question today I
want to know which message in this video
resonated more with you invest in
yourself or don’t make excuses let me
know down in the comments below thank
you guys so much for watching I believe
in you I hope we continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
much love I’ll see you soon and enjoy
what’s the impact that you want to have
on the world I think that the end game
for me is that how to empower people to
such a degree that they realize that
they need less things outside of them to
make them happy less things outside of
them to regulate their moods and their
behaviors and that they begin to use
that kind of the power that we all have
access to and into really and to change
the world to make a difference so that
there’s more peace there’s more homeless
there’s more connection that we support
and love each other and we serve better
and and I think that we have to start
for the most part of everybody’s working
on themselves and and trying doing their
best to present the greatest ideal of
themselves to the world I think the
world would be a better place and so
that’s my passion and I’m witnessing it
happening now
uh-uh the more than I ever thought I
would if you tell yourself a story long
enough you start to believe it don’t you
believe it act like it I have Tulsa what
a wail out of handcuffed lightning
though Thunder in jail now you know I’m
bad over the last week I murdered a rock
into the stone hospitalized a brick I’m
so mean I make medicine sick the
fundamental key to success he’s it can
take between eighteen and two hundred
and fifty four days of taking action for
a new habit to stick I’ve created a new
course called 2:54 confidence or every
single day for two hundred fifty four
days I will be sending you a video
between 30 seconds and five minutes long
that you start your morning with around
making you feel confident it’s
absolutely free check out the link in the description below to get access
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