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“True MENTORSHIP is NOT a ONE-WAY Street!” – Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) – #Entspresso

mentorship is not something you ask
somebody to do like will you be my
friend it doesn’t work like that the
approach to go out and find the mentor
is to ask one question all of us get in
life what we are not what we want all of
us are self-made but only the successful
will admit it rise and shine it’s an
spresso time good morning believe nation
it’s evan my one word is believe and i
believe in you i believe you have an
amazing gift inside you that i want to
see exploded onto the world
so grab your coffee and sip on today’s
message develop mentorships over to you
simon signing here’s what I’ve learned
about mentorship mentorship is not
something you ask somebody to do like
will you be my friend it doesn’t work
like that
when you find somebody you get along
with you share values you share beliefs
you spend time with them you get to know
them you develop trust you take us
you’re vulnerable with them you open up
to them and you discover that you become
friends it’s what happens you start off
as simply acquaintances in my experience
mentorship is exactly the same there
were people who were much more
experienced than me who had wisdom that
I didn’t have and I when I would call
him they would take my calls
and when I would ask them questions they
would always take the time to give me
answers and over the course of time they
became my mentors like they became my
friends and I remember one time I was
with one of my mentors ron brooder an
amazing guy and i was leaving his house
and i put my arm around him i said you
know i’m glad you’re my mentor and he
looked at me and he said i’m glad you’re
mine and it caught me completely
off-guard and true mentorship like true
friendship is not a one-way street it’s
not about one person only giving advice
the other both people are showing up to
give and both people are showing up to
learn but you kinda ask someone to be
your mentor especially someone who’s a
total stranger knock on their door and
say will you be my mentor if they don’t
no you you’ve never met them it’s like
friendship you cultivate a relationship
and if that person is always there for
you and wants to see you thrive and
succeed and believes in you then perhaps
they will become your mentor like making
a friend stop writing to people that you
don’t know and asking them to be your
mentor I get this all the time and it’s
it’s incredibly flattering where people
write in to say Evan will you be my
mentor but you have to understand is
that a mentorship is a relationship a
mentorship is like getting married to
somebody you wouldn’t walk up to
somebody on the street and say will you
marry me because mentors take that
relationship seriously because the most
important asset that any of these people
have that you look up to is their time
and mentors love giving back they love
being able to help people but they hate
wasting their time that’s the balance
that’s where you fall in because so many
people will come to these people and say
hey will you meant to me will you help
me but most people don’t do anything
about it and that’s the risk so as a
mentor I don’t want to spend my time on
somebody who is not following through
because that’s a waste of my time and
that’s the same thought process that all
mentors go through it’s why people don’t
put up websites and say hey I’m a mentor
come and ask me questions because most
people will waste their time and so
that’s the battle you have to face now
if you want to go out and get a mentor
it’s a great opportunity but the
approach has to be different than the
way most people do it the approach to go
out and find the mentor is to ask one
question whether that’s my email whether
that’s out of conference and you get up
and ask the question whether that’s by
social media whether that’s through a
hangout that they’re doing or live am a
it’s never been easier to get access to
mentors never been easier and it’s only
gonna get easier with every year that
goes by ask one question one powerful
question that the answer will be
meaningful to you and then here’s the
key go and do something about it take
action on their answer do what they said
you should do if you thought the answer
was stupid okay maybe that’s not the
mentor for you but if this is the person
you look up to and they’ve given you a
bit of advice because everybody can
answer one question if you’re persistent
enough if you follow through enough
we’ll get an answer to one question do
the work and it may work out and it may
be amazing or may not work out but
before you come back with another
question make sure you’ve done the work
make sure you’ve tried that thing a
hundred times and it didn’t work out
what happened so often and is so
frustrating is people come with one
question you get an answer you don’t do
any of the work or you think that’s too
hard or I’m not gonna do it and I’m not
capable and then a week later you come
back with another question and the
thought process for the mentor is well
what happened to the first one did you
do the work that you follow through and
it’s not so much if it actually worked
out or not if you got a result or not
it’s that you tried here’s the advice
that they gave you on how to create a
great YouTube video and you tried it a
hundred times you tried it and you tried
it and you tried it and if it still
doesn’t work you couldn’t figure it out
then come back and refine it and show
them the work and say I did this a
hundred times I still can’t figure it
out can you please help me
most people don’t put in the work and
that’s why most mentors don’t want to
spend a lot of time mentoring because
they’re not benefiting from the
relationship because they’re not feeling
like there is a good exchange because
they feel like they’re wasting their
time getting a mentor is one of the most
important things that you can do for
your business and for your life never go
up to somebody cold they they have no
idea who you are
and ask them to be your mentor ask one
super powerful important high leverage
question for yourself for your business
and then do the work before you ever
come back and ask them that second
question if you do the work and you come
back you ask that second question you do
the work you come back you ask the third
question do the work you come back ask
the fourth question suddenly you’ve got
a mentor who’s helping you you played
the game right now got some special
bonus cuts for you on mentorship but
before that my question of the day is
what would that one powerful question be
that you would ask a mentor the one
question you really need some help with
leave it down in the comments below I’m
really curious to find out thank you
guys so much for watching I believe in
you I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever you’re one where
it is
much love enjoy the
his clips and I’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot of an
very frequently we’ll ask someone for
instance what advice would you give to a
30 year old just getting started here in
your industry what is the best advice
you would give and just as important I
think you should ask what advice should
that person ignore or what is the worst
advice that you hear repeated often in
your industry what is the conventional
wisdom that you disagree with those type
of questions give you a not to do list
and it is what you don’t do that
provides the space for what you can do
anyone who says you should do this the
way I did it without any caveats should
be maybe ignored
in many cases but certainly viewed with
suspicion the the type of mentors who
tend to be the most helpful or those who
don’t necessarily give you an answer but
they give you a better way of finding
that answer I’m leaving my second job I
want to start my own company what should
I do and they say well I can’t tell you
what you should do because I don’t have
enough information which is a huge
credibility point in my mind that they
have the awareness to say that and they
said but if I were in your position
here’s how I might think through it so
look for mentors who don’t necessarily
give you answers but who walk you
through the process of how they might
think about making the proper decision
given all of your particulars and I
think that’s what in my experience
separates a mediocre or decent mentor
from a great mentor and what do you say
to someone who are saying oh nobody
around me believing in me and that’s
okay if you have that that’s great if
you don’t have it yeah it’s okay I for
years read books of people who I didn’t
know but I considered them at my
personal mentors I I said it Winston
Churchill who said the truth is contrary
incontrovertible malice mere tacit
ignorance they derided but at the end
there it is I said it Earl Nightingale
who said all of us get in life what we
are not what we want all of us are
self-made but only the successful will
admit it so I start
these people and they mentor to me I
feel their spirit sigh i surrounded
myself in my bed with their books and
their audio in my imagination and
listening to their audio programs yes so
how much does the library call card
costs it’s free in the United States I
don’t know what in your country so I
suggest that you spend time working on
yourself study the high achievers I did
that to find out how did they get there
I study the life of Frederick Douglass
who say we won’t get everything that we
fight for but everything we get it will
be a fight and so as you study these
people and imagine yourself in their
position and in your mind’s eye say to
yourself as I did if they can do it I
can do it they put their pants on one
leg at a time they breathe air just as I
do and so I believe that what you would
you focus on the longest becomes a
strongest what we think about we bring
about when you train your mind to serve
you yes by reading a minimum of twenty
to sixty pages a day listening to audio
programs writing goes down reaching
reading them three times a day
you’re literally creating a new mental
blueprint and imagining and seeing
yourself already living from the goal
you begin to do some things that would
most people look at it and see is
magical is there anyone director who you
kind of linked into is your idea of how
the director is it just a combination of
all these different pretty people you
take things I think from everybody you
know you kind of see what would work for
you and what would in and honestly I
have you know there’s so many gifted
people but Bennett Bennett Miller who I
mean Moneyball with is a producer so
he’s someone who’s guiding me a lot and
Spike Jones and I wrote a play together
and our friends and he’s helped me a lot
along the way you know very generously
and you know I just try and think of the
things that I thought were really great
about different directors that I worked
with and what I liked to hear as an
actor and you know try and give that to
the people that I’m working with most
filmmakers I’ve worked with like get
notes from other filmmakers or notes
from people who have done it
I always will ask like in life if I have
like a problem I’d call someone who’s
older who’s been through it and done it
like well and from my so you ask their
advice right so I got to imagine and I
know for a fact that a lot of times that
filmmakers show their movies in their
scripts too you know people they respect
to get thoughts because I don’t think
anyone’s an island I don’t know maybe
like the only person I imagine who I’ve
worked with who would probably like that
and I don’t know at all I’m just
literally speculating as a fan is
Tarantino seems to like just create
these things and then you know like he
has these like magical screenplays I
don’t know but I don’t know maybe he has
people he leans on her or or ask for
advice I have no idea you know the most
important word ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you up or that would be
like a little beacon they believe nation
if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
video for you check the description for
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