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Train Your MIND – Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is train your mind over to you
simon Sinek performing under pressure
whether it’s me or anybody else is the
same you know I have the same pressures
as anyone else there’s time there’s
performance there’s financial I mean
there you know there’s deadlines my
pressures are not unique the situations
may be different or you know but but
everybody has the same kinds of
pressures but what I found or what I
find fascinating is the interpretation
of the stimuli if let me let me explain
so I was watching the Olympics this last
Summer Olympics and I was amazed at how
bad the questions were that the
reporters would ask all the athletes and
almost always they asked the same
question whether they were about to
compete or after they competed were you
nervous right and to a tee all the
athletes went no right and what I
realized is it’s not that they’re not
nervous it’s their interpretation of
what’s happening in their bodies I mean
what it what happens when you’re nervous
right your heart rate starts to go
you’re you know you sort of get a little
tense you get a little sweaty right you
have expectation of what’s coming and we
interpreted that is I’m nervous now
what’s the interpretation of excited
your heart rate starts to go you become
you’re anticipating what’s coming right
you get a little sort of like tense it’s
all the same thing it’s the same stimuli
except these athletes these these
Olympic quality athletes have learned to
interpret the stimuli that the rest of
us would say is nervous as excited they
also the same thing no I’m not nervous
I’m excited and so I’ve actually
practiced it just to tell myself when I
start to get nervous that this is
excitement you know and so where when
you used to be speaking for the large
audience and somebody’d say how do you
feel I say little nervous now when
somebody says how do you feel like
really excited actually and it it came
from just sort of telling myself no no
this is excitement and it becomes a
little bit automatic later on
but it’s kind of a remarkable thing to
deal with pressure by interpreting what
your body is experiencing as excitement
rather than nerves and it’s really kind
of effective it makes you want to rush
for is rather than pull back and yet
it’s the same experience I love this
message and I’m making a video on how to
help other people overcome their
limiting personal beliefs and one of the
things that is so important is when you
identify a limited personal belief like
I’m really nervous or I’m really scared
or I can’t provide enough value here and
then in the moment a lot of times we can
figure it out later like I didn’t do
that because I was afraid or because I
was too nervous because I was worried
about what people think of me right it’s
a Monday Morning Quarterback you realize
it later you catch it in the moment
while it’s happening and then don’t take
the usual action that you take take a
different action take the best action
take the correct action take the action
that helps you be that best version of
yourself the super version of yourself
instead of you crouching down and being
the smaller version of yourself when you
identify what it is that that is holding
you back and then make a change in your
thought process it makes a huge
difference so for me I want to feel like
I’m providing value to people and I
would always be afraid that I wouldn’t
be able to provide value to somebody and
I would secretly hope that people would
want to cancel a meeting on me and that
worked for for big things like if I’m
going to you know speak at an
international conference and it’s
televised in front of really important
people I would say yes and then hope
that they would like a week before I’m
thinking ah you know I hope they cancel
on me
really I really like just his internal
dialogue in the subconscious hoping that
they would cancel on me because I was
really afraid that I wouldn’t provide
value and that may make sense because
it’s a big stage it may not have done
that before it’s in a different country
you know all these different factors but
it would happen even at the smallest
scale if I’m gonna go meet an
entrepreneur and I would I would be
worried that here’s this startup
entrepreneur that I’m gonna know I was
asking for help I’m gonna have coffee
with and I would be worried that I
wouldn’t be able to provide them with
value and I would secretly hope that
they would cancel on me the day of and I
could go work on something else and I
would maybe tell myself you know I’m
busy I want to work on something else
but really I was just afraid that I
wouldn’t be able to provide value now
that desire to provide value was really
helpful right now I’m always there early
for meetings
you know I make sure that I’m trying to
help them I over deliver like crazy
which is great but the negative side is
I might hold myself back from doing
something because I’m too afraid that I
couldn’t provide value and just
reminding myself in the moment that this
is what I love doing like why am i why
am i holding myself back this is what I
love doing is where I get the most
energy and excitement and passion from
it’s what makes me feel so great is
being able to help entrepreneurs why am
I so scared in this moment and once I
made that trigger in the moment I could
apply it for all future situations and
now I’m not scared of doing I look
forward to doing it because I know that
something that’s going to work out and
I’m going to be able to help them with
and so understanding what your limiting
personal belief is whether you care too
much what other people think whether you
know you’re afraid of failing whether
you know you don’t have a lot of
confidence whether you get nervous
easily whether you think your accent is
a is holding you back whatever it is
whatever that aluminum personal belief
is understanding ideally in the moment
that you’re feeling this way again this
is the same subconscious powder that you
followed you know for your entire life
and then making the conscious choice to
deviate to go in a different way to go
in that path that supports you most to
help you be the super version of
yourself that that’s the game that makes
all the difference and so stay tuned
because my video on that topic is going
to be hopefully pretty exciting for you
guys to watch so the question of the day
today is I’m curious what’s the biggest
limiting personal belief that you have
that you want to train your mind around
fixing so you don’t keep running the
same pattern over and over and over
again leave it in the comments below I’m
going to join in the discussion thank
you guys so much for watching have an
amazing day I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one where it is much love
I’ll see you soon
expresso give me go
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