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Vocabulary: 5 uses of ‘sleep’ – The Princess and the Pea part 1

Hello, I’m Mariam. Today’s story is a fairy tale about a young woman whose identity is
put to the test using just a little green pea. Yep, this is the story of The Princess
and the Pea. Our story begins a long time ago there’s
a handsome prince who desperately wants to marry a princess. He travels the world to
find one and there are plenty available but he loses sleep over how genuine they really are.
So there he is, back at home, in his castle,
feeling lonely and worried about the situation. That night, there’s a big storm, thunder,
lightning and torrential rain but the prince sleeps through it. He doesn’t hear someone knocking
at the door. But his mother, the Queen, does and she goes to see who it is.
She opens the door and finds a young woman, soaking wet and wind-blown. “Who are you?”
she asks. “I’m a princess and I need a place to sleep,” the princess said. “Hmmm,” the
Queen thinks, “are you really?” She lets her in and then rushes up to one of the spare
bedrooms – the castle can sleep hundreds so there are plenty to choose from! She takes
all the covers and sheets off the bed and places just one green pea at the bottom. Then
the Queen gets twenty mattresses and piles them up on top of the pea. The King gives
her a hand because they are rather heavy. Despite all the noise, the prince is sleeping
like a baby and has no idea what they’re up to.
Strange! What is the Queen up to? Well, join me again in part two to find out. I’ll see
you then. Bye for now.
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