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Tough Times – How to get through hard times

how to get through hard times a buddy
mine is going through a hard time in his
life right now and I sent him a message
today to encourage him and to support
him and I realized that what I wrote in
that message I’ve never really shared
with people before and I haven’t shared
it with you and I thought that the
message might help you if you’re going
through a hard time in your life right
now and it’s sharing my story from what
happened to me last year last year was a
really hard year for me both from a
business perspective and in a personal
perspective on the business side I was
growing less and less happy with what I
was doing most of my money came from
advertising I had a popular website had
over 20 million people visit my site and
so you can sell advertising against that
and make money from it
the problem for me there was I was
creating content that would just
generate a lot of views so it could sell
a lot of advertising and it wasn’t
necessarily stuff that I was proud of or
would really help entrepreneurs which
was my passion and so I felt
increasingly disconnected from my
business and as a result last year
totally changed my model took off all
the ads on my site and took my biggest
revenue source and brought it to zero
which was really stressful and basically
was starting over starting over with a
new business model to help entrepreneurs
on a personal level my life was falling
apart in a lot of different areas I went
through a divorce which was the the most
stressful thing that I’ve ever had to go
through in my life and and I hope that
you never have to go through that I I
spent 1.6 million dollars building my
dream house and then had to sell it
I basically cost so did make a profit on
it I I gained 15 pounds and for the
first time in my life had to watch what
I was eating and pay attention to that
where I never had to worry before I
started losing my hair for the first
time in my life – from all the stress
and craziness and people my family you
the way and that created more stress and
it was it was a tough year and it’s
funny how in life sometimes when when
something is going wrong everything
seems to go wrong at once and just when
you think something is you know you’re
just getting better something hits you
in the stomach even harder that’s kind
of how the pattern goes and the advice
that I gave to my friend was what helped
me get through it because it was a
really challenging tough year but what
helped me get through was feeling like I
was doing something important it was
making these videos helping you guys
answering your questions feeling like I
was giving back and helping people
through the only way that I knew how
which is through entrepreneurship and by
helping you guys and by seeing the
responses on the videos and by knowing
that I’ve helped your business get
better I’ve helped you become a better
entrepreneur and you’re out taking that
knowledge and and helping more people
that making me feel like I was doing
something important that got me through
all the tough times that I experienced
last year and keeps getting me through
this is what gets me up every day
it’s feeling like I’m doing something
important so if you’re going through a
challenging time in your life either
right now or one that’s coming up
because you know that’s gonna come try
to do something that makes you feel like
you’re doing something important it’s
what’s gonna help you get through use
the skills and knowledge the expertise
that you have to help somebody and when
you see them smile and you see them say
thank you and when you see them say
you’ve changed my life that will change
you and make you want to do more and
it’ll make you a better person it’ll
make you a better entrepreneur as well
and hopefully by helping other people
you’ll end up healing yourself as well
it worked for me and I hope it works for
you believe for those of you watching
you like the video please give it a
thumbs up below let me know what you
think leave a comment underneath you
know those get me going this is what I
do so thank you guys and I’ll see you
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