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Tony Robbins: TRAIN YOUR MIND (Life Changing Motivational Video 2018)

whose here’s failed miserably at
something you wanted to achieve say aye
who’s done this more than once AI when
you failed why did you fail why are you
suddenly tongue-tied come on tell I tell
you what why did you what did you use to
say the reason you failed when you were
bullshitting yourself you know I know
better so you’re not telling me the
truth what did you used to say I failed
because okay good I didn’t have enough
money what else didn’t have didn’t have
the right technology good sir why’d you
fail I had the wrong people they say I
had the wrong leader isn’t it
interesting it was the economy the bad
economy not enough time didn’t have
enough time now I asked this question
for the first time about seven years ago
I was at this place called Ted anybody
watching those Ted videos and Ted didn’t
have a website or anything of that stage
it was a very small program was done for
about 800 people in Silicon Valley
most of them billionaire investors the
founders of Yahoo the founders of Apple
the founders of a whole series of
companies and I was brought in and they
say you got 18 minutes which by shore to
seminars for days so I’m like
you got to be kidding me
and then when before they introduced me
the guy who was introducing me wasn’t
the guy invited me he was an English guy
we’re good friends today but back then
he didn’t know who I was he thought I
was a motivator so he got up and he said
first thing you said to me before I went
out there goes nice to meet you don’t
have people do that jump and I
heard you do so he wants me to take
these dead people and leave them dead in
this dark room sitting and I watched
before I got up to speak and there’s a
woman who was a genius and she was treat
eaching string theory which is one of
the most complex things on earth and
for 18 minutes and people were shuffling
their feet and at the end they didn’t
even clap for her there were assholes
they all fought their didn’t stink
these are all the Cheevers of the world
so I walk out there and the introduction
he gives me as Tony Robbins is like a
motivator and he’s helped a lot of
sports people so maybe he can you know
create some energy here he a very
publicized divorce a few years ago I
couldn’t believe it he really
did say that if you watch the TED video
he’d cut that out cuz he’s embarrassed
was it so I got up afterwards and I says
god it’s a privilege to be here I said I
didn’t know that my divorce is very
publicized but my ex-wife is very happy
she has tens of millions of dollars but
I didn’t come about that I came to serve
you and then I simply got engaged this
room so I asked him question just ask to
you I said who here’s ever failed and no
one raised their hand the whole
room so I paused and I said I know
you’re out there I can hear your hearts
beating who here has ever failed and I
demanded an answer and then a few people
raised their hand I said who here has
ever failed and now the holes they
started comply so I said great when you
failed why did you fail and they said
all the things you said didn’t have
enough time didn’t have the right
technology didn’t have the money didn’t
have the contacts you know had the wrong
people the people said we had the wrong
leader and then this voice in the
darkness all written was pitch black
says I didn’t have enough Supreme Court
justices and I look down and it’s Vice
President Al Gore who you probably don’t
know much about American politics but he
and Bush jr. they tied basically and had
to go to our Supreme Court to decide
who’s gonna be and he lost and when he
said that we were in Northern California
which is all Democrats would have been
supporters Vince they all stood up and
gave him a standing ovation he said this
and when they stopped the stand
innovation I said that’s one way to try
to explain why you didn’t become
presidents but I wouldn’t say it’s an
accurate one and there was this pause
like what the is he about to say
and I said cuz let’s just do this
logically everything you people have
told me I didn’t have the technology I’d
have the right contacts I didn’t have
the time I didn’t have money everything
you’ve told me I didn’t have enough
Supreme Court justices those are
resources and so you’re telling me I
fail because I didn’t have the resources
and I’m here to tell you what you
already know resources are never the
problem it’s a lack of resourcefulness
is why you failed because the ultimate
resources are emotional states if you’re
creative enough can you find the answer
yes or no if you’re determined enough
can you find the breakthrough yes or no
if you’re passionate loving enough can
you get someone to help you yes or no if
there’s no way that you’re committed can
you find the money even if you don’t
have it yes or no
so I said creativity decisiveness
passion honesty sincerity love these are
the ultimate human resources and when
you engage these resource you can get
any other resource on earth and I said
so you told me all the resources you’re
missing and you hypnotize yourself into
believing that you don’t have what you
want because you know the resources when
the most successful people in history
had no resources but they were
incredibly resourceful so they got the
resources resourcefulness is the
ultimate resource and if you don’t have
what you want stop telling yourself the
story because you don’t the money all
the time that’s
it’s because you haven’t committed
yourself where you would burn your boats
if you want to take the island
burn your boats and you will
take the island because people when
they’re gonna either die or succeed tend
to succeed but most of us give ourselves
a way out and that’s why we don’t have
what we want so if you and I really want
to know what’s gonna take to get your
dream and make it real it’s to stop all
the things you told yourself at art and
I’m here to tell you what I said at the
top of our discussion 80% of success of
psychology and 20% of mechanics that’s
true of running your business that’s
true of your intimate relationship
that’s true of your body that’s true and
your level of happiness so you’ve got to
know the 20% because that gives you the
edge right those strategies but you got
to know the psychology if you’re in
business right now there’s a few things
the choke hold since again how many own
a business I’m
Claire really do own a business you’re
not thinking about it you own one raise
your hand so I can say mostly that
impressed so if you own your business
I’ll tell you right now the choke hold
on the growth of your business is you it
is not your people
it is the leader of this organization
the leader is the chokehold and the
chokehold comes in one of two forms your
psychology you think you’ve tried
everything you’ve tried everything but
what works who knows what I’m
talking about here right or it’s a skill
that you’re missing like you really are
incredible writing code but you don’t
know about accounting and finance
and it’s eating your business alive
because I got to tell you
96% of all businesses in a 10-year
period of time go under only 4% make it
by the way make it doesn’t mean that you
succeed to have any money it just means
you’re still standing 4% and by the way
after 10 years you’re set right there’s
no more challenges never heard of a
company called Lehman Brothers right a
hundred-year-old company if you took
their gross revenues and added them up
it’d be a trillion dollars over the
decades a trillion with a key and
they’re no longer here that’s how
competitive the world is today so if you
got into business and you’re in it right
now I love you I respect you as a
brother or sister and I know you’re a
crazy son of a bitch just like me you
have to be who gets in a sport where the
longer you play the more likely you die
you’re a gladiator if you’re in business
a gladiator goes out there and they know
every time I go out I can die and the
longer I stay in the game the more
likely I die but every day they go out
to win that takes an incredible
psychology but in that psychology we
bump onto limits and that’s what you got
a shift and if your psychology is solid
and you got to say where are the skills
I’m missing because that’s equally
important if you don’t know how to
market in the Wolverine today if you
don’t know the cutting edge the
I’m only here today I have the privilege
to be with you here how many of you are
in this room because you listen to an
audio you read a book or a friend let me
separate how many here because you read
an audio read a book or listen to an
audio and that created the basis for you
to want to be here
how many you here cuz somebody told you
you got to go see this guy let me see
your hands you saw that let me see your
hands nice a nice oh you can look around
the room so about 85 percent of the room
I created a brand and that’s why I have
the privilege to serve you but that
brand came because I realized early in
my career I get the best ideas in the
world but they’re gonna die on my lips
unless I can market them unless I can
build a brand it is the most important
thing today because the world is made up
of commodities the world is so
competitive if you’re a commodity if
you’re a race for the lowest price you
will be out of business within ten years
probably more like two to five you have
to have something that separates you
from everybody else on earth and until
you find out that something you will be
stressed and you will be struggling but
everybody has it or anybody can create
it that’s my expertise my companies I
started with zero we do more than five
billion with a B per year my companies
combine how the did you do that
what it’s not even your focus oh thank
you very much
I appreciate the applause but I’m not
telling for that reason I want you to
get I was never even out to be
successful in business I had a mission
but I realize I have to master business
or that mission is going to die and you
got to get that too because otherwise
you’re gonna be one of the many orc your
ass off and not have what you deserve so
this is an area that deserves mastery
not dabbling and probably most of you in
this room work your ass off on your
business and you’re so working in the
business you’re not working on the
business I know you know the difference
and if you do you’re not getting
distinctions that are cutting edge one
right strategy can save you ten years
but you’ve got to go get it you can’t
just keep doing what you’re doing
because and then pumping yourself back
up so you got to get the skills
marketing is one of those skills
selecting the right people is everything
who selected the wrong person and as a
result it cost your business big time
either in a partner sales first in
something raised hand say I
you gotta develop a system to pick the
right people you live and die by that
and we all know it’s not the person that
you hire that hurts you it’s the one you
don’t fire so knowing how to pick the
right people knowing how to train those
people knowing what you’re gonna do in
sales knowing what you’re gonna do in
marketing knowing what you do in the
financial side of your business is
everything you have to master these
things you can’t hope and expect your
business to be there so most how many if
you have a college education in this
room who’s got a college education keep
your hands up nice and hot how many feel
like clap like crazy if you agree if you
disagree go and how many agree that your
college education prepared prepared you
for the life in the 21st century to give
you the greatest results you could
possibly get for your body for your mind
for your business however how many
wouldn’t trade that experience cuz that
other things in it that are priceless
for your relationships inside say I so
it might be time for you to up your
education you kind of came here as a
taste of that I’m telling you because if
you’re in business um
come see me I’m doing a program you can
fly and see it around the world or you
can see a program here in Australia but
you’ve got to come in from a business
base let me serve you I’m not holding
back today it deserves the five days and
nights and oh by the way if you make an
investment today what kind of return are
you hoping to get
you sir you invest into your money
what’s the return you’re looking for
real in the real world today now I’m
asking you what return do you want on a
dollar investment if you invest your
money what are you hoping to get as a
return on an annual basis what are you
looking for at an annual basis 20 to 1
and how often are you doing that good
how many of you would love to get a 20%
return think that would be extraordinary
investments say I if you want to come to
an event with me as $10,000 that means a
two thousand dollar return if I can’t
get you a million dollar return you
shouldn’t come and I can’t get you
immediately in the next year a thirty
130 percent return you don’t pay
anything I’m not selling I’m telling you
don’t let this be the end let it be the
beginning who’s with me on this say I
having said that if I never see you
let me give you fundamentally the
structure and how to break through on
anything and here’s what it is briefly
break through what is a breakthrough by
the way so we’re clear
if you say you’re having a breakthrough
who’s never had a breakthrough you
fought you fought and then you had a
break who’s had will this happen before
say I a breakthrough is when there’s
something you struggle with for a long
time you say you’re gonna change you say
you’re gonna make it happen you’re gonna
lose that weight you’re gonna grow your
revenues you’re gonna make that profit
you’re gonna make something happen you
gonna find that relationship you’re
gonna stop smoking and you start you get
right near the edge and then you pull
back who’s done this multiple times
before but then finally how to break
through you broke through and actually
change and say I so jot down with a
breakthrough is and let me give you the
three steps of it a breakthrough is a
moment in time that’s what it is it’s a
moment in time it’s a moment where
suddenly what was impossible becomes
possible and what makes it possible is
you take immediate massive what
immediate massive what action for that
to happen for the impossibly compatible
and for you to have action that’s going
to get results really I found over the
years any kind of breakthrough that
you’re gonna have requires three things
to it and if you never see me again and
you’re ever in a place you say I’m sick
of fighting this I’m sick of not getting
results I want I don’t want to just
learn more I want to break through if
you remember this and go back to this
simple formula and by the way I’ve made
this simple purposely
you know why complexity is the enemy of
execution the more complex you make it
the less likely you’re gonna execute I’m
so good at getting people to do things
cuz I make it so damn simple you can’t
miss it so let’s do it what’s it gonna
take to ever break through before I tell
you let’s have you think of an area
where you once fought and you finally
had a breakthrough for you personally
what’s an area will you push them push
them for she couldn’t do it couldn’t do
it and you finally made yourself do it
and broke through
how many can think of a specific area
life where you actually did create a
breakthrough say I if you give my boy oh
say it’s wrong say I say I
what was that area say it out loud it
was here just say it out loud what area
did you break through it say it out what
was the area okay so now you’ve had
success before let’s do it again I’m
gonna show you the three things you need
for breakthrough any one of the three
can do it all three of them together you
will absolutely break through and I’m
gonna give them to you in reverse order
of importance
meaning I’m gonna tell you the least
important thing first because it’s the
first thing most of you go for it’s not
the most important but it’s very
important now before I do it I want you
right now to think of it area you want
to break through right now what’s in
here your life right now that you’d like
to create a breakthrough
how many can think of something you came
here for I want to change this I want to
lift this up and I want to transform
this I want to master this who’s got a
mirror your life right now great sit up
in your chair some energy right now
super chair make sure the people on
either side of you in a peak state right
now come on get them up in a beat second
show what a Peach State looks like by
your example come on now come on now
wake it up
all right right now pick an area you
want to credit breakthrough it
what’s an area you want afraid to break
through it money finance great what
specifically do you want to create
breakthrough about money or finance I’d
like some money here’s the problem
asking you shall so if she said I like
some money I could give her a dollar and
go okay now you got some money let’s
move on if you’re that general you’re
probably getting what you’re asking for
you just don’t realize it because you’re
too general
what’s the breakthrough you want with
money to be able to travel the world
what prevents that from happening now
money II so we now know what a real
problem is I’m going to show you what a
real problem is in a moment somebody
else what’s the breakthrough you want
what’s the breakthrough
tell me Hadrian what’s the breakthrough
what’s the breakthrough you want sir
what is it to be a leader for my family
what’s preventing you from being a
leader for your family my mindset what
I’m just not focused enough now I want
you listen to people’s answers because
you’re going to see why people aren’t
changing cuz it’s so general someone
else be honest what’s here you want to
break your head yes we have what do you
want to break through in she goes I want
to break through in clarity of what I
want to do with my career what do you
want to do with your career you don’t
know I know you don’t know but if you
did know and how to tell me right now
what would you say I want to be up there
talking to thousands of people she
doesn’t know and then when I say I know
you don’t know what’s the answer she
tells me the answer instantly she
just has a habit of saying I don’t know
when you say I don’t know I don’t know I
don’t know over and over again you tell
yourself a story you begin to believe
that story and once you believe it its
manifest how many of you have ever had
when you’re a kid you’re eating dinner
your parents says to you could you get
me the salt and you’re enjoying your
meal you don’t want to get up see you
know why you say I don’t know the salt
is it’s not a lie you don’t know its
exact position in this moment of time
and your parent says you know when it’s
in it’s in the kitchen you go I don’t
know the Psaltis you go get me I don’t
know you giving us all right now what do
you say
as you walked in the kitchen out of the
Psaltis out of the salsas out of the
salt is you open the cabinet really do
look it’s not here it’s on the second
shelf they tell you you think I don’t
know salt is I’m a salt is you look it’s
not here they come storm in the kitchen
they reach right from your face they go
what is this who’s ever had when these
experience to say I now here’s my
question did your eyes see the salt yes
or no yes your eyes saw the salt but
your mind did not allow you to perceive
the salt because you told yourself a
story over and over again a belief over
and over again and it didn’t want to
make you a wire with yourself so you
created what’s called a scotoma or a
blind-spot now if you listen to all the
people here they’re all searching so let
me give you the answer three keys to a
breakthrough think of the air you want
to pur breakthrough in right now your
body your money your relationships your
career your business your joy your
happiness and let’s look at what your
choices are first element they’re 3 s’s
for a breakthrough first element most
people looking for is they’re looking
for the right strategy they’re saying if
I could find the right strategy I could
get this result right now and by the way
my life I am a life and business
strategist all I do is seek out the
world for fine strategies I find people
been together for 60 years and they
don’t just love each other their
intimate their passionate and make love
and I want to know what do they have
different than other people and I don’t
think it’s luck and I know it’s not luck
and I figure out what their strategies
are they do things that excite each
other and I find out what those things
are and you can put them in anybody’s
relationship and it’s reignited I find
people I just got done doing a four year
project where I interviewed 50 of the
most wealthy human beings on earth the
greatest investors in history and these
are all people that started with nothing
and became multimillionaires and I
interviewed them put it inside the book
the very best of what I’ve learned I
learned I got a PhD from the people to
control the world economy from the warm
buffets of the world from the raid al
use of the world and once I knew what
their strategies are like right now one
of the strategies I put in my book it’s
called money master the game and I
believe it’s an Australian I think it’s
coming here yet
do you have you seen here in this book I
got one of them to actually give me a
strategy and in this man named Ray Dalio
he’s the largest hedge fund in the world
this is a guy that rich people they have
money to give to a hedge fund guy the
big hedge funds are 15 billion Rae is
160 billion he’s ten times larger than
anyone on earth you have to have a
billion dollar net worth and give him a
hundred million dollars ten years ago to
even begin investing with him now he
doesn’t care how much money you have you
won’t take your money and I got him to
give me the strategy that he has all of
his personal money and he’s never told
her to anyone on earth and I put in the
book because I convinced him you’re not
taking anybody’s money anyway so you’re
not getting you know all the money you
could ever take you’re taking you’re
giving up half your net worth I’m gonna
give this the average person anybody to
follow the strategy last year beat the
stock market the stock market in the US
was thirteen point two
it did fifteen point six in October last
year his strategy not mine I just got it
from him the stock market the Dow
dropped a thousand points in one month
it dropped six percent this went up
point two percent first seven days of
this year the market was down three
percent this is up one percent right now
it’s up three and a half the markets up
about two and a quarter and in in the
last 75 years it’s made money
eighty-five percent of the time imagine
and when it lost it only lost one point
six percent and when it wins it wins an
average of ten percent if you could go
to Vegas and win 85 percent of the time
at 10 percent and I lose one point six
fifteen percent of time how often would
you play it’s in the book that’s
strategy you do once a year you
rebalance it and you’re done that’s how
powerful it is and it’s only not worked
twice 2008 and in 1932 and in both cases
it did twice as good as everything else
but it did lose money now that’s the
power of a strategy but getting
it from the best on earth that’s what I
do now to do that I spent time energy
money effort it didn’t interrupt me I
had to pursue it I had expect no answers
but I want the answer and I got it so I
know the power of strategies if anybody
else does but I want to tell you most of
you want to lose weight you’re looking
for the strategy you want a relationship
you’re looking with the strategy look at
business you want your strategy all good
things the right strategy save you years
save you decades can convert results in
minutes that you would have struggled
for forever
I know the value strategies but with all
that I just said about strategies
they’re not the most important piece to
a breakthrough cus think about it
70% of the United States is overweight I
don’t know the current number in
Australia but it’s starting to catch up
to the u.s. most of the world is
catching up to the US we’ve polluted
everybody else with the same lifestyle
and so guess what is it really that hard
to be fit and strong is it so complex
that you’ll never understand it is that
why is the strategy complex for fit and
strength to be fit and strong yes or no
is it like so unique and special that
only the 1% can afford it
no in fact don’t you have to work your
ass off to avoid the information that
can make you fit and strong in fact
today god forbid if you wanted to go
work out and be trained how far would I
have to leave this building to get to a
place where they would train me how far
there’s one right over there isn’t it
and we’ll probably Drive there God
forbid we’d actually walk to the place
we’re gonna work out and right I
know by the way you didn’t do that now
you can take out your phone or your iPad
right now and download 10 bucks we live
in a world where the strategies are all
around you so strategy may be your
problem often it is but more often
you’re missing the number 2 thing you
need and that is the right story because
the story you have about your life or
about your business about the area life
it’s not where you want the area
breaking through your story is with
making you be stuck what’s a story it’s
a belief that you tell yourself over and
over again like I don’t know the solidus
out of the stall says you tell the story
so often you believe it this is a man
once said you tell a lie big enough loud
enough and long enough sooner or later
people will believe you
who said that Hitler and most of us are
Hitler in our own minds we convinced
ourselves of challenges so when person
says well you know least I’ve tried
someone it hasn’t lost weight they’ll
say I’ve tried come on will they say I
tried everything if you tried
everything you’ll be fit and strong well
I’ve tried thousands of waste thousands
name them well tried hundreds name them
well I’ve tried dozens name them why did
do these two stupid things that don’t
work over
again mine was on big-boned
I am big-boned but I was 38 pounds
heavier with the same bones so we often
say things that are true to back things
up they are true you’re big-boned but
that is not why you’re fat
right so the story keeps us from it if
you know the relationship you want
what’s the story all the good ones are
gone and they’re gay and I’m not or
they’re not gay and I am there’s a story
the story is there in fact write this
down the only thing keeping you from
getting what you want the only thing
keeping you from getting what you want
is the story you keep telling yourself
about why you don’t have it the only
thing keeping you from getting what you
really want is the story you keep
telling yourself about why you don’t
have it yet here’s what I said divorce
your story and marry the truth divorce
your story and marry the truth and don’t
make it when those divorces where you
revisit with your old past belief system
again divorce it cut it off and marry
the truth the truth will set you what
but you got to develop the empowering
story without that now some of you think
that empowering story is the one that
allows you to be keep going at what
doesn’t work I’m not talking about a
story where you cover your ass and
explain that you’re still going to
achieve you want some day in the future
because no one can argue with that
because the future is not here but
really you’re not doing anything to
change significant who knows what I’m
talking about here say I so you’ve got
to find a story that’s going to empower
you to act a story that’s going to get
you to find the breakthrough because
otherwise with a lousy story you’ll
never find the strategy or you’ll come
up with a reason why it’s too expensive
you can’t get there you can’t access it
or you’ll even get the strategy and then
half-assed apply it just so you can
reward your story that says it doesn’t
work as I tried it like it’s all
it’s it’s
it’s jumping and doing
something different your head of course
it’s not gonna work you’re not doing it
it’s self fulfilling how many follow
those say I so I want you to get this is
the secret and by the way I don’t want
to make it so strategy doesn’t matter
because it does let me give you a quick
example is there a single guy here
if you’re a single guy let me just see a
quick example single guys here if you’re
a single guy raise your hand I’ve got so
many good examples here
all right single guys single guys okay
so how about this gentleman right here
stand up sir give a hand get my hand
ladies and gentlemen come on give it up
an Aussie
what’s your name was it Jesse Jesse I’m
gonna get your microphone Jesse I bet
you’re gonna get this cuz Jesse’s he’s a
good kid you can feel him so I think
you’re gonna get the answer so it
probably anticlimactic but let me just
ask you Jesse I want you imagine that
you’re driving in your car with a girl
you’re dating and as you’re driving she
says to you Jesse do you need to stop to
pee and you know you don’t what do you
say I don’t need a key now ladies how do
you feel when you ask the guy do you
need a PD me stop get a drink and he
just goes no ladies make a sound of how
that makes you feel make a sound god
oh come on make it loud so he hears it
go one more time do I need to ask if she
needs to pay the quick study here’s what
you’re missing this is why you’re single
when a woman asks do you need to stop
for a drink you need to pee women don’t
really mean what they say they give you
clues and want you to be a detective and
uncover what they mean
cuz this proves that you really care
it’s quite complex this but I’m
gonna educate you right now so when she
says Dee Dee’s stuff to pee your
response should never be no cuz you want
to pee or yes cuz you have to be you’re
smart should always be honey do you need
to pee and then she’ll say I don’t know
cuz women need to talk to see if they
have to pee is it they have to speak and
then see if they have to do it and then
what you should probably pause you go
you know honey I think we should stop
don’t make her say yes you just make it
happen now ladies if you did that they
give me little response okay so is this
man is this a good young man is he yes
or no is he nice is he sweet is he kind
he just doesn’t know that women
don’t mean what they say so he doesn’t
have the right strategy so she’s gonna
be pissed at him how many guys have ever
had a woman suddenly be pissed at you in
your going I did nothing
gentlemen make some noise
made some noise if it’s true you don’t
have to do anything they just get to
change states so what you have to do is
read the tea leaves now to be fair let’s
to be fair let’s balance it out where is
a single lady in here single lady major
single women raise your hand so many
what’s your name where you from
it’s some City ladies and gentlemen no
you didn’t hear me I said it’s live
simply let me hear you
okay this I’m gonna give you a little
test you find a man very attractive
you’re very interested in him
you develop the courage to go up to him
start a conversation and then you say to
him hey listen would you like to have
maybe next Thursday and he says no what
does it mean from honestly what does it
mean what’s your gut say it means first
thing he says no he what he’s not
interested now he said no and then she
made up a whole story in her
head this is what women do what else do
you tell you he’s not interested what
else do you think he’s probably got
girlfriend gay gay girlfriend
what else he’s stupid he’s stupid
okay now why you notice why she’s single
because all he said was no so I’m going
to help you in the women’s world they
see and you have to make it up what
it means in a man’s world we actually
say what we mean it’s
crazy if a guy guys are you with me if a
guy says to me do you have lunch on
Thursday and I say no guys what does it
mean what does it mean just
means no it doesn’t mean I’m not into
you doesn’t mean him of sex with someone
else doesn’t mean I’m gay
it just means no to Thursday how
can you see how her story would get in
the way of a strategy that would work
yes or no can you see how his strategy
lack of understanding would make women
make up a story about him a time yes or
no so they all affect each other don’t
they but the glue that holds you in
place is the story if you want to grow a
business I can teach you a million
strategies will change you overnight and
if I get you to use a strategy and grow
your business 30% like that you are
gonna get so excited that your story
about your business will change won’t it
you’ll like I can lift this open I’m
gonna make this thing a hundred percent
more profitable that’s why 80 percent
those people I can grow them thirty two
hundred thirty percent because once I
get a net momentum people’s story
changes and when their story changes the
third and most important thing changes
their state because that’s what really
changes it all and that’s why when I
first came in the audience I was
listening what you wanted why I changed
all my content today to give you what I
delivered because I realized since you
want so many different things to have a
breakthrough the most important one a stake
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