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This One Common HABIT is Making You WEAKER! | Tony Robbins (@TonyRobbins) | #Entspresso

but when you accept that oh my god the
markets down or oh my god the economy
and areas down when you allow the
environment to control your psychology
you’re not gonna live make sure that
changing your environment does not make
you weaker have to battle with the
people that end up winning at the
highest level you know what they have
they end up believing that they can win
at the highest level rise and shine it’s
an espresso time what’s up belief nation
it’s Evan I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so let’s start
your day off right together grab your
coffee and sip on today’s message change
your psychology over to you Tony Robbins
also if you want to know what Tony
Robbins and others have to say about
building unstoppable confidence check
out my 250 for confidence series where
every day for the next 254 days I will
send you a morning video for free to
help you build your confidence the link
to join is in the description below the
fact that human beings are strongest
drive is the need to stay consistent
with how we define ourselves so while
you’re in this passionate state that’s
where you make decisions so if you want
to change your life my friends you’ve
got to change your physiology and you
got to change your focus
if you look at a business the chokehold
on the growth of any business is always
the psychology and the skillset of the
leader and it’s 80% psychology and 20%
mechanics meaning so many small
businesses you know the the owner might
be an incredible innovator
maybe they write incredible code maybe
they’re a tremendous influence er but
they don’t know the economic side of
their business right and they find
themselves getting in trouble because
somebody’s giving them financial
information after the fact they don’t
have true financial intelligence to make
decisions and they get caught up can you
can you give me an example of a business
like that you have to name names no I
I’ll pick my own examples I had several
companies earlier my career that we’re
near bankruptcy because I would sit down
and I would I knew how to produce
products it would change people’s lives
I knew how to market I knew that
building teams of people but what I
didn’t know was finance so I’d look and
say you know okay what are we doing it
oh you got a great you know you got a
20% profit you know you got two million
dollars in profit those days little tiny
company and I come to the end of the
year there was no cash right I didn’t
know that profit is a theory you know
and so just not having that skill or
someone might be really great in finance
but they’re not any good in marketing so
sometimes it’s a skill problem but 80%
of it you can solve those skills you can
get those skills if you can change your
psychology but when you accept that oh
my god the markets down or oh my god the
economy and are is down when you allow
the environment to control your
psychology you’re not gonna win so the
easy hack here is that if you are
allowing your environment to control
your psychology then change your
environment in a positive way so that
you can improve your psychology and I
think there’s a lot of pros to that
change your physical environment there’s
a reason why I set up my office like
this change your habit in routine like
watching videos like this to improve
your mindset change the people that you
hang with to make you a better person
changing your environment to change your
psychology knowing that that’s part of
who you are can make a huge huge
positive impact on your life however
make sure that change in your
environment does not make you weaker
make sure that you’re not training
yourself that you have zero control that
you are just a product of your
environment because when that
environment fails which it will when
you’re not in your perfect bubble when
you step outside that comfort
when the environment fails on you what
happens do you stand up are you strong
or do you crumble because you are too
reliant on that environment you set up
for yourself
so as an example I have a controversial
theory called damn the Doritos Dan the
Doritos put them right there when you’re
on a diet the conventional advice the
conventional wisdom is empty out your
house of all the junk food so that you
have no temptation so that when you are
craving those Doritos they’re not just
across the hall that you have to go down
to the store to buy them right empty out
your condo or your house of all junk
food that’s a typical advice I think in
the early stages that’s okay you know it
helps build some strength for you but I
think ultimately it makes you weaker
because it’s training you that you are
not greater than the Doritos that the
Doritos owned you and I hate that and so
when I’m going on a diet I have this
giant bag of Doritos sitting right in
front of me at my workstation because
it’s a constant reminder to myself that
I am greater than these Doritos damn the
Doritos now I don’t think people can get
there right away I don’t think it’s a
great first step because if I have these
Doritos in front of me and then I
succumb to it and I eat it I’m teaching
myself that I’m weak and so that’s not a
great step it’s better to have no junk
food in your house than to eat the junk
food but once you can build up a certain
amount of strength to say hey you know
what I’ve built some positive habits I’m
ready then to not always rely on having
the perfect environment around you
because ultimately that makes you weaker
bring the Doritos back in and know that
you are stronger than them and so I want
you to consciously think about your
environment think about your physical
environment think about the people that
you hang out with think about your
routines and your habits and the videos
that you consume are they helping make
you better are they helping you get
closer to the goals that you want for
yourself for your life but just make
sure that if your environment fails
which it will if you’re on a diet and
you have a perfect environment here but
then you go traveling and suddenly
you’ve got junk food all around you if
your favorite youtuber where you’re
learning lots of stuff from stops making
videos for you if your house burns down
and you don’t have these posters behind
you anymore when your environment Falls
do you do make sure you are making
yourself stronger each and every single
day and you are not solely relying on
your environment or your psychology now
I’ve got a really special bonus clip
that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that question of the day I want
to know what do you think of my Dame de
Dorito strategy yay it’s the best thing
of all time nay the strategy suck 7 pick
something new I’d love to hear your
people are going to try to change you in
two different ways
okay one there’s gonna be people that
want to help you change your mindset you
know and change your mindset and the way
you view things that’s a different story
but then there’s gonna be people that
are going to try to change you the way
you are with your personality and those
people that try to change you with your
personality on the way you’re wired you
have to be very careful with that
because if you allow somebody to
convince you to change your personality
not your mindset you in a way could take
that as maybe you’re not good enough
NSPS it’s completely us have to battle
with the people that end up winning at
the highest level you know what they
have they end up believing that they can
win at the highest level that the way
they’re wired is worthy enough to win at
the highest level that’s the mindset
there are different personalities than
you I’ve seen people that are quiet
timid and people think they’re weak and
they become presidents you’ve seen
people that are loud and very loud and
obnoxious and they become president so
it doesn’t mean just one type of
personality wears every type of
personality one just a mindset so don’t
let anybody convince you that your
personality and the way your wiring is
not here here that has to change
that’s not worthy enough what needs to
change is your mindset is the way you
view the world is the way you view
things money life marriage business
freedom relationships those processing
that you have here it’s okay to change
those things but not your personality
your personality is perfect just the way
it is all the other things you can work
the most important work ever if you had
to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
so it would be like a little beacon if
you want a lot more of Tony Robbins
check out the eight hours of Tony
Robbins motivation video that I made the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there one of the biggest
challenges for people’s everybody wants
a better quality of life everybody wants life to be greater
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