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This Is How You Change Your Future | Dr. Joe Dispenza

for some of us to wake up we need a
wake-up call the latest research in
epigenetics says that it’s the
environment that signals the gene jeans
are like Christmas tree lights are
turning on and off all the time
genes make proteins and proteins are
responsible for the structure and
function of your body the expression of
proteins is the expression of life but
if you’re interpreting your environment
the same way every single day you’re
thinking the same thoughts demonstrating
the same behaviors living by the same
emotions you keep the same genes on and
the other genes off throw in the
hormones of stress which really down
regulates genes to create disease then
as the question is if the environment
signals the gene and the end product of
an experience in your environment is
called an emotion if you live by the
same emotions every single day your
body’s believing it’s in the same past
environmental experience over and over
again and now you’re headed for a
genetic destiny so then can you signal
the gene ahead of the environment and
the answer is absolutely yes because
when you begin to embrace an elevated
emotion and you combine it with a clear
intention and you’re totally in the
present moment your brain and body don’t
know the difference between what’s going
on out there and what’s going on in here
your body believes it sends some
experience in the external environment
that’s producing that emotion and all of
a sudden the stronger the emotion you
feel from an inward process the more you
pay attention to the thought or the
image in your mind you’re creating a
long-term memory and all of a sudden now
you begin to down regulate the gene for
disease and you begin to upregulate the
gene for health and that gene begins to
make a new protein and that protein
begins to make a new hormone or a new
chemical or or expression of something a
new chemical that is going to begin to
affect other systems in the body acute
conditions our medicine is so great for
acute conditions you break your arm
you have appendicitis you’re not going
to go to an
you puncture ist’s you’re gonna get
immediate care chronic conditions
require a lifestyle change which means
you have to start making different
choices you gotta start examining the
way you live your life and the choices
you make and the thoughts you think and
and how you manage your emotions and so
so the beauty behind all of this is that
just like an infection spreads amongst
the community and creates disease once
people start breaking through and they
wrap their mind around this health and
wellness can be as infectious as disease
and we’re seeing it happen in placebos
just so you know range from working
anywhere from 10% to a hundred percent
imagine that so in a depression study as
an example 83% or 81% of the people in a
depression study that are given a
placebo heal as well as the people that
are given the actual antidepressants
there’s brain scans to show changes in
their brain before and after it means
that they’re making their own pharmacy
of antidepressants by thought alone and
it took them six weeks eight weeks of
taking that placebo every single day now
this is an important point because most
people think all I did I did the
exercise or the meditation once and my
conditions should go away
well even in freshen study six to eight
weeks of taking a placebo every time
they take the placebo they remind
themselves that they’re gonna get better
it changes their emotional state sooner
or later that becomes their new state of
being may take people six to eight weeks
of doing the work every single day where
they start noticing significant changes
in their health so we have to go from
food philosopher to initiate to master
from thinking to doing to be and once
you get to that point where it now
becomes innate in you becomes who you
are then you’ve memorized an internal
state independent of the conditions in
your external environment that’s when
you begin to master your environment or
master your life [Music]
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