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This Is How You Can Train Your Mind To Do What You Want | Marisa Peer Motivational Speech

today is about collaboration and I’m
going to talk about what I think is the
most important collaboration you will
ever get and that is the collaboration
between you and your mind when you can
collaborate with your mind and tell you
what I believe is you need to know four
things about your mind and if you put
these four things into practice you will
have success across the board at every
level so let me tell you what these four
things are about your mind your mind
does exactly specifically what it thinks
you want it to do it always does what it
thinks is in your very best interest if
you haven’t got what you want but you’ve
got behaviors you don’t want you are not
collaborating properly with your mind
I’m going to change that for you
secondly your mind is hardwired to move
you towards pleasure and away from pain
and that’s why dentists from being
tribes people you survived on the planet
by avoiding pain totally the way you
feel about everything all the time is
only down to two things the pictures you
make in your head and the words you say
to yourself and fourthly your mind loves
what is familiar it is programmed to
keep going over and over again for what
is familiar if you want to succeed at
any level you have got to make what is
familiar unfamiliar and what is
unfamiliar familiar so let’s start with
one your mind does what it really thinks
you want it to do it’s always acting in
your own interests and your mind listens
all the time to your language it works
out what you’re doing and feeling by the
words you are using so if you say these
exams are killing me I’m dying under
this paperwork
my boss is a nightmare I’m overwhelmed I
can’t cope with a stress when you say
I’m dying under the pressure this
workload is killing me you are telling
your mind you don’t want to do it and if
you might think you don’t want to do it
guess what it will encourage you to
procrastinate bunk off and not apply
yourself your mind is so very very
specific to the words you use that if
you say I’d love a week off in bed I’m
overwhelmed with this stress I just wish
I could have a week off at home lounging
around your mind good there you go I’ve
given you the flu didn’t you ask for
that you said you wanted a week off in
bed and I’ve given you the flu
there’s your week off if you say I’m
dreading having to give that
presentation next way to say I’d do
anything to get out of it your mind say
okay why don’t I wake you up with a
migraine or an upset stomach there’s you
get out of the presentation behavior and
that sounds a little silly but that is
how your mind works so I worked with
them a footballer who came from nowhere
he was playing for not any Division team
and he went straight into the Premier
League and he wasn’t very tall and he
said you know I feel daunted because I’m
not tall and I said okay so imagine
you’re Maradona do you think Maradona
says that when he goes on the pitch I
don’t feel tall enough of course he
doesn’t do you think Michael Owen does
that you have to change your thinking
and change your words because pictures
you make in your head and the words you
say to yourself will change everything
that’s all you have to do Arnold
Schwarzenegger said modesty is not a
word that applies to me in any way at
all I hope it never added dance and I
love that and Muhammad Ali said it’s
people’s fear that stops him taking on
challenges I told myself I was the
greatest before I even was I believed in
myself I mean guess what I became the
greatest so what a concept he was told
himself he was the best and he became
the best but he didn’t just go here and
the greatest me he trained he worked out
he was disciplined he believed he was
the best and I worked from the top of
their game top CEOs top actors top
everything top rock stars they all have
to tell themselves they are the best
because what’s the opposite of that oh
I’m just average I’m not really good
enough I can’t really do this it’s too
hard it requires too much commitment I
just showed you whatever you tell your
mind it believes so tell it better
things first you make your beliefs and
then your beliefs make you and if you
believe in yourself other people will
believe in you too and when you stretch
your mind to a new dimension it never
ever ever goes back because your
potential expands as you move towards it
you can’t even know what your potential
is so when roger bannister wanted to run
a mile in under four minutes and no one
had done that he did these four things
he told himself I wanted to do that I
want to make it happen he linked massive
pleasure to doing that he saw constantly
his body going through the tape at 239
seconds and he made it familiar because
he did run a mile in under four minutes
and that same year eight more people did
it the following year 57 people did
exactly the same thing so he made what
was unfamiliar familiar you have
everything to gain by doing these four
things tell your mind exactly what you
want use really detailed descriptive
positive powerful words it’s not
positive thinking it’s requiring your
brain for success and that is success
across the board not just in business
not just in athletics but in everything
even in your relationships
linked massive huge enormous pleasure to
getting that and pain to staying the
same change the pictures change the
words when you have a brilliant brain
and we all have a brilliant brain you
have two choices rationalize why you
feel so bad or talk yourself out of it I
can’t cope with these exams I’m not
getting enough sleep we’ll change that –
this is temporary I can do this I want
to do it I’ll sleep later and make the
familiar unfamiliar most important makes
self belief so normal to you that everyone else believes in YouTube
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