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Dr. Michael Greger || The MISTAKE We All Do!

I look across the Atlantic Americans
more obese than ever now on their way to
death why aren’t people listening was it
just confused they don’t know and the
industry wants it that way there’s just
these conflicting and so they the
processed food industry was a trillion
dollar industry you know they just hope
to confuse people so they’ll throw up
their hands eat whatever is put in front
of them unfortunately mainstream
medicine is very little to offer because
these are lifestyle diseases if that’s
what causes it you can’t eat the same
foods that cause the disease if you
expect to stop and reverse it but that’s
the exciting things that many of the
leading killers sohere heart disease the
number two killer of Brits preventable
arrest of all reversible with a
plant-based diet and we’ve known this I
mean this is the shocking we had the
cure yet hundreds of thousands of people
continue to die from this preventable
arrest able reversible condition 14
million deaths every year so those of us
involved this evidence-based nutrition
revolution were talking about 14 million
lives and the balance the industry has
found a way right to kind of subvert
your natural biological Drive so that’s
why we evolved this insatiable taste for
sweet right and for fatty right because
that’s where the calories are the
calories right concentrated concentrated
calories and and salt right there’s no
salt shakers right there was no you know
potato chips out on the Savannah right
and so we had this desperate need for
salt sugar fat and so these are natural
biological drives so back then oh I oh
that you know our sweet sensation made
us eat a lot of blueberries off the bush
right that was a good thing for a bites
but now right now we’re not in a state
of of chloric deficiency right in fact
and then most of the you know
industrialized world we actually get too
many calories now it’s a matter of the
industry it’s taking those same drives
against us oh you like sweet how about
some soda oh you like salty about some
chips oh you’re like you know fatty well
you know and so before it was a survival
mechanism you know cracking open bones
and scavenging from brains and bone
mouth that got us to that got us just a
reproductive age to pass along our teens
right now we don’t just want to let the
reproductive age right now we’ve evolved
enough to actually start suffering from
chronic diseases and chronic diseases
well then you know those fatty foods
assaulted goods aren’t are working
against us but of course that’s what
sells it doesn’t matter what you eat on
your birthday or holiday special acacia
tree it’s the day-to-day stuff that
really adds up right it’s just like that
it’s like the whacker shinning out right
your body has this remarkable capacity
to heal it’s just when you jab it with a
fork three times a day every day and it
just doesn’t have the chance to heal but
on a day to day basis we really should
try to eat a litter you’re like what you
put in your mouth that’s gonna make you
live longer and healthier as opposed to
what else you wear as opposed to what
you were so you care about the facts
that’s what that’s why I encourage
people to you know give it a try right
try it as a like a free sample right
anyone can beat anything for a few weeks
right the thought of wait a second I
can’t eat pepper on a beach for the rest
of my life like that’s just mind-blowing
people can’t even consider that and of
course that’s not what I’m saying I just
encouraged eat more healthy food they
start experimenting with new foods and
do it at whatever pace is necessary to
stick with it it doesn’t matter what you
eat today or tomorrow or next week it’s
what you eat what are you gonna be doing
ten years from now right and so going
whatever pace it has to be affordable it
has to be delicious it has to be
convenient for you and your life right I
mean anyone can hold their nose and eat
something they don’t like for a couple
days or couple weeks you right but
they’re just it’s not gonna be lifelong
sustained right you this is a lifestyle
it’s a whole different way for you so
for the rest your life can you eat this
way if the answer’s no you got to keep
trying food and then all sudden you find
a breakfast you’re like oh I never had
stupid Oats before wow these are really
good with berries and nuts and all Wow
okay I could see myself eating this way
you know
um this variety of really good okay so
then you’ve got like you know ticked off
a box or I’ve got a really good go-to
breakfast okay and then you’re like what
are some lunch options that fit into my
workplace or whatever and so and look if
this takes weeks this takes months we’re
talking about getting your longevity
we’re talking about adding years to your
life we’re talking about adding healthy
years to your life so you actually be
productive to society enjoy life right
healthy people have more fun that’s the message
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