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The Sooner You Understand This, The Better!

no one’s coming to push you no one’s
coming to tell you to turn the TV off no
one’s coming to tell you to get out the
door and exercise the bottom line is no
when you become 18 nobody tells you that
it’s now going to be your job to pair it
yourself and by parent yourself I mean
it’s your job to make yourself do the
crap you don’t want to do so you can be
everything that you’re supposed to be
and you’re so damn busy waiting to feel
like it and you’re never going to your
parents make you do the things you don’t
feel like doing because you won’t ever
not now not then not ever and even when
you get good at something you’ll figure
out something else you don’t want to do
and then you’ll plateau out you’re good
for no I hate this done it’s very very
simple to get what you want it’s not
we make decisions not based on what we
know we need to do not based on our
goals but based on how we feel right now
it’s your feelings that make the
decision for you when you become 18 when
you move out of the house when you’re an
adult you have to parent yourself here’s
the rub you’re never ever ever ever
going to feel like doing the things you
need to do in order to have what you
want you’re always going to need to push
yourself you’re always going to need to
parent yourself so what is the net
advice on this what what is the bottom
line the bottom line is no one’s coming
no one no one’s coming to push you no
one’s coming to tell you to turn the TV
off no one’s coming to tell you to get
out the door and exercise nobody’s
coming to tell you to apply for that job
that you’ve always dreamt it out
nobody’s coming to write the business
plan for you it’s up to you and because
you’re only ever going to do the things
that you feel like doing right now if it
feels good right now unless you
you’ve got to parrot yourself got to
push yourself you’re not gonna make your
dreams come true we’re just not we’re
not wired that way we weren’t born that
way you weren’t that way when you’re
growing up and you’re certainly not that
way as an adult and there’s a tremendous
amount of liberation that comes when you
accept the fact that you’re always going
to need to give yourself a push line up
those problems and confront them face
them fight them do not let them bring
you down let the adversity you face
today turn you into a better person
you’re here right now at this moment
because tomorrow you want to be somebody
greater than the person you are today
you see yourself succeeding
you have a vision you have a drink
congratulations you’re already ten steps
ahead of 95% of the world life changes
the moment you make the decision that
you’re a hundred percent responsible for
your experience of life not responsible
like a heavy response even if you’re
responsible you’re able to respond
you’re going respond to being able to do
that if you own yourself be discerning
choose it because you want it do it
because you want to don’t just accept
the world you inherit today don’t just
accept the status quo know the challenge
has ever been solved and no lasting
improvement has ever been achieved
unless people dares to try something
dare to think different but you have to
take control and train this brain if you
don’t train this brain it’ll use you
instead of you using it you have to
identify with your heart or your soul or
your spirit and fit of the brain there’s
so much knowledge out there so much
information so many ways to get better
than we make we make so many mistakes
with a product of our mistakes
because every problem that we have was
created by us destruction of the
environment to the pissed-off
Mississippi may have and since we create
the promise any probably integrates we
can solve it but you can’t do with the
same level thinking the gardener you
have to process the information you have
to store bit you have to accept it you
have to open your mind you’ve got a free
of mind so that you can learn and make
real progress you need a daily practice
and a daily practice that’s gonna put
you in the best date possible regularly
you want to feed your mind every day for
at least 30 minutes our lives of the
result of the input input a bunch of
garbage you get garbage out when you’re
feeding your mama cause you don’t feed
your mind weeds grow automatically you
have to work on growing weeds they’re
gonna be there if you don’t do something
replacing the said of creating outcomes
to take from us let’s create more
outcomes that pay us back fill us up
keep your fire lit turn you on for the
if you’re gonna get the results that you
deserve and that you want you wouldn’t
climb yourself for success prime
yourself we love prime yourself for
rather than hope that you show up that
way based on the triggers of your
environment because listen it when you
talk about shit it’s a dream when you’re
Edition it it’s exciting when you plan
it it’s possible when you schedule it
it’s real we try our best we don’t only
do it now architecture is a verb as well
and since we are the architects of our
own lives let’s study the habits the
practices the routines that we have that
lead to and feed our success we think
we’re thinking our own thoughts when
we’re not we’ve been trying by the
environment to think a certain way we
don’t even realize it no sometimes
that’s unconsciously my marketers or
advertisers that’s a simplistic example
but one powerful example is what happens
in your daily life you got to get over
your mind going I can’t do this it’s too
hard well it said you got to push
yourself through when you feel exhausted
and say there’s a second win of me I’m
gonna find it
but if you go for immersion
Master things ten times faster he will
you get one shot one shot at this gig
that’s all you’ve got let the fear of
to take action now to become a better
person not filled with regret but filled
with knowledge filled with knowledge and strength and power and filled with life
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