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“Just KEEP TRYING Stuff!” | Will Smith | #Entspresso

finding your purpose like that’s a Tessa
that’s a big one oh my gosh I’m not
happy I’m not feeling good this is not
making my heart beat faster you might
say if you don’t have enough meaning in
your life then you’re more prone to
rise and shine it’s in special time good
morning believe nation my name is Alex
and my one word is belong and I believe
that the world would be a better place
if more people felt that they belong so
grab a cup of coffee and sip on today’s
message find your purpose over to you
Will Smith finding your purpose like
that’s a that’s a that’s a big one just
keep trying stuff just keep trying you
gotta keep keep going and in terms of
finding purpose it was helpful for me to
realize that just because everybody in
Philly believed you know one thing in
one set of ideas and everybody in Philly
was in a certain paradigm as soon as I
got out of the city and out of the
country I realized there were people
that didn’t give a damn about stuff that
was the most important thing in the
try experiment me travel that was a big
part for me and that’s a lot of what
you’re gonna see on my youtube channel
to like travel is huge to find your
you’ve gotta test your ideas I want it
to be a marriage counselor I want it to
be a cop I wanted to go into sales and
for each of these when I found that
passion to figure it out I went to test
it out because it’s never enough just to
sit there and just to think about your
ideas it’s like if you’re interested in
someone if you like someone how are you
gonna know if they’re right for you
unless you go on a date with them you
gotta go more often on dates with
yourself on dates with your destiny when
I switched from being a marriage
counselor to being a cop I went and I
became a security guard I tested out
that idea when I wanted to sales I
became a sales person go test out your
ideas but the only thing I will add that
one thing that I want to add to Will
Smith is you got to check your pulse
there we have all these fancy watches
right now that tell us what our pulse is
every couple months you
check your pulse is your heart beating
fast are you still getting excited you
wake up in the morning and you finally
this is the thing that gives me purpose
or are you flatlining you got no pulse
you started this thing and you’re like
oh my gosh I’m not happy I’m not feeling
good this is not making my heart beat
faster so yes go test out your ideas but
also check in with yourself figure out
once you start doing it is this the
right thing cuz it’s not go and find
something else I got a special bonus
clip for you but before that the
question of the day is if you haven’t
found your purpose yet what can you do
this week took us out a new idea please
leave it in the comments below thank you
so much for watching I believe in you
and I hope you can seem to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
we’ll see you tomorrow for another shot
if you’re hungry and you eat well that’s
good but it’s over and then you’re on to
the next thing right it’s not exactly
sustaining it’s just necessary that’s
called consume Ettore reward by the way
this other reward system is incentive
reward and the incentive reward system
works on dopamine this neurochemical
dopamine which is also the neurochemical
tracks that opiates and cocaine and
amphetamines the drugs that people
really like to abuse alcohol often for
some people activate and so you might
say if you don’t have enough meaning in
your life then you’re more prone to
addiction and that’s definitely the case
even with rats if you take a rat you put
him in a cage by himself and he has
nothing to do and then you give him
access to cocaine he’ll get addicted to
the point where he won’t do anything but
take cocaine but if you throw the rat
back in with a bunch of other rats and
he gets to do rat things then it’s very
hard to get him addicted to cocaine and
so the purposeless rat is prone to
addiction well it’s the same with human
beings now here’s a corollary to that
which is really cool so the magnitude of
the reward you experience as you’re
moving towards a goal is proportionate
to the importance of the goal so that
means the more important the goal you
pick the more possibility there is for
the kind of reward let’s say it’s really
a state of being that is life-affirming
and it is directly life-affirming in
that you know like if you’re in a
football game and you’re and it’s an
important football game and maybe you
break a finger and you know normally
that’s that’s a problem it hurts and
you’re gonna stop doing whatever you’re
doing but if you’re right in the middle
of the game then you’ll be so amped up
on this reward system that its analgesic
it stops the pain it also suppresses
anxiety so if you have a purpose then
its analgesic it take some of the pain
out of life it’s very positive in that
it motivates and energizes you and
focuses you and makes you able to
remember and pay attention and it quells
fear and so those things are all direct
and so then you might think well what’s
the best possible goal well and that’s
that’s the purpose I would say of
religious training and philosophical
training it’s like just what the hell
are you doing in the world I can’t this
is an expression that is vilified in our
minds beginning
young age every time a young child
announces this decision they are
corrected the first adult that hears it
asked them whether or not they have even
tried generally this confrontation will
result in the child giving their task
another attempt until their attention
span moves on to something else the
adult will see this and chuckle to
themselves with knowledge that this is
just a child who is yet to learn the art
of art and virtue of perseverance by the
time this child comes of age however
they will have been told by adults more
times than they could count that there
is no such thing as can’t
it is interesting then to think about
how many adults seem to proclaim this
expression in their lives it is because
is it because like many things that
adults tell children they are simply
telling the child a general rule that
the child must follow but can be broken
once one has grown or is it because
these adults are simply repeating what
they were told as children without
thoroughly examining what the phrase I
can’t truly suggests if you confronted
an adult that claims they can’t do
something with the same question about
whether or not they have tried the
answer will almost always be yes adults
have learned enough to know that is
unreasonable to say they can’t until
they have at least tried once therefore
the real question that we should be
asking in responses have you tried
everything have you exhausted every
possible option scenario combination
tool and approach I do not simply refer
to the ones that you knew of at the time
you decided to undertake your task I
mean have you re also researched
possibilities that you had known about
have you determined whether or not there
is another person out there that has
performed the exact same task you are
attempting or at least something similar
have you exhausted this research have
you read every book blog journal
magazine bathroom stall and website if
the answer to any of these questions is
no then go back and try again because if
you don’t because you don’t truly know
if you can do something until you’ve
luli everything the fact of the matter
is that rarely if ever is the answer to
all these questions yes therefore what
is it that people actually mean when
they say I can’t a more accurate but
more verbose way of saying it would be I
don’t care about or want enough this
task or the resultant benefits of it in
order to do all that is necessary to
achieve it I was told countless numbers
of times by people during my month of
marathons that they couldn’t run one
marathon let alone 31 straight every now
and then when I had time I would discuss
what they’d said we would jointly
conclude that if something they cared
about and depended on them doing so it
would be possible the most common
example I used was if someone had a gun
to your child’s head do you think you
could do it then
therefore the phrase I can’t denotes a
lack of investment as opposed to a lack
of potential or ability I do not mean to
say that every person I had this
conversation with should have had the
motivation to run marathons it was
something that I had decided to do not
them I merely wanted to express to them
what I am expressing here given the
right purpose and enough time you can
not one drop of myself work depends on
your it’s suppose to mean
I don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead
or absolutely in faster hey believe
nation if you want to see my all-time
favorite top ten rows of success I have
a very special secret video for you
these are the individual clips that I
have personally learned the most from
and applied to my life and my business
check the link in description for details
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