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The Simple HACK to Stop PROCRASTINATING | Mel Robbins (@melrobbins) | #Entspresso

Parkinson’s Law it’s a research backed
fact that when you have work to do
it will expand to the amount of time
that you have to do it if you think that
you are not productive this is the hack
this is the best way that I know of of
how to stay productive staying on track
and I was constantly multitasking and
making things happen and just moving so
fast that ultimately I’ve really burnt
rise and shine it’s an espresso time
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your coffee and
sip on today’s message use Parkinson’s
law over you Mel Robbins also if you
want to know what Mel Robbins and other
successful entrepreneurs have to say
about building unstoppable confidence
check out my 250 for confidence series
where every day for the next 254 days I
will send you a morning video for free
to help you build your confidence the
link to join is in the description below
everybody’s problem comes down to one
pattern you’re repeating that you can’t
see when you set goals when you have an
intention on something that you want to
change about your life your brain helps
you and if you’re somebody that’s
watching this and you have no clue what
you want I’m gonna say that’s total bull
tomorrow it’s an excellent question I
think if you’re present – whether or not
you’re kind of in the zone of time where
it’s cool to be fluid you’re kind of
with the family you’re also sort of
present on your phone that’s cool if
you’ve decided that because my kids are
starting to complain or my fiancee
starting to complain that I’m always
like this then you got honor that if
you’re gonna say I’m putting down the
phone between 7 and 9 o’clock tonight
and I’m actually just gonna be present
with you you’ve got to honor it
so what I will do is I’ll just jot a
note to myself so instead of picking up
the phone
I’ll just jot a note down you’ve had the
experience right where you gotta like be
in a meeting at the school or you have
to catch plane or you’ve got a doctor’s
appointment and have you ever noticed
that when you’ve got an anchor like that
your whole day condenses and you’re more
productive because you’ve got this
deadline and that’s called Parkinson’s
law so Parkinson’s law it’s a research
backed fact that when you have work to
do it will expand to the amount of time
that you have to do it in so if you have
20 minutes to make a call how long will
it take you if you have two weeks to
make it how long will it take you
correct so if you every day no phone in
your room you set that one priority that
matters to you if you got time to kind
of inch it forward just a little bit
great you’ve already made progress
you’re done for the day
then you look at your phone you also set
a quitting time right then and there the
majority of days you’ll honor it and
that quitting time means for me it means
I’m not on my phone and everybody that
works for me if knows if there’s an
emergency or if we have to do something
they’ll call me so that that helps a lot
does that answer help you
Parkinson’s law will change your life if
you apply it but it’s not just about set
deadlines that’s what most people focus
on is just about setting deadlines that
if you give yourself three weeks to
write the book then they’ll take you
three weeks to do it if you give
yourself a month to call that person
I’ll take you a month to call that
person and so the simple idea is make it
shorter give yourself a deadline that by
the end of tomorrow have to get it done
and guess what you’re gonna have it done
and it works and it absolutely works but
it’s not just about setting deadlines
let me give an example through my
I like chunking my tasks so that I’m
doing the same thing once a week and so
I film my videos on Tuesdays
every Tuesday I’m doing video day I
spend the whole day doing videos takes
me a lot of time every Monday is
mentoring day I’m mentoring the people
on my team every Wednesday is project
day right now I’m working on my book
every Thursday is public-facing day and
so I’m doing podcast interviews and
hangouts and shows and every Friday is
my CEO day and then on the weekend every
Saturday will be my husband wife –
family day like we go out and we look at
a new restaurant because my wife loves
getting into new food and we don’t do
any family admin zero family admin no
shopping no cleaning up no whatever
something is broken in the house nothing
and then Sunday becomes family at midday
and so then that repeats and then Monday
back to mentoring day and so every
single day has its own assigned tasks
and yes I’m way more productive because
the Parkins is law because on a Tuesday
when I’m making videos for you guys I
need to get everything done on a Tuesday
I need to get it all done otherwise we
won’t have videos for the channel and I
haven’t missed a deadline in years and
so it forces me to be massively
productive and I have to make enough
videos for three times a day times seven
days of content it’s a lot of content
it’s a lot to get through so I got a I
gotta be snappy we got to make it happen
okay so that’s typical Parkinson’s law
there’s two other main benefits to it
that I think most people miss the first
is the energy difference and so when I’m
getting into YouTube video day I had to
put on a special kind of Evan because
naturally I’m introverted so this I have
to I have to get up for I’ve got to
summon the inner Evan
old speaker man to come out and make
these videos because it’s not my natural
my naturals to be quiet to be
introverted to look at my computer and
not talking to a camera when I’m doing
my book writing day tomorrow on
I’m introvert mode I don’t want to talk
to people I don’t want to do anything
else I’m just focused on getting my
thing done when I’m doing mentoring mode
I’m a different kind of Evan and so you
lose energy when you’re switching tasks
not just a typical advice that people
give you where you know before a phone
call you’re spending 15 minutes and
you’re not very productive before that
phone call and so like Jam your phone
calls one after another after another
after another so you’re not wasting time
looking at what you’re doing next and
it’s true like the 20 minutes before a
phone call is massively unproductive
time so like batch everything my
Thursday’s are packed all the way
through with calls and interviews and
scheduled it’s not just that it’s not
just the fact that it’s a it’s a time
difference and that people are sucking
your time going from task to task and
that you forget what you were working on
and if you’re working on a book and
somebody interrupts you that
interruption means you’re like have to
get 20 minutes of just thinking back to
get into where you were it’s that you’re
a different person when you’re doing
different tasks different tasks require
a different piece of you and so making
these YouTube videos requires the
extrovert Evan that comes out it
requires a thought leader Evan to come
out it requires a lot of my energy to
make this but it’s a different kind of
energy than when I’m doing my mentoring
that I did yesterday when I’m writing in
my book and so it allows you to stay in
the same energy zone for the day which I
find massively productive I think when
you have to switch your energy from one
to the next it really sets you back and
it’s really hard to stay productive and
so I’m looking for you I created a day
per week I look at what is the energy
that I need for this day and I could
just be that person for this day a piece
of you sound like you’re faking trying
to be somebody else it’s definitely a
piece of you but then you don’t have to
switch from that piece of something else
if I had to do an interview and then do
a video and then write my book and then
mentor somebody it’s too crazy it would
be massively unproductive because the
energy has to switch to off and
sustained in the same energy zone every
single day when you’ve got your schedule
makes it really important
the last thing that nobody talks about
that I think is really important with
this when you set up a day a week is I
miss it I miss it like it’s good I think
it’s good to miss your work and so today
is YouTube filming day for me it’s gonna
be crazy I’m making tons of videos today
it’s overwhelming it’s amazing it’s
awesome and stretching I’m building I’m
growing right amazing and then by
tomorrow it’s like I don’t want to look
at my videos I’m done I don’t want to
make youtube videos I’m gonna go deep
introvert mode and work on my book and
that’s gonna be amazing and you spend
the only day that I have in the week to
work in the book so I have to get a lot
of stuff done there but then come
Saturday I start to miss it it’s like ah
you know I can’t I can’t wait for like
when’s Tuesday coming around them then
Sunday’s like it’s building up and then
Monday like man I can’t wait like
tomorrow’s YouTube day is amazing and I
think when you’re always constantly 100%
of the time doing the same thing
especially as an entrepreneur over and
over and over again you start to get
bored you start to hate it it starts to
become monotonous it starts to you want
to have variety in your schedule and so
I like having one day to do one
different thing each week I like having
Tuesday as my YouTube day because I miss
it because I look forward to it
happening again and when you look
forward to what you’re doing and that
happens every day like right now I’m
missing my book I haven’t written my
book for a while like tomorrow I can’t
wait I’m pumped I want to go write my
book alright and then the next day and
what I can’t wait to do I mean I’ve done
interviews for a long time so I’m pumped
to go back and do that and so I think
when you can design your keep your
calendar where you start to miss stuff I
think it makes it really important so if
I’m you what I’m looking at is how do I
set up my schedule I’d open up my
make sure your actions map to your
ambitions outline what all your goals
are in life and your goal should be
habits not like I want to reach you know
X million of whatever it’s the habits
like if you look at the habits that are
in your calendar if you did those things
would it help you accomplish your goals
if you just say consistent on your
habits that’s the most important thing
because you are what you consistently do
and so plan out your week and put out
putting your personal stuff – like I
said we made the commitment that
Saturday’s is not gonna be family admin
I’m not reachable it’s me family all in
doing festivals going up for dinner
so plan out your calendar and try even
if you just pick one day try to say this
day I’m gonna block out so I can keep it
open to do this main task I want to get
this thing done and feel the
productivity that comes with it and feel
the happiness that comes with it and
feel the energy that comes with it it’ll
it’ll be one of the biggest changes that
you make if you think that you are not
productive this is the hack this is the
best way that I know of of how to stay
productive stay on track making sure
that you’re accomplishing your habits
and those habits lead to you
accomplishing your goals now I’ve got a
really special bonus clip that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that I’m
curious I want you to pick a day of the
week question the day pick a day of the
week and then what is that day gonna be
for you what activities are you gonna
get done that you’ve seen the same
energy zone for that day let me know
many of us have issues with productivity
maybe we are overly productive but we’re
feeling burned out all the time or we’re
not productive at all because we don’t
know where to start I found personally
being in business for myself for the
last 20 years that I have been a little
overly productive I almost did too much
and I was constantly multitasking and
making things happen and just moving so
fast that ultimately I really burnt out
and I started feeling brain fog I was
feeling disoriented I couldn’t focus I
was feeling like even though I for so
many years was priding myself on the
fact that I could get so much done at
one time I actually don’t think I was
being nearly as productive as I could
have been so I hit a bottom recently
with this productivity overload and I
realized that I had to change my
patterns I had to change my ways I was
then blessed I said a prayer I said I
need some help with my brain fog and I
need some help with my productivity
issue and I that day got an email from
the dr. Oz Show asking me to come on and
do a segment with this lovely author and
dr. dr. Mike Dow and me and Mike had
been in touch many years for many years
just because he didn’t been an author we
were published by the same publishers
and Mike had we had written a book about
brain fog so that day I’m like thank you
universe you’re giving me exactly what I
need I go on dr. Oz with Mike and I’m
backstage with him and I’m like listen
I’m feeling so chaotic and I’m
multitasking so much and my but I feel
like I’ve got brain fog and I’m
forgetting things and he looks at me he
says how much are you doing at one time
and I said Oh Mike I’m doing a million
things at once I have a thousand tabs up
on my screen
and he’s like these are big brain no
nose and they’re also productivity no
nose is what he said because he said
that the more I try to do and the more I
try to multitask the less I’m actually
getting done so he gave me a tip that I
want to share with you that has changed
everything for me
and his suggestion was to just do five
things a day to make a list of the five
most important things that I need to do
that day and not do number two until
I’ve completed number one and then once
I complete number one move on move
number two then on to number three and
if I don’t get through all five in one
day I’ll just pick up the fifth the next
day or wherever I left off I’ll pick up
the next day and to really stick to that
list and
not move back and forth and not try to
make a million other things added on to
that list and just be really committed
to that five task list I did it I
started to just be very clear about the
five things I was doing in a day I told
my team I made a list in my base camp
which is where we keep all of our notes
and I made it really clear to myself
these are the only five things I’m doing
throughout the day as a result of making
it super clear and conscious to myself
that I was only gonna do five things I
have been more productive I have created
more have been more intuitive I have
been more inspired and I’ve been more
creative raise your standard Apple at
the core its core values not one drop of
my self-worth depends on Europe it’s
something serene if you want to know Mel
Robbins is five hacks and strategies to
transform your life check out the video
right next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
[Music] completed today
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