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The Power of Habit – One of the most Motivational Talks Ever

I did a channel about how to
acquire new habits and to delete,
be rid of bad habits.
Many people who want to do it, usually change their behavior.
They want to start training
They want to start meditating, wanting to read more and every day
They want to go to X or refuse a habit
They want to stop smoking. They want to stop eating certain foods. They want to stop.
I always tell people to stop checking your phone during the first hour of the day
For me it’s a sacred time
I think if you want to be a mentor or hero in real life
would like to start by checking your phone, we have talked about this before,
but because you train yourself to react correctly, you get dopamine
or frying your nervous system with all these likes, shares, comments and everything else
What you say if I’m not mistaken is that selling State Sovereignty if you start your day by checking phone
I like. Because we react and and we light every liking
Sorry, but this does not build and do not live
I know you’ve heard this many times before
Earning first hour of the day to win the rest
All I want to stop this said, you can stop checking your phone in the morning
Then it is certain that this is correct behavior, but there are so many other elements that can be changed, because most behaviors
do not change because of what we think when we want to change and make a real positive change.
I looked at other areas around us, so I looked example to our surroundings
People set you surroundings so that they earn?
No, therefore there is no change at this level
But what we have to change our environment?
For example, if you want to stop eating certain foods would help if you do not have this food
in your home, so you change your surroundings. If you want to read more, you must set your environment
Where hold books to read, where you read them
Thus approaching the habit
The change is the area of ​​motivation and what action you want to do to help
Remind yourself to stick to the correct habits by changing their environment in a way that prompts you to the desired behavior
Did people like Mark Zuckerberg or Tony Hsieh
They wear the same shirt and polover all the time because they do not want to spend, you know, use their
decisions, thinking, “What do you wear today?”. Someone who sees this video and there’s something you want to change
but did not receive, but not because of the environment
then maybe you should check your habits
But perhaps it is because of your beliefs in values. Some people will begin to read every day because they do not value reading.
Every day. Say behavior
they want to change … we are actually made video on how to remember names
I can teach them step by step how to remember the names of most people who have already met
They will do so because they appreciate quality
Because it’s not important to them or because they believe they can
exactly as we discussed earlier, our brain is like a supercomputer, and we dictate
as prgramisti what to do, can not remember names
You will not remember the name of the man with whom he met, if you belief that you are capable of it
To this I say that faith is driving abilities if you want to do something. No matter what,
you need faith that allows this to happen because it is a program that allows you to do it.
Well, Why you have this faith because you will feel more like imitate it?
That’s where most people stop, they think “OK realized
I heard what he said if I am able to believe it will have a different behavior and
But I do not believe it really. A kind of pretend that believe
Helping people overcome this? Some people achieve if you know
they imitate the faith while fail to believe really, so my opinion is with faith
when I do workshops and groups are online
My favorite way to change faith is making them do something they never believed they could because it opens other
for example
Roger Bannister
He shattered the notion of a mile
Which is amazing for history, no one could escape mile in less than 4 minutes
If OPIDA to understand how he was capable of this, it is because he could have imagined crosses the finish tape
He looks at his watch and says 3:59
Because he knew that this success is a process from the inside out, you first need to happen here happen outside
You know, dr. Wayne Dyer with his famous phrase: “Oh, I’ll believe it when I see it.” This is like:
“I see it when you believe.” This is the opposite.
I always model the final results, where most people miss. I just say
What is it that happens there that this man achieved the right result as Roger Bannister
he saw the result here and was able to achieve it and real
Just like any innovator or an inventor or writer, every artist, but what is really interesting?
Then what happened? Nobody could do that from the start, then suddenly a man did and what happened?
Everyone, yes, everyone started doing it and that’s what what happened was a big change that year
We know the method of training and nutrition or know the change in belief?
Because belief then was that if you run a mile in less than 4 minutes
Not only would die
your heart would have exploded
in your chest and while I think so and I’m an athlete, you and it will take me
money or fame
It will take me a chance to run and I think it was a change in thinking
I woke up with the belief that my goal with Khotan, when it comes to teaching is to make them do something they never thought they could
and make it opens other possibilities, it literally opens their nervous system
“What else could it be possible now?”
I will also say that it all works together, where it is easier just to change faith
overnight and here I already believe
it is a meta faith for what they believe. But people have a technology like a dream, that dream sleep
But I believe we can do more
have more power to influence our thoughts and our beliefs, so my goal is to rationalize my
make routine – the first hour of the day and the last. I really
I put them under a microscope a very important stage
I do not even think about them and then, because these are the times of day during which we have the greatest influence
Because later in the day
you know, team members need you, there is a fire, that customer needs it, but the first and last hours
I really want to control, so all this really helps to uncover tenacity and resilience
You know your body so you can protect yourself should stand in guard
To my mind the whole time what happens
I do not watch a lot of negative news or immaterial and really focus
You know, look and listen to your show and some little things that I read every day
Because I need to keep positivism. I hope and seek help. Looking for inspiration
also instructions. Well, listen and listen well because truer words were never spoken.
You can do anything you want without
limits, whatever you decide you want to come true in your life
you can do it. It will take many inhuman work
should be prepared that will refract itself in half, you have to learn more than anyone ever taught you.
You’ll have to push yourself more than anyone ever
you drove. You’ll have to
Go beyond breaking point, will run until you vomit, you learn until you fall asleep
You will continue on and on and on and then you go on and you reach your limit
will push again, and then see how you managed to put yourself in the adaptive response and why,
Because Malcolm X said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
So if you do not work today if you do not infinite
smashing job
creating better I do, the world will send you to the people who have it
will be those who do the work. And the only promise I can do right now is someone
someone out there working, someone right now
doing things that saying someone right now working?
Fall, and are getting better and push and cause this
glorious response of adaptation that makes people the biggest hichnik
they work, if you will, the future will belong to them
as Martin Luther King jr. He says:
“You can not fly, then run
if you can not run then walk, if you can not walk then crawl, but whatever you do keep moving
ahead “
It is not good to invent excuses. Will not slow people
It is not good to drive the world to stop to go down. It is not good to expect less from ourselves and
demand for large awards is the only thing that is good to be in line with the way the world works.
And if you want to be great, then you should be able to create greatness
capabilities that will bring ..
Crawl, then crawl, but dragged themselves to better vision to himself. It is so clear and so
specifically, that nothing can break you because you, my friends, you know
exactly where you are going, and will pay the price
which is needed to get there and no matter what others say, no matter how many obstacles you will encounter, no matter how many people will
you flood the mud, trying to stop you.
Will come to you at night while you sleep, you’ll wake and you will become and will continue to make forward
and getting better
Every day, no matter how many times people will pull down
They’ll go back and crawl to pass and will go until you start running
will run until the fly and that, friends, is the only way forward, so if you want a future that makes you shtaslivi if
want the world who thrill you, lift your ass and win it.
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