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The NINJA Trick to Make People Tell You The TRUTH | Dan Lok (@danthemanlok) | #Entspresso

remember this your business is always a
reflection of you like be brutal crush
me into the ground tell me I suck it on
the world’s biggest idiot being a
professional means being the best in the
world that doesn’t just come with skill
rise and shine it’s expresso time what’s
up believe nation it’s Evan I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
let’s start your day off right together
grab your coffee and sip on today’s
message improve yourself over to you Dan
Locke many years ago when I first met my
mentor and I was telling him about all
these businesses that I started I said
hey you know Alan I mean I started all
these businesses and somehow I don’t
know man I’m not I’m not making enough
money I’m struggling I don’t know why my
a my my customers they’re like cheap
they’re very difficult deal with and oh
man I don’t know the economy and it’s
kind of sucks and I think I paid too
much in taxes I mean I was rambling on
and complaining and bitching of all
these things and he said stop I said
what is it stop is that what do you mean
is it stop
is it is very simple Dan let me teach
you something it said if your business
sucks is because as a business person
you suck I said what no us no I work
hard I said I always very defensive’ I
was like I learned and I try to try to
do my best and try to serve my customers
said no you suck as a business person
he said if if you’ve got sales problem
it means you suck as a sales person if
you’ve got employee problem it means it
sucks to you and you are managing the
business leader it’s very very simple
remember this your business is always a
of you your business always reflection
of you nothing more so if you think
about it why most businesses fail I
think why most business fail it because
the reason the intend most people they
stop the businesses for the wrong reason
they start the business because they
want to get out of a job
they started business because they want
to they want to make money of course
nothing wrong with that they start a
business because they think maybe
there’s an opportunity it sounds like
it’s easy where the big money is not and
it started for the wrong reason versus
they see a need in the marketplace this
skill there’s a this expertise is some
valid it could bring to that particular
industry right there’s something that
you could bring to think about it it’s
like if think of starting a business
like flying a plane and you can’t just
say well I’m passionate I have a great
idea let me fly that plane well you have
your food I’ve you fly plane before no
do you know how to fly a plane no do you
know where you’re going no but looks
like fun let me go on a plane one of the
chances of you crashing very high and
that’s why statistics shows 90% of small
business fare in the first five years
even the ones who survive after five
years most of them don’t don’t pass the
million dollar mark they’re just kind of
surviving and that’s why people go into
business for the wrong reason and they
go into business without the proper
training without the skills I could tell
you when I had all those failures when I
started all these crazy businesses and
why they fail out it’s not because the
vehicle is because of me as a business
person that I didn’t have the business
acumen I didn’t have the business
experience I didn’t know anything about
leadership marketing sales negotiation
raising capital any of these skills I
have today so everything I did it didn’t
work because I was a
see businessperson I sucked as a
business person but I learn from my
mistakes and that’s the good thing about
business you can suck many many many
years when you get better you learn from
it you get you suck less and when you
practice and you dust yourself or
deliver mistakes you suck even little
less until whether you wake up you say
you know what I don’t suck no more and
one win in business can make up a lot of
losses one win can make up for all your
losses look for people who tell you you
suck I’m serious I’m actually serious
not people tell you suck and you’re
never gonna mount anything but people
who tell you that you suck and here’s
why whenever I go to events whenever I’m
hanging on people who hopefully know
more than I do about something I always
lead with I want you to tell me that I
sucked like I want you to tell me the
best thing in the world is for you to
tell me that I’m Aeneid I just came back
from bit summit and in this a video
event for for youtubers and so many
people there are expert of different
things and when I have a conversation
like tell me that I’m an idiot tell me
that I suck I want to know why I had a
meeting with a guy from reve reve calm
they do captions on the videos so they
transcribed a video and put into English
captions and I’ve tried them I’ve tried
them for hundreds of videos and I
couldn’t prove an ROI I couldn’t make it
work it’s like this seems like a best
practice everybody says to do it but I
do it on my videos and it doesn’t seem
to work and so meeting with the guy I’m
like I love I would love for you to tell
me that I suck that I’m that I’m an
idiot because why because if if I am if
I’m an idiot if I didn’t if I made a
mistake then it’s the best thing in the
world for me then I can grow my channel
and I don’t want to just suck I want to
suck at scale if I had 5,000 public
videos and I made a mistake by not using
Rev calm I can fix it right I’ve done it
a couple hundred videos I can apply that
to five thousand I suck at scale here’s
a quick tweak amazing homerun right I
want to suck at scale I want somebody to
tell me why I suck in a huge way not
just one little tiny edit or change and
that’s the greatest gift I think that
you can get and so what it does is you
know it’s very harsh language so the
default reaction from most people is
going to be
well you don’t suck but here’s some
ideas that I have for you and the reason
why I go hard and say I want you to tell
me that I suck as if I’m an idiot is
because I give permission because a lot
of people don’t want to say the truth
because they’re afraid of hurting your
feelings and so if you go all the way
negative if you say I want you to tell
me that I’m an absolute idiot
then they’ll say well you’re not an
idiot but maybe you should look at these
things and that’s the goal that I’m
after I want to give them permission to
tell me honest feedback because that’s
the only way I grow now some people will
just flat out and tell you that you suck
you know my agent Steve is awesome at
that I’ll send him a video like this
sucks and it’s the best because he’s
honest and he’s to the point and he’s
blunt and then he’ll tell me how to fix
it and so if you have anybody like that
in your life cherish them welcome them
hug them it’s maybe not the good tasting
medicine on the way down but that’s what
you need to get better at whatever you
want to improve on so I would start by
making a list of all the people who can
give you feedback make a list of
everybody you know who’s in your network
who you have some kind of loose
connection with and say I’m trying to
get better at this like this is this is
my ambition I want to be world-class at
this thing but I’m not hitting my marks
yet I know I’m not good enough to please
look at my thing if you have five
minutes and tell me why I suck I want
you to tell me why I’m an idiot please
send that email up call people up send
that text out and invariably most of the
people who write back will say hey man
you don’t suck so much but here’s some
advice to help you’ve given them
permission to tell you the truth which
is what you want to have now in the
flipside I think you also have the
responsibility to also then tell people
when they suck and you don’t have to be
as harsh and as cruel in the language
there but if you lie if you hold your
tongue if you don’t tell people then
they never actually get better and
that’s the most selfish thing for you of
all time so quick example somebody was
DM spamming me on Instagram so they have
a post on Instagram and they were
sending it in the DMS I’m like listen
man I don’t want to see your content in
the DMS
if I wanted to see your content I’d look
at it on your profile if you keep
sending this stuff out people gonna
unfollow you and then the immediate
reaction was super defensive
like no I’m just trying to provide value
no man you know you don’t understand
like listen man I understand you’re
trying to get more exposure for your
content this is not the way to do it I
want you to win I’m on your side I want
you to win if this is your strategy you
are going to lose people will start on
following you because you’re DM spamming
them and then after a couple
back-and-forth is like thank you you’re
the only one who’s told me the truth and
I’ll stay on them until they get it
somebody called me a marine I always
have to achieve my objective if I don’t
get a straight path they’ll find another
way through but that’s the best thing
that you can do for somebody because
most people will ignore them most people
won’t be willing to have the harsh
honest conversation if there’s somebody
in your life I take it as my
responsibility somebody in your life is
your responsibility to help them to let
them see the truth and it can be in a
really kind gentle way you don’t have
come up and say you suck but helping
them see as opposed to pretending like
everything is okay that’s what leaders
do now if somebody’s coming to you on
your team and is feeling absolutely low
and they and they feel like you know
they have impostor syndrome when they
can’t measure up then you be gentle then
you help build them back up but if
they’re coming in hot and they say man
I’m amazing
I’ll do it with Alex all the time if he
comes to hide the best class of all time
like Alex
that sucked here’s how you make it
better or become Zen feeling super low
like dude like you’re amazing come on
look at how far you’ve come and gain
some perspective and so I think you
should do it for yourself I think you
should be reaching out to people in your
network like be brutal crush me into the
ground tell me I suck at I’m the world’s
biggest idiot right as far make ative
you can go so it gives them permission
but then on the flip side you being a
leader as well and taking as your
responsibility to give honest feedback
to the people around you to help them
achieve their ambitions with everybody
else is covering up the truth and lying
I think it’s your responsibility now
I’ve got a really special bonus tip for
you but before that I want to know
what is one thing that you’re really
trying to get better at what is one
thing that you wished somebody would say
you suck at this and here’s why let me
fight expect expect to be uncomfortable
and if you’re not devoting between 8 and
12 hours a day on your craft and you’re
not really trying to be a professional
like you got to realize you’re trying to
be competitive being a professional
means being the best in the world that
doesn’t just come with skill that comes
with discipline
you know that means you have to have a
certain kind of work ethic that means
you’re doing things that most won’t
people really don’t understand it like
they think they got skills so
everything’s gonna come to them skill is
that actually like a curse I’ve seen
people with no skill that realize that
and understand that they had to work
hard to get this skill worked so hard
that they do better than the people that
have skill and that are arrogant and
entitled that feel that it should just
come to them and then they just become a
waste you know having potential is
if you don’t realize it it
becomes corny like you’re the cool guy
when you have potential but like 10
years later if you don’t realize that
they need a corny guy you know I’m
saying and I never want to ever be that
gained credibility of business being
young in the industry yeah so good
question I’m glad you said new to the
industry not because you’re only 20
years old you got it you got to get you
got to become you’ve got to become the
the expert buddy I don’t I don’t know
how to tell you this any other way you
got to become you got to become the
expert in the room you got to know more
than everybody else you’ve got to be
like people say oh if you’re in if
you’re in a room and you’re the smartest
guy in the room you’re in the wrong room
you go in a room yeah you need to be the
smartest guy in the room you need to be
the guy in the room
this sucks the oxygen out of the room so
Elon Musk walks in a room they always
like going up to the office but doing my
best just try to build rapport you know
no no don’t try to build rapport dude
you got it you got to become an expert
at your deal like if you’re milking cows
you need to become the freakin god it
knows every freaking angle on an owner
on a cow’s titty okay like
right okay Jeff
so dude take take like like you’re 20
years old bro spend the next four or
five years becoming an expert in your
field study it breathe it live in it
don’t drink the kool-aid do backstrokes
in it hi this is Dan Locke if you’re a
fan of Evans work if you want to know
exactly how to model my success I want
to invite you to join me for a special
online training all you have to do is
click on a link below you can join me
for absolutely no charge so click a link
below and I will see you in class if you
want more Dane Locke check at the top 10
rules video I did on him the link is
right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there why do you think people watch
reality TV you know what I thought my
life is a mess but look at these people
on TV instantly if you better buy yourself
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