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you say that if we change our thinking
we can change our lives
oh we do we do constantly and all the
time you think a negative thought you’re
going to go on a downward spiral you
think a positive thought will attract
some wonderful things to you
I have come to realize it boils down to
choosing the thoughts you think and
choosing the foods you eat and when you
can be wise in both areas you have
perfect health because the body knows
how to take care of itself but not if
you give it a lot of junk look in the
mirror especially first thing in the
morning and just look in their eyes and
say their name and say I love you I
really really love you and this is
enormous ly hard for most people to do
to begin with but as you continue to do
it it makes a big difference you see
life loves you life really loves you but
if you don’t love yourself it’s very
hard for life to bring you the goodies
it doesn’t matter what happens in your
life you were more than any moment give
no place to guilt give no place to worry
give no place to bitterness first thing
in the morning and last thing in the
evening I want you to look into your
eyes and say I love you
I really love you
imagine your life is like a container
you are created to be filled with joy
peace confidence creativity but if you
allow worry in it pushes out the peace
there’s not space for both it’s easy to
go through life holding on to things
that are weighing us down guilt
resentment doubt worry the problem is
when we allow these things in there
taking up space for the good things that
should be there what you are thinking
now is creating the way you feel in your
body now and your experiences tomorrow
you control what’s in your container you
control what you think about what you
choose to allow in there’s no challenge
you can’t face it overcome all the
events of our lives don’t control our
lives our decisions do and the reason
some people don’t enjoy their lives is
because their container their heart is
contaminated with so many things they
have 10% worried stressed out over their
job 12% bitterness mad at their neighbor
20% guilt beating themselves up for past
9% jealousy their co-worker is more
beautiful they don’t realize 70% of
their container is negative but if you
don’t love yourself it’s very hard for
life to bring you the goodies
you have the freedom to think anything
you want you were born extremely
confident you came into this world
knowing how wonderful you are so choose
new thoughts to think about yourself and
choose new words to tell yourself how
magnificent you are and that you deserve
all the good that life has to offer
today is a new day today is the day for
you to begin creating a joyous
fulfilling life today is the day to
begin to release all your limitations
today is the day for you to learn the
secrets of life you can change your life
for the better
you already have the tools within you to
do this these tools are your thoughts
and your beliefs we all have negative
emotions negative feelings do you have
to make the choice I’m not going to give
this jealousy this bitterness this anger
valuable space and let it poison my life
I’m going to protect what I allow in me
an affirmation opens the way it is the
beginning point of change
every thought you think and every word
you speak is an affirmation every time
you get angry you are firming that you
want more anger in your life every time
you feel like a victim you are affirming
that you want to continue to feel like a
victim if you feel that life does not
give you what you want in your world
then it is certain you will never have
the goodies that life gives to others
until you change the way you think and
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